Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 266 Cleaning up the portal

"How about we go to the boss's place first? After all, we haven't seen the boss since we came back!"

Yun Qi suddenly spoke, interrupting Huo Gui's impulsive steps. Huo Gui was originally unwilling, but it was also very important to go see the boss.

So they could only follow Yun Qi's arrangements, and they walked to the infirmary...

"Who is this person? Why haven't we seen him before?"

Huo Gui looked at the unfamiliar An San and directly asked An Wu next to him. In fact, An Wu was unwilling to say anything, but this was the person appointed by the boss himself. How could they refute?

"Dark Third, the newly appointed Dark Third by the boss."



Four people were shocked at the same time. Is this okay? How could the boss do this?

An San, also known as Ma San, was shocked when he saw that the four legendary hall masters of the Dark Empire, who were famous all over the world, were as young as Yan Kuan.

This dark empire is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger.

However, Ma San is very thoughtful and can join the ranks of Ouyang Tian's personal butler, so he is definitely not a simple character.

Therefore, he immediately said to a few people: "My subordinate Ansan, the master has newly appointed me. I know that you all have doubts about my identity. I am willing to accept the rules of the Dark Empire and be tested. But please wait until the master wakes up before doing anything. Now I’m sorry that I can’t leave here even half a step.”

He was so tough and direct, but he left a relatively sensible impression on everyone, and they also felt that this person was considered to be a good person. It was not easy to be appointed by the boss himself. It was just a rank. When the boss woke up, Come, they will definitely tell the boss.

"Old Yao, when will the boss wake up?"

Old Man Yao was retracting the needle. He looked at Yun Qi's question and said directly: "I'm awake now."

Several people suddenly became happy and woke up? Woke up so soon?

"Boss, boss, how are you?"

"Okay, you all step back. He's fine now, but he might be in trouble in the future. It's better to make the antidote quickly. I'm going out first."

Old Man Yao left after leaving a word. At this moment, Yan Kuan finally opened his eyes and looked at the four hall masters. He was stunned for a moment and then said: "You are here! How are your injuries?"

Has the boss become emotional? He actually asked about their injuries, but they were so used to seeing such a weak boss.

"Boss, we are all fine, but you are fine, right? We have all seen those photos. Are they real or fake? Is this little Oriental lolita really with 19 him?"

"Hey... If you don't want to take out the antidote, just don't. Let them fend for themselves. From now on, 19 will no longer be part of my Dark Empire! You guys can go down and I'll take a rest."

After Yan Kuan finished speaking, he was about to send the person away, and he looked like an embarrassed man who had been cuckolded.

The four hall masters were all men, so they naturally understood Yan Kuan's behavior, but Huo Gui was the most excited and immediately said to the others:

"Look, let me tell you, damn, he betrayed his master and left. He is no longer a member of the Dark Empire anyway. Let's see if I don't kill him."

The fire ghost left in a rage, but the other three had to catch up. In fact, they also wanted to ask clearly.

But before Yun Qi left, he still glanced thoughtfully at the person lying on the bed with his eyes closed. Why did he feel that something was wrong?

Everyone in the room was gone, and then the fake got up from the bed, looked at Ma San and said, "Third Master, I didn't do anything wrong by doing this, right?"

"Well, you did a good job. This is the antidote. Take it. You won't faint in this month. As for the antidote that really seeks Yinhua, wait until we all accept K-one and the darkness. The queen of the empire will give you the antidote, and you must be obedient. You can use the money and play with women as you wish, but you must keep your mouth shut. No one can reveal a word, otherwise, you will know the consequences. ."

"I know, I know, I know. I promise to keep my mouth shut and never reveal a word. Third Master, don't worry. Don't worry. What about Miss Ouyang and me?"

Ma San glanced at the fake sarcastically and said, "Don't worry, it's yours that can't escape."

The fake was relieved immediately, and he immediately sat up with a smile and said: "Okay, thank you Third Master for the promotion, thank you Third Master, but can those few people pry out the whereabouts of the key? This Shen Xiaoxiao is a tough guy. .”

"The four hall masters are not pushovers. To make a person speak, they only need an injection. They don't have to do anything at all. No matter how powerful Shen Xiaoxiao is, he can't escape from the hands of these people. You Just pretend to be sick and wait!"

"Where are the people? Where have they gone?"

The fire ghost asked the servant next to him. The room was empty in the middle of the night. Where had this little oriental loli gone?

"Miss and 19 went out, and we didn't know."

The servants are very smart and have been informed before. Anyone who asks why Shen Xiaoxiao is no longer in the room must say that the lady and 19 are out.

In fact, Fake Yan Kuan didn't want to let the four hall masters attack Shen Xiaoxiao a day in advance, but he just received a call and Pei Li's leg was interrupted (Pei Li probably didn't notice other problems), and Shen Xiaoxiao ran away. , he knew that this plan must have failed. According to Shen Xiaoxiao's fiery temper, he would definitely come back to settle accounts with him, so he arranged for the four hall masters to wait for her here to see how she could get through this level.

Shen Xiaoxiao and 19 were still walking slowly in the car, but Shen Xiaoxiao always felt that tomorrow would be a tough battle, so he must have a good rest tonight, and even prepare in advance.

As for the person who was secretly in contact with the fake goods, she still had to find an opportunity to exchange information. These days, she pretended to be calm and did not go looking for Yan Kuan. That was because the child in her belly must not be exposed to any harm before he was 3 months old. Any stimulation.

She wanted to keep her child and her and Yan Kuan's flesh and blood. Nothing was more important than the child in her belly, not even Yan Kuan.

She won't give up Yan Kuan, but she thinks he will suffer more. This can be regarded as God's punishment for them.

"19, do you still have those medicines? Do you carry them with you? We have a tough battle to fight tomorrow. The Fourth Hall Master will arrive tomorrow. Whether we can escape safely depends on the medicines in your hand. It has no effect.”

"Miss, don't worry, I always carry it with me, but I think the four hall masters won't do anything to us. Can that fake fool them?

They have all grown up with the boss since they were young. It’s not that easy to deceive them, right? "

"19, why are you so innocent? If that Yan Kuan fainted without saying anything, and then falsely accused me of not giving the antidote, what should we do?"

(Okay, actually you know the truth, do you know?)

"Okay, but I still don't think they are so stupid, right? Are they being taken advantage of?"

"Do you think anyone is as smart as your lady?"

19 stopped talking for a moment, okay, she couldn’t take what the lady said...

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