Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 223 Deliberately doing it

"Did you have Du Ze's crutch customized?"

Yan Kuan raised his eyebrows and looked at this crutch, which was simply the finishing touch. Using it in such a big way, wasn't it just to tell everyone about everything he had experienced?

"I thought it looked good at the time, but I didn't expect that Du Ze was so smart that he would actually use it here. Yu Lang is now teaching Du Ze step by step, was it you who gave the signal?"

Shen Xiaoxiao remembered what Yan Kuan once said to her about generals. Didn't he say that Du Ze was not the kind of person who could be a general? Why did you suddenly start teaching again?

"Well, Yu Lang, I want to transfer back abroad. The KN Group's branch in China has other candidates for the time being. Du Ze is not bad as the helmsman of China. If your Dongyou Kingdom wants to develop to the world, I will re-elect the candidates. Looking for you.”

Shen Xiaoxiao was choked by Yan Kuan's grand words. The country of China has not yet spread all over the country, so are you considering going abroad? Is this too fast?

"I think it's better to take it step by step and be down-to-earth. My Dongyou Kingdom has only been established for less than half a year. It's too fast and I'm afraid the foundation will be unstable."

Yan Kuan smiled, is this also called an unstable foundation? The development of Dongyou Country has exceeded his imagination. If Du Ze hadn't taken the first step towards online games, KN's second step in China would have been aimed at this area.

However, since it is Xiaodong's private property, he still respects it very much, and he has always stood aside and watched. Any general direction is controlled by Xiaodong himself. Now it seems that the effect is beyond his expectation.

But it was only a matter of time before he entered the foreign country. This little thing couldn't escape even if he wanted to. How could he let her focus all on this?

She should think of him all the time, so he would look for candidates, but based on the development prospects of Dongyou Country, she had no choice but to refuse.

"Why don't you come over and say hello?"

Yan Kuan's group stood there leisurely, looking at Du Ze who was trying to get both sides but was shying away from women. It seemed that this boy had been severely hurt by the woman. How dare he be so cowardly?

"Do you understand to avoid suspicion? She is so popular now, why should I join in the fun? Besides, it's not time yet."

Yan Kuan smiled and didn't say anything. The two of them chatted about other things, but when he saw An Ning coming out, Shen Xiaoxiao still reminded him: "An Ning is out. Do you think you should go now or later?"

She has not forgotten their main task tonight. Now the eldest lady, the sister that Yan Kuan did not want to admit, has come out. Now Shen Xiaoxiao really understands why Yan Kuan did not like to see Ouyang Ning from the beginning. .

It’s really this brother and sister, oh, don’t make it too chaotic, okay? What a disgusting feeling.

It's just that although An Ning doesn't know what the internal relationship is here, the feeling of being so stalked and rushing to get there is a bit annoying.

"Are you sure you can do it alone?"

"Of course, when women go against women, there are many things that cause quarrels. And you still don't believe in my fighting ability? She is so angry that she is fuming."

Yan Kuan raised his eyebrows, so confident? However, the Ouyang family is not only heavily guarded, but also covers an extremely large area.

This is a unique existence in China. In the early years of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Ouyang family spent half of their family property to acquire a unique and independent existence.

Otherwise, why could the Ouyang family be able to sit still for so long?

Is Yan Kuan familiar with the Ouyang family? Of course he is familiar with it, not to mention the few years he lived there when he was a child, and the maps and some improvements that he arranged to enter from time to time over the years. Yan Kuan calculated carefully. He only inspected the most important locations and those he thought were questionable. Location, it will take about an hour to complete.

There are a lot of people present now, and of course almost all of them arrived at least an hour in advance, and there were also some who arrived 2 hours in advance.

If they hadn't had a purpose tonight, they wouldn't have come so early.

Now we set out to come back in time for the so-called drama of recognizing our ancestors and returning to our clan, so we have to hurry up.

Ouyang Tian knows Yan Kuan's identity. If Ouyang Tian doesn't see Yan Kuan by then, he will definitely be suspicious. After entering here, everyone may have been caught in the camera.

"Yan, are you here? My father and grandfather will be here soon. I must introduce you to them properly this time."

After An Ning spoke, she glanced at Shen Xiaoxiao provocatively. Shen Xiaoxiao stroked her eyebrows. How could Ouyang Ning be made so stupid by the Ouyang family? She frowned slightly and glanced at the camera not far away, protecting her. Like a brat, he deliberately took a step forward with a hint of provocation and stood directly in front of Ouyang Ning, while blocking Yan Kuan behind him.

This action of protecting the cub simply made Yan Kuan love him to death. He wanted to but didn't dare to laugh. He secretly poked Shen Xiaoxiao's back with his fingers, making her whole body numb. Damn it. Are men in heat everywhere? Who is she doing this for now? Really annoying.

Shen Xiaoxiao took a step forward, and An Ning naturally took a step back. Her original posture and temperament were all calculated and she had practiced them countless times in the past. However, she was blocked by this sudden person and had to After taking a big step back, An Ning's movements suddenly became extremely unnatural and weird.

As the daughter of an aristocratic family, you may have a stupid brain, or you may not be able to speak, but the posture and movements of closing your mouth and speaking to the outside world must be standard, and there must be no rudeness or flaws.

Now that she had made a fool of herself, An Ning naturally became angry. In addition, she had old and new hatred for Shen Xiaoxiao. She didn't know what she was thinking. She took the wine glass in her hand and poured it on Shen Xiaoxiao. In the past, of course, the splashing movements were somewhat restrained. Naturally, in the eyes of others, it was because Shen Xiaoxiao's movements scared An Ning, which made her lose her composure and not hold the glass steady.

Shen Xiaoxiao had expected this for a long time. Isn't this a usual drama? If your clothes are soiled, you will naturally have to change them. This not only distracts her, but also creates opportunities for herself.

When Shen Xiaoxiao saw her doing this, he quickly turned to the side. Now, a glass of red wine was poured all over Yan Kuan.

Although he was wearing a black dress, his white shirt was still stained with spots, making him look extremely embarrassed.

"Yeah, Brother Kuan, your clothes."

"Ah, Yan, no, I didn't mean it."

Yan Kuan frowned, looking with disgust at An Ning who wanted to step forward to wipe the wine stains for him, and said to An Ning unhappily:

"No need to bother Miss Ouyang. Excuse me for a moment. Xiaoxiao, ask the assistant to bring me clothes while I go to the bathroom."

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