Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 224 Chapter 224: Quarreling again? Aren't you afraid of abuse?

"Shen Xiaoxiao, why do I remember that our Ouyang family has not sent an invitation to Shen's company? How did you get in here? Besides, a company like Shen's that is not even as good as a third-rate company is trying to squeeze into the upper class? You'd better be good Live up to your own virtue!"

Shen Xiaoxiao saw that as soon as Yan Kuan left, he lost his pretentiousness and pretended peace. He really wanted to ask, how could Yan Kuan, a guy with an unusual head, have such a sister?

"Miss Ouyang, can I ask you a question?"

An Ning's mocking expression was stunned for a moment, then changed again, and said to Shen Xiaoxiao, "Ask me a question? Didn't you understand what I said?"

"Understood? Of course I understand it so loudly, but I want to ask if Miss Ouyang is blind or highly myopic? Didn't you see that Yan Kuan and I came in arm in arm? Even fools know that I am His female companion, you actually asked me how I got in. I'm really worried about Miss Ouyang's mental state. Is this caused by lack of calcium since childhood or lack of love? It's really pitiful."

"You bitch, Shen Xiaoxiao, what are you dragging? Yan Kuan treats you as a plaything now. You really think you are a treasure. The treasure is not much more than a treasure.

Did you, Mr. Shen, Yan Kuan lend a hand to help you when something happened? no? That means that in his mind, you are just playing for fun. When you get tired of playing, you will naturally throw it away. You are the only idiot who still follows up every day with great power. If you have this time, you might as well take care of your Shen enterprise.

But I almost forgot that trying to support the Shen family based on Shen's small education and talents is just a fantasy, right? "

Listening to An Ning mocking her for not having attended a day of school in more than ten years abroad, she felt that An Ning had finally made some progress. He could think of these things and was no longer like a firecracker that would ignite at a moment's notice.

"Ms. Ouyang's IQ has improved. Yes, you can draw inferences about other cases and think of these things. But with your brain capacity, you probably can't imagine that there is a kind of person called a professional manager in this world. As long as you can afford the money, you are afraid that no one will help you." Do you manage the company?

Of course, Miss Ouyang really doesn’t understand these things in the shopping mall. After all, Miss Ouyang became an actress at a young age, and she had such a big scandal not long ago. Hey, I quite admire Miss Ouyang. She still dares to do so now. When I go out, my face becomes thicker and thicker after taking too many injections. "

This is not the first time Shen Xiaoxiao's sharp-tongued An Ning has asked for advice, but once again she was ridiculed like this, and not only was she called an actress, but now she was said to have had plastic surgery. This simply didn't drive her crazy.

"Shen Xiaoxiao, you think I don't know that you asked someone to get those photos. Just wait for me. Sooner or later, I want you to look good."

An Ning felt that if she didn't leave here, she might not be able to restrain herself from slapping Shen Xiaoxiao, but she grew up here in the Ouyang family mansion and knew the things in this hall very well. There were cameras everywhere. Some are exposed, and some are hidden in places where the bottom cannot be seen. If she dares to cause trouble now, no matter how much her grandfather loves her, he will lock her in a dark room and think about her mistakes.

Therefore, instead of looking for abuse here, it is better to leave now and go to your own territory. It is not easy to deal with a woman. Moreover, Yan Kuan went to the bathroom. If he waits for the assistant to bring clothes, it will take at least half an hour. , it’s so easy to do something.

An Ning turned around and left. Shen Xiaoxiao raised an eyebrow, oh, is this all gone? An Ning is not someone who suffers easily. It seems that she has to be careful tonight, otherwise the tricks used by these wealthy families will either destroy people's innocence or create scandals for others. She really needs to keep her eyes open.

Huang Yueyan had gone abroad a week ago, and there was a small episode in the middle.

At that time, Huang Yueyan had already bought the ticket and everything was in order, but when she arrived at the airport, she was blocked by Huang Delong who suddenly came out of nowhere.

Well, now, his daughter secretly transferred all the property. Not only did Huang Delong have nothing, but he also knew nothing about it. It was only at the end that he heard someone talk about it.

Of course, Huang Yueyan didn't need to guess who this interested person was, but she really underestimated Huo Wanting's methods. She hid Huang Delong in such a secretive way and threw it into such a place where no bird poops, but he was able to find it back. It seems that Or she was too soft-hearted.

Huang Delong was trapped on the island for several months, along with his precious son. He had nothing on him except rice, and, oh, by the way, there were also two young models who went with him. This was to abandon them on the island. This lonely island.

No need to guess at that time, he knew that his extraordinarily powerful daughter must have known about the illegitimate child, otherwise she would dare to do this to him?

After waiting for several months, someone finally came to find him. After Huo Wanting said this, he was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat. It seemed that it was not just as simple as abandoning him, but also... I am not going to leave any money to him.

That's not right, leaving 35% of the property here, but Huang Yueyan's methods were too ruthless. Through the lawyer, it was clearly stipulated that except for the living expenses of 2,000 yuan per month, he could not get any other spare money.

Isn’t this the fate of Huang Delong, who has been a playboy since he was a child? No, I knew this damn girl was going to run away, so I immediately chased her.

"You want money? Are you looking for your son? Didn't you say that you want your precious son to take care of you until the end of your life? Go? Huang Delong, if I were you, I would rather stay on the island and never come back. There is no shortage of beauties, food, and everything else. Yours, why are you coming back?"

"I knew it was you, you damn girl, I am your father and you actually dare to do this to me."

"Dad? Huh, is there any father who gets involved with my sister-in-law? Do you think I'm stupid? My mother is so angry that she wants to make me angry? Let me tell you, I, Huang Yueyan, am not someone who can be bullied.

Since you love your son and your little aunt, then go find them. I won't play with you any more.

By the way, don't say I've treated you badly. The lawyer will call you every month for the alimony you should pay. As for the rest, whether it's you or one of your sons and aunts, don't even think about it. One of you two will send Mr. Huang back. "

Fortunately, she had made arrangements in advance. After Huang Yueyan glanced at the two bodyguards, she quickly walked into the waiting hall. She was still smart and gave herself two people to escort her all the way. She avoided a car accident and a porcelain accident, and was beaten once. The kid got away with it once.

There have been no less than five accidents at the airport. Now that you have entered the terminal, you just have to get on the plane and see who can even land and stop the plane with hands and eyes, hum!

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