The car was parked directly in a small forest more than 20 meters away from the villa, covered with branches. This place was a small base where 19 and the others were training. Usually the brothers from the Dark Empire would park here when they wanted to park, and it was also the best place to have fun. .

The two finally walked into the villa area. They were leaving tomorrow night anyway, and if Mingren didn't tell secrets, Shen Xiaoxiao was taken away by someone in a coma tonight, so I really can't say why Shen Xiaoxiao walked. What's wrong with coming back.

However, Shen Xiaoxiao has become much more defensive. He can even drink a bottle of water and be drugged. But what about other things? So before getting out of the car, I took a mini pistol from the car and put it close to my body.

The drug was also thoughtfully made into a ring and bracelet by 19. Shen Xiaoxiao had complained a lot before, saying that the drug was too inconvenient to use, so 19 was forced to design it carefully again. Ichiban.

The two of them did this and prepared to walk towards the villa one after another. Shen Xiaoxiao was even in the mood to make a few jokes with 19.

During this time, she tried to keep herself relaxed, be happier if she could, and do whatever was good for her children.

Therefore, after they went upstairs, Shen Xiaoxiao laughed, which was extremely harsh to the ears of the other four hall masters. The boss was still lying on the bed, uncertain about his life or death, and was deeply poisoned, but this little Oriental lolita was still so indifferent. It's so shameless to have fun with other men without any scruples.

Huo Gui took the lead and couldn't help it. Before Shen Xiaoxiao could open the door himself, he rushed over and opened the door from the inside.

Shen Xiaoxiao and 19 were stunned at the door at the same time. Why were they in the room?

"Fire Ghost? And you are all back? Great!"

19 was very excited, and felt a little happy when he saw the four hall masters. After waiting for so long, they finally came back, but why did they come back early?

"19, can you stop being so stupid? You didn't realize that the four hall masters are not looking for us to reminisce about the past, but to raise an army to accuse us."

19 was stunned when he heard Shen Xiaoxiao's words, yes, they were in the lady's room.

"Little Oriental Lolita is smart, but why do smart people like to do such stupid things?"

They are all called Oriental Lolita. What does this mean?

"Fire Ghost, is there any misunderstanding?"

"Misunderstanding? You, go away, your problem, I will settle the score with you later, Oriental little loli, the boss said that I want to save your life, we will not make it difficult for you, as long as you hand over the medicine, you will Able to walk smoothly."

"I want to know, I can leave safely, but what about 19? How are you going to deal with 19?"

The fire ghost was furious. Even though he was about to die, he was still thinking about these 19, this pair of adulterers. They were really deceiving others.

"Nineteen is from my Dark Empire, so we will naturally greet him according to our own rules."

"I remember that your boss gave me 19. He has been mine for a long time. How can he continue to be a member of your Dark Empire?"

"Little Oriental Lolita, you have always been very sharp-tongued. Let's not talk about this. Let's let 19 tell himself where he is from?"

Feng Hao listened for a long time, feeling uncomfortable in his heart. If this fire ghost had a fiery temper and faced an Oriental little lolita, wouldn't this mean he would only lose?

Feng Hao's joining made 19, a simple person, know that something had definitely happened that they didn't know about.

Maybe the young lady really guessed it right. These four hall masters were really stupid and were taken advantage of.

"Did you misunderstand something?"

"19, what's the misunderstanding? It's just as they guessed. We are together as long as we are together. There is nothing to be ashamed of. Your boss and I are in love. It is normal for two people to be in love and separate if we don't get along. Now with you Wouldn’t it be better to be together?”


"Little Oriental Lolita!"

"Little Oriental Lolita!"

19 I was so shocked. What was this lady talking about? How could she talk nonsense? Didn't this make the four hall masters even more misunderstood? "

"19, people are coming to ask, why can't we tell them that we are together? Why, you are still not willing?"

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at 19 with a hint of threat, and her hand was placed on her abdomen just out of reach. 19's heart paused, and suddenly the words that the young lady said to him, the young lady asked him, rang out, If one day the lady takes advantage of him, will he be angry?

It turns out that the young lady is waiting here. Why is the young lady so sure that the four hall masters will become their mortal enemies?

Are the four hall masters so confused?

Of course the four hall masters were not confused, but only a day or two had passed since they were summoned back, and it had only been a few hours since the four of them came together to know about Shen Xiaoxiao and 19.

Now they have photos to prove it. Even if they think something is wrong, it is not easy to figure it out in such a short time.

"Look, the photos have been taken. 19, don't tell me that you still want to deny it."

Huo Gui was really hot and threw the photo in front of Shen Xiaoxiao and 19.

19 When he picked it up and looked at it, he saw that these were all scenes of him and the young lady getting along outside these days. Some of the actions were deliberately done by the young lady. He felt awkward at the time, but the young lady said that they were deliberately numbing those who were following him.

Forgive 19 who has never been in love before. He really doesn't understand this. Moreover, his first love was a man. How could he know so much? So he said 19 is innocent.

19 Looking at these photos, as well as the last bed photo that was obviously pornographic, my face was burning. Not only that, but my face was getting uglier and uglier. Now it seems that it is exactly as expected by the lady. These people are really, really stupid!

However, their previous crisis has also been brought forward, not tomorrow night, but right now. The most important thing now is to let the young lady and the young master escape safely. As for him, this time it is really a tough battle!

"I am a lady, now and in the future!"

These words finally succeeded in irritating both Lei Lie and Yun Qi. Does 19 mean that he admitted that he is no longer a member of the Dark Empire? Are you really together with that little Oriental lolita?

"You actually betrayed the Dark Empire and treated traitors, 19 don't forget what the punishment will be!"

Yun Qi rarely looked at him, and his eyes were fixed on 19, never letting go of his eyes.

"I know that when dealing with traitors, they will be punished with three knives and six scrapes, and their limbs will also be chopped off."

Three knives and six scrapes, and limbs chopped off. So far, no one has survived this punishment!

"Since you know, well, little Oriental Lolita, leave the key and you go, and 19, stay!"

When Shen Xiaoxiao heard what Yun Qi said, he felt it was funny. Looking at the four people, he reached out and pulled 19 behind him and said:

"What if I don't have both? Don't even think about the key, 19, and don't expect to keep it! What will happen to you!"

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