Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 264 Special Death Method, New Dark Three

Things went extremely smoothly. According to 19's skills, it was the easiest thing to enter the yard of the Ouyang women as long as they did not enter the innermost area of ​​the Ouyang family and the house of the men of the Ouyang family.

19 knew that the Ouyang family was good at using medicine. The medicine that was given to Shen Xiaoxiao last time was very effective. This time when 19 entered Ouyang Le's room, he blew the medicine in first. Anyway, it made Ouyang Le sleep deeply. No response.

Then he took off the clothes of Ouyang Yu and Ouyang Le, and wrapped them tightly in quilts.

19 did not kill Ouyang Yu directly, but first fed Ouyang Yu a large amount of intoxicating drugs and some special pills. After all, hadn't he always had this habit of taking drugs?

Then he fed Ouyang Le a small amount, and finally sprinkled the red wine next to him around the bed, making the whole room smell of wine.

Then, Ouyang Le was placed on Ouyang Yu's body, and Ouyang Yu's entire chest was blocked tightly. As long as the two of them remained motionless for about 2 hours, Ouyang Yu would definitely die of suffocation.

It's still early before dawn. When Ouyang Le gets up early tomorrow, there will probably be a shadow on Ouyang Le, right?

Shen Xiaoxiao was dumbfounded after sitting in the car and listening to how 19 did it. Such an exquisite design and such a perverted way of death were really something that 19 could not have imagined.

"19, after staying with your boss for a long time, you have become more and more perverted. You can come up with such great ideas without getting your hands dirty. It's amazing, it's amazing, but What if the two of them move when they are halfway? Then Ouyang Yu will be fine, right?

"Miss, I gave Ouyang Yu a lot of drugs and gave Ouyang Yu double the amount of pills. Even if Ouyang Le woke up halfway, Ouyang Yu wouldn't be able to wake up. Mixing the two drugs is the most damaging to the brain, and I gave Ouyang Yu It was so severe that there is absolutely no possibility of returning to normal.”

"Did Ouyang Yu carry the pills with him?"

"Well, yes, it's from Ouyang Yu."

"Oh, I understand, so we must truly love life and stay away from drugs, do you understand?"

"I know, miss."

"19, don't touch those things in the future. You, the nanny, should act like a nanny and don't teach the children bad things."

19 touched his nose and decided not to say a word to the lady again. This lady is so out of touch that it is almost impossible for people to adapt, okay?

An Er stood respectfully at the door of the room, his head lowered, and his eyes and face could not be seen clearly.

Fake Yan Kuan sat on the chair and stared at him closely. This An Er seemed to be loyal to him, but if someone hadn't told him that the bomb was made by 19 himself, he would still have been beaten by this An Er. Fool it over.

Now when I asked him directly, he said that it was him who gave the instructions. I couldn't tell that this An Er was really loyal.

But loyalty alone is not enough for him. His origin is suspicious and cannot be easily seen through, otherwise he will be the one who falls into the dust, so he is much more cautious than anyone else.

Of course, he was also wary of the skills of An Er, who was said to be the most powerful among all the secret guards. Therefore, there were not only more than ten people standing there in the room, but each of them was holding a loaded firearm. As long as this An Er dares to take one step, he will definitely be beaten into a hornet's nest.

"An Er, are you done? Are you sure it wasn't Shen Xiaoxiao's instruction?"

Jiu Yankuan still didn't believe it. After all, he came to his office for no reason and blew up the safe for no reason. What was he doing? What was there before the safe?

He didn't have the password so he never opened it, but a safe that could be blown up must have something important inside.

Some of Shen Xiaoxiao's actions at that time made it clear that he wanted to keep 19 there. Therefore, the more I think about it now, the more suspicious Shen Xiaoxiao is.

But An Er was very protective of Shen Xiaoxiao. Even though he was like this, he still refused to confess her. It seemed that he was not strong enough.

"It was not Miss's instruction. Everything was done by 19 and I. You don't know anything. 19, he loves An Yi, and An Yi is my brother. Therefore, we were confused for a moment. Please forgive us, Lord."

An Er gritted his teeth and confessed 19. In the current situation, 19 is definitely not able to escape the relationship, but this young lady must be saved. The young lady is their last hope, she must be.

"You said 19 is gay? He loves An Yi?"

Fake Yan Kuan is simply unbelievable. I never expected to hear this answer. Isn't this a joke?

Then An Er seemed to want to verify this and continued to the fake: "Everyone in the entire base knows about this. The boss can ask anyone at will."

As expected, the fake turned his head and looked at the gun-wielding secret guards beside him. They all nodded, and he finally believed what he said.

But when he asked, An Er was punched hard in the heart, and his hands were squeezed tightly, as if he was about to bleed.

The fake now somewhat believes what An Er said. After all, the entire base knows about this, and they immediately bought off all the people in the base before they had the ability.

But since An Er has an affair, even if it's just this time, he must not be lenient. Originally, An Er used to be one of the top secret guards who personally protected Yan Kuan, and he had always avoided him.

If it is not unavoidable sometimes, go to the base, or pretend to deal with some Dark Empire matters. Of course, most of the time, An Er is left to handle it on his own. He will only take action unless there are special circumstances. This also solves a big problem for him. Trouble, a trouble who knows nothing about the Dark Empire, otherwise he would not have brought An Er with him at all.

Of course, because An Er was handling everything, until now, he didn't know what kind of existence the Dark Empire was. He thought it was just an underground gang in China, nothing more.

Ouyang Tian would not raise a wolf cub by himself, so he would never say anything to him. In addition, Ouyang Tian had just arranged for someone to come over to help him, so he would not need to ask more about those things in the future.

He felt relaxed now, but An Er had to deal with it properly.

"An Er, you have violated the gang rules after all. According to the gang rules, you can go down and be punished by yourself. After the punishment, return to the base for training for half a year. Otherwise, I think your vigilance will become lower and lower."

"Yes, my subordinates know. Is it just your protection, boss?"

"You don't need to worry about this. This is the new set player. From now on, he will be responsible for my personal protection."

An Er raised his head and glanced at the so-called new An Er. If Shen Xiaoxiao and the others were here, they might be able to recognize that this person was none other than the person he saw at Ouyang's house earlier. The third housekeeper next to Ouyang Tian was also the original one. The one who called them out.

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