Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 251 When to save someone and when to forgive you

Yan Kuan moved, his legs moved slowly, and he seemed to be waking up. Shen Xiaoxiao was a little excited and wanted to tell him to wake up quickly.

The obsidian star in their hands seemed to be what those people wanted, and they couldn't take it off after a long time.

At this time, Shen Xiaoxiao saw a man holding a knife and trying to cut off Yan Kuan's finger with the black star. Shen Xiaoxiao was shocked and shouted anxiously, "No, no." …

The light rain outside the window started to fall. I touched the beads of sweat on my forehead. How could I wake up at this time? It would be nice to just dream a little longer and dream a little longer.

She wanted to see if it was cut down.

I lay down and listened to the patter of raindrops outside the window, but I couldn't fall asleep. The room was dark, and the raindrops pattered on the window.

He simply stood up, poured a glass of warm water, looked at the time and it was only after 2 o'clock, sighed, turned on the light and looked carefully at the obsidian star in his hand.

She tried it, but it still couldn't be taken off. In fact, she had tried countless times before. No matter whether she used soap or lubricant, she couldn't take off the ring.

The green jade sparkled under the light, and the ring on her finger still fit so well and looked so beautiful, but her heart felt cold.

"Click, click" the sound of unlocking the door sounded.

"Dong dong dong..." Then there was a knock on the door, and Shen Xiaoxiao frowned. Who is it so late?

"Shen Xiaoxiao, open the door."

Shen Xiaoxiao was stunned, it was actually Yan Kuan? It's so late, what is he doing here? It's been a few days since I was discharged from the hospital and I haven't seen anyone yet. What are you doing here in the middle of the night?

"What's up?"

As soon as the door opened, Shen Xiaoxiao looked at the man standing at the door with an angry look on his face. The smell of alcohol on his body was strong and exciting. How much had he drank?

"Why did you lock the door?"

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at the man who wanted to enter the room in a funny way, pulled the door and blocked his way, looked at him mockingly and said:

"Of course it's to prevent some night owls from going out and wandering around without sleeping in the middle of the night."

"Shen Xiaoxiao, remember your identity. You are my bed partner. As long as I need it, you have to give it to me. Go away and let me in. Otherwise, you can go to my room."

"Did you drink too much or not enough? Do you want to try further? Yan Kuan, don't forget, I, Shen Xiaoxiao, am not someone to be trifled with. If we really want to fight, we are not sure who will win and who will lose."

Shen Xiaoxiao squeezed Yan Kuan's hand that was about to push the door open. He probably drank too much and didn't pay attention. Shen Xiaoxiao was so stunned that she had to take two steps back.

"Don't regret it."

When Yan Kuan saw this woman with an aura as strong as ice, he knew that what she said was not a lie, so he immediately turned around and left. His arms were swaying with his back, and he looked at Shen Xiaoxiao's eyebrows furrowed.

It's so easy to get rid of it, okay, so that she won't have an uncomfortable sleep tonight. There will probably be more days like this in the future...

After closing the door, Shen Xiaoxiao touched the necklace around his neck. How did he put down the locator? Is it really impossible to remove it?

A sleepless night...

The next day, Yan Kuan went to the company early in the morning, and when Shen Xiaoxiao went downstairs, he happened to come over with the cooked bird's nest porridge.

Looking at Shen Xiaoxiao, he hurriedly said: "Miss, get up. This is the bird's nest porridge that the boss specially asked to cook for you before he left. Drink it while it's hot."

Shen Xiaoxiao paused slightly when he came downstairs, then continued to walk to the dining table and stood there as if nothing had happened, looking at 19 with a look of disgust:

"There's no taste in my mouth, 19. I want to eat wontons from Da Dong Alley. Let's go eat wontons!"

19 was stunned, and looked at the bird's nest porridge in his hand, and then at the abdomen that the young lady was touching with both hands. After all, the young master won, and the boss didn't seem to coax the young lady well, but he also believed that every time they quarreled, The ladies always win, and this time is certainly no exception. If you don’t drink, you won’t drink. Even if the boss knows, it’s useless.

"Okay, miss, let's go now."

"Well, go to the company after eating. The project that your boss personally requested for our Shen family, I, the boss, cannot ignore."

"Didn't you drink the bird's nest porridge?"

"Yes, boss. The lady said she wanted to eat wontons, so 19 took her to eat wontons. She also said that the decoration project of Ouyang's house was very important, so she went to the company after eating."

Yan Kuan waved his hand and let people go down. Is this a coincidence or did he discover something?

She shook her head a little irritably. If she was wary, should she change her strategy?

The president's office was empty. Shen Xiaoxiao walked in and walked around before telling 19 that he wanted to inspect the company, and then walked to several other departments.

19 followed closely, watching Shen Xiaoxiao inspecting each room. He was always waiting at the door. 19 actually admired Shen Xiaoxiao. She worked hard, but she didn't study hard.

She would communicate with the manager attentively in every office, and occasionally sit in front of the computer to check something. Such a capable lady, the boss should not let him down.

He felt that the young lady was much better than that Ouyang Leke.

After checking the office, Shen Xiaoxiao slowly returned to the office. 19 did not come in. Shen Xiaoxiao opened the computer casually and made a few more calls after a while. He casually used some in the office at noon. When he got off work, 19 looked at The boss came here in person.

There was a sudden joy on his face, look, let him just say it, the boss will never win against the young lady, look, wouldn't he come in person?

Shen Xiaoxiao continued to deal with the matter in his hands without raising his head. Yan Kuan looked at it, raised his eyebrows, casually sat on the chair, looked at her and said:

"Are you still angry? You are really angry. Come on, let's go to dinner. I've made a reservation and asked someone to cook your favorite vegetarian food."

"You go ahead, I'm not free."

Yan Kuan refused without looking at it. His anger suddenly rose, but when he thought of his purpose, he suppressed his anger again and said to her:

"You still need to eat even if you don't have time. What time is it? If you are too busy, I will find someone to come and help you."

Shen Xiaoxiao raised his head from the document and said to him:

"You have to be busy even if you are too busy. This is the property of my Shen family, and I will not ignore it. Also, Yan Kuan, haven't you forgotten what we did before?

If you want me to forgive you, fine, tell me, when will arrangements be made to rescue those imprisoned brothers? "

"Shen Xiaoxiao, I said, you are not qualified to ask about those things."

"Okay, if you don't have the qualifications, you don't have the qualifications, but I'm leaving my words behind. When will we rescue those brothers, when will the matter between the two of us be over.

Yan Kuan, don't look angry. You should know my temper. The more you behave like this, the less likely I will be able to forgive you.

Please get out now, I don't want to talk to you. "

"Shen Xiaoxiao, don't regret it."

"Regret? There really needs to be a regret medicine in this world. I took it long ago, please!"

Yan Kuan turned around and left in frustration, but as soon as he reached the door, Shen Xiaoxiao heard a "bang" and looked up to see that Yan Kuan had fainted at the door without warning, which scared Shen Xiaoxiao to the point of reflex. He stood up from the sofa in an instant...

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