Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 263 The Lightest Punishment

Shen Xiaoxiao hid quietly in the dark. As for Pei Li, he was still lying there carefree. Pregnant women were not allowed to lift heavy objects. Besides, she didn't want to touch a dirty person like him.

No matter who came in, they couldn't get out anyway, and she didn't intend to let those who wanted to bully her leave with their limbs intact.

Hiding behind the cabinet on one side, she listened carefully to the sound of subtle footsteps walking from the door to the room. After seeing it clearly, Shen Xiaoxiao stared at the man's back with a livid face. He didn't make any sound for a long time, and then Then stand directly behind that person.

When Ouyang Yu turned around, he saw a woman, still wearing white clothes with disheveled hair, standing motionless and staring at him. It was not too scary in the middle of the night.

Ouyang Yu screamed in fright, but Shen Xiaoxiao gave him no chance to scream. He punched him and knocked him out again.

Now two men were lying here side by side, and the video function of Ouyang Yu's phone was turned on. Shen Xiaoxiao picked it up and opened it to see, hum, Ouyang Le, it turned out that it was the woman Ouyang Le who notified Ouyang Yu to come over.

It seems that she is really a hundred times smarter and a hundred times more vicious than Ouyang An Ning. She knew so quickly that Ouyang Yu was the person who had once thought of coveting her, and she actually directed him over. The address on the text message was written so clearly. , you don’t need to think about it to know that it was given by Yan Kuan.

Okay, that’s really good.

Shen Xiaoxiao called 19 on Ouyang Yu's mobile phone, and then sat quietly on the sofa and looked at the two people, his mind kept turning over what to do.

Fifteen minutes later, 19 arrived at the hotel room sweating profusely. As soon as he opened the door, he first looked at the two men lying motionless on the ground with a look of surprise, and then he looked at the young lady sitting safely on the sofa, and felt a little nervous. It comes down to the real point, just be fine if nothing happens to the lady, just be fine if nothing is fine.

"Miss, what should we do with these two people?"

"Disposal? Just kill that Ouyang Yu, pack his body and put it on Ouyang Le's bed.

Didn’t the Ouyang family always think that they were omnipotent? Do you think that by kidnapping Yan Kuan, everything will be under his control?

dream! I want to see how arrogant they can be. "

19 I was stunned. Is the lady going to be cruel? But anyway, this can be regarded as a shock to the Ouyang family. Do you really think that no one will know that the boss has been captured? The Dark Empire is not to be trifled with.

"Miss, what about this one? I've been very popular recently."

"Yes, since he is so glorious, then the punishment should be lighter.

However, since he was so half-naked, it was obvious that his sperm was in his head. Out of a humane reaction, he castrated his baby and flushed it down the toilet. He cut his right hand tendon and shattered his right kneecap.

Okay, let's go to the bathroom and do it. The smell of blood is too strong and it's not good for the baby! "

19 Everyone was stunned, okay? Is this light? Are you sure this punishment is light? Destroying the most important thing for a grown man, why did he feel so much pain just thinking about it?

And there are also broken hand tendons and broken kneecaps. Is this called a lighter punishment?

The standards of the lady are really very high.

He actually felt that this dead one seemed to be more happy than this one. Would it be a little more relaxed?

"19, what are you thinking? Don't you dare to do it? Or do you think your lady and I are too bloody?"

19 was shocked, it wasn't that he didn't dare, he just didn't react for a long time, okay?

"19. If your little master hadn't had morning sickness today and hadn't adapted to that cup of medicated white water, when you found me, your young lady, it's very likely that you would have been taken turns by these two men. One corpse and two lives.”

Shen Xiao's novel was light and airy, but 19 felt heavy after listening to it. Those people actually didn't even let them drink water. They were careless. They originally thought that they just didn't touch food and drink. This drinking water is provided by the whole villa. Everyone knows how to drink, but I didn't expect that they would poison here. It's just too much to bully people.

Just thinking about the young lady's body and two lives made him itch with hatred. These two people simply deserved to go to the 18th level of hell.

It is a piece of cake for 19 to deal with a person without letting him bleed even a little bit. He only needs to tilt his neck and the person will die.

As for the other one, 19 is even more critical. 19 has not done anything to cut off his penis. He feels that instead of cutting it off directly, it is better to let him still grow on it, but it will be of no use. This is obviously better.

The kneecap is even simpler. When you pinch it gently, you can only hear a clicking sound. Not even the Great Luo Immortal can restore him, and he is destined to use crutches to walk in the future.

This hand tendon is also simple. This is 19's unique skill. It only requires a wound the size of a pinhole to break the man's right hand tendon and reconnect it. He will never be able to use force in the future, fearing that it will be difficult to write.

"Yes, you did a good job, and you really didn't smell anything. But 19, how did you get here just now? Did the camera outside catch you?"

"Don't worry, miss, these cameras can't stop me. When I came here, I suspended the surveillance system on the entire floor for half an hour and they won't be able to restore it."

"Oh, well, let's go out quickly and take this body with us."

"Miss, you're not dead yet. We'll wait until we get to Ouyang's house to deal with it. I'm afraid I'll offend the young master."

Shen Xiaoxiao is happy, this 19 is indeed attentive and considerate. It would be even better if she is a woman. Even if she is a man, she feels that she can't live without 19 now.

"19, you will be your little master's daddy from now on. It's so easy to worry about. You did a good job. Tell me what gift you want, and the lady will reward you."

Daddy? What is this name?

"Miss, can you please change your title?" 19 felt that his facial features were a bit abnormal.

And looking at Shen Xiaoxiao, a person who never knew what he was thinking, he was afraid that she might have other crooked ideas, so he hurriedly continued:

"Miss, let's go! That Pei Li will probably wake up in about an hour."

19 This time he was smart. After saying that, he picked up Ouyang Yu, opened the door and walked out.

"Oh, okay, but 19 do you really not like the title of nanny? I think it's very good, how about nanny? But the nanny has to breastfeed, 19 are you sure you like the nanny or not the nanny?"

19 I really don’t know if all pregnant women have such weird thoughts, I just feel like they can’t communicate normally.

"Miss, the housekeeper is actually quite good."

"Butler? But I still think nanny is the most suitable one!"


"Okay, I won't tease you anymore, Dad, let's go quickly, the elevator is here!"

The two walked away talking and laughing, but they didn't know that a bigger crisis was waiting for them.

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