The small space on all sides was a bit stuffy and boring. Opening the car window and letting the wind from outside blew in, so that she could get a brief moment of sobriety.

19 glanced at the lady quietly. At this moment, he didn't dare to drive the car too fast, and he didn't want to just go back to the villa. He could only wander along the park road.

Nearly 2 hours have passed since the quarrel broke out, and the young lady hasn't said a word. If it wasn't for them, the young lady wouldn't have quarreled with the boss, right?

"Miss, I'm sorry, it was all because of our affairs that caused you and the boss to quarrel."

Shen Xiaoxiao turned his head, looked at 19 and smiled slightly: "What nonsense are you talking about? This is what I should do, oh, no, it is not what I should do now.

19Do you still remember the question I asked you that day? "

19 was stunned, what’s the problem?

"I actually always knew that Yan Kuan loved me."

With such a simple sentence, 19 had no idea how to interface. He didn't know what to say for a long time.

The car was driving slowly, and after arriving at the park gate, Shen Xiaoxiao continued to say:

"Let's get out of the car and take a walk. The sunshine is so nice today."

19 obediently parked the car to one side, and the two of them walked on the path in the park one after another.

"Miss, if you are tired, sit down and rest. The doctor said you can't do too strenuous exercise yet."

Shen Xiaoxiao smiled. She seemed to be particularly fond of smiling today, and she seemed to have no quarrels with Yan Kuan.

"Don't worry, I know. 19, what kind of person is your boss?"

19 After being bored for a long time, he didn’t expect the young lady to ask this question, but when it came to the boss, he was very impressed and said to Shen Xiaoxiao:

"The boss is an apprentice personally taught by the old master of the Dark Empire. It is said that the boss is only 15 years old and can already fight unbeatable in underground boxing matches throughout Africa, just like you, miss.

There are many enemies in the Dark Empire. After the death of the old master, the eldest son succeeded to the throne. However, there were many people in the empire who were unconvinced. After all, the eldest son was only 18 years old at the time. The four major hall masters at that time were not the four now. They were left behind by the old master. Training for the boss.

The four hall masters worked together and almost killed the boss. Hundreds of people were besieging him at that time. I have never seen such a scene, but it is said that no one survived at that time, and the boss was responsible for everything.

It was because of that battle that the boss completely recovered the Dark Empire and firmly established himself as the Black Emperor.

Although the boss is cruel, he is very good to our brothers. The four hall masters at that time and now are the secret guards trained by the old hall master for the boss since he was a child. They have followed the boss through life and death. Miss, do you still remember Feng Hao's finger?

That was an injury sustained during a mission. At that time, the boss went alone and leveled the gambling den in the Golden Triangle to avenge Feng Hao.

Our brothers are all impressed by the loyalty of the boss..."

"Loyalty? Very loyal indeed."

At that time, you could be so loyal for one person's finger, but what about now?

19 Seeing that there was something wrong with the young lady's tone, she naturally thought of the 50 brothers, and for a moment she didn't know how to speak.

The boss is indeed loyal, but now, why not save those brothers, there are 50 of them.

The atmosphere was a bit gloomy. Shen Xiaoxiao stood by the river, looking at the children playing in the lake not far away. He touched his belly naturally with his palms and said softly to 19:

"19, who is your master?"

19 I was surprised, is this the problem again? The boss asked him this question yesterday, and his answer was that his master was the Black Emperor of the Dark Empire.

He was personally sent by the boss to protect the young lady. At that time, he said that his master would be the young lady from now on, but he always knew very well in his heart who was his real master.

But now, how should he answer the lady's question?

19 After not speaking for a long time, Shen Xiaoxiao was not in a hurry. He sat on a wooden stool next to him, his eyes blank, still looking into the distance.

19 looked at the young lady, and heard the words An Yi once said again. An Yi said that since the boss asked him to follow the young lady, he is the young lady's person, and there will be no traitors in the Dark Empire.

But he grew up in the Dark Empire. If he really wanted to say that he was no longer a member of the Dark Empire, he couldn't do it.

"If you can't think of it, don't think about it. You are from the Dark Empire. Remember that your master is your Black Emperor. No matter whether he gave you to me or not, your master is still the Black Emperor."

Shen Xiaoxiao suddenly interrupted, breaking the tranquility between the two.

19's heart tightened, and he stood there respectfully. These words were like a slap in his face, making him not sure what to do.

"19. How are Third Uncle and Eminem doing abroad?"

The topic jumped so fast, 19 said hurriedly: "Miss, don't worry, that place is the healing place of the Dark Empire. There will be no problem with the place where the boss kisses. Moreover, Grandma Lin's eyes have been operated on. Now they Taking a good rest."

"Oh, it's fine, but I remember that it will be the death anniversary of my grandfather and father in a while. They live so close to each other. I'm afraid the third uncle wants to come back."

"I will arrange for someone to pick up Uncle San by then."

"There's no need for this. It's just for rest anyway. The Liu family doesn't have the ability to deal with our family now. If the third uncle comes back, he can come back. You tell the third uncle that his favorite jujube tree by the Xihe Gangzi is ripe, but Liu My aunt said this year’s dates are bitter, which is a pity.”

19 was stunned for a moment. The young lady is so kind to the third uncle. I still remember that the third uncle likes jujube trees. How can such a young lady be treated so ruthlessly?

"Miss, I will talk to him when I get back."

"Well, keep my pregnancy a secret. Your boss and I are still quarreling. It won't do any good to tell him. Maybe he will be angry with my decision. This is a life after all. 19 You know me Do you mean it?"

19 suddenly thought, no, the boss wouldn't be so cruel.

"Miss, the boss won't do that. Those are his own flesh and blood. He won't do that, right?"

"19. I don't care if he knows it or not. I am a mother and I want to make the best plan for my child. This is a human life, not a cat or a dog. I can't care less."

"But I still don't think the boss will be so cruel."

"19, 50 lives, I can't get over this hurdle, and I don't dare to gamble."

Shen Xiaoxiao's last words were very shocking. As expected, 19 did not interrupt. As expected, the consequences of this incident were too great. Even people like 19 who are sincerely devoted to the Dark Empire feel sad for them. Yan Kuan has really taken one step so bad that he can no longer do it. Bad move.

"You're just 19, don't blame me for taking advantage of your innocence. At this moment, I just want to save my life and the flesh and blood in my belly."

Shen Xiaoxiao thought silently in his heart, how could she be like this unless she had to?

"Miss, I must keep my mouth shut. I promise you that I will do my best to protect you and the young master."

Shen Xiaoxiao glanced at 19, smiled, stood up, patted the invisible dust on his legs, and said lightly:

"Let's go, the wind is blowing..."

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