Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 276 Darkness Appears

It was getting dark very slowly in the early summer night. The time was already pointing to 8 o'clock, and it was getting later and later. 19 hadn't come back yet, and Shen Xiaoxiao couldn't help but start to worry. 19 had been gone for a few hours, and something could have happened. Is it over?

"Miss, 19 will definitely be fine, don't worry!"

"Don't worry, what should I worry about? If something happens, will you accompany me as a 19? Do you think 19 can run away with so many tricks like you? We 19 are so simple and kind, how can I explain to An Yi if something happens? !”

Yun Qi was blocked for the Nth time, but he was no longer as unbalanced as he was at the beginning. He found that the way the young lady spoke was like this, but he didn't know how the boss could bear it.

But she was really nice to 19, and said that 19 was simple and kind. This lady probably didn't know that the number of lives in 19's hands could not be counted in a row.

Of course, as a good subordinate, and one who had offended his boss, he could not say these words to the young lady. How could he find it so difficult and aggrieved to protect the perfect image of 19 in the young lady's heart? Woolen cloth?

Yun Qi put away the smoke bomb in his hand. The message had been sent. He didn't know if the three would receive it or if there would be any problems now.

At this end, each of the three hall masters had varying degrees of injuries. They had been seriously injured during training at the base earlier, and they were urgently called back home after only a few days of training.

If their training for more than a month hadn't made their skills more agile and stronger, they might not have been able to escape the rounds of battles.

It was already dark now, and they had also seen the signal flare sent by Yunqi. They felt like they had been given a shot of blood. It was good that their brother was not dead, and 19 actually appeared at the critical moment.

This time, they finally felt that his action of dispensing the drug was not so annoying.

They also decided to temporarily let go of the discomfort they felt about the drugs they had enjoyed in the past.

However, although the drug stunned a group of people, the Obsidian Star was dispatched, which meant that the entire base, and even the entire Dark Empire, was dispatched to kill them.

If they weren't in China, maybe they would have ended up here.

Now 19's drug addiction is limited after all. They still have great feelings for their brothers in the Dark Empire. They tried to kill them. Although they also used their power, they failed to hit their vital points in the end. They were all spared.

Now looking at them chasing after them so hard, the big guys are really a little bit red-eyed.

"Damn it, you don't really want to force me to kill you. These are all brothers, brothers!"

The fire ghost felt the most uncomfortable. What kind of thing is this? Killing each other? As soon as he thought about it, he wanted to rush back without even trying to tear that bastard apart.

"What should we do? There are more and more people. You go, I will cover you."

19 Seeing that there are more and more of these people, and they are in the suburbs, their physical strength will be exhausted sooner or later if they continue to fight like this.

The three of them also saw that this situation was indeed inappropriate, and they had limited ammunition after all. No matter how powerful they were, they couldn't deal with these people one after another quickly.

Just when the four of them were forced into desperation, a car suddenly drove over and stopped beside them with a creak.

The four of them took a closer look, who is this? How could he suddenly save them?


The four people reacted quickly and immediately pounced on them. The driver also threw a heavy machine gun to 19. 19 took it without saying a word and fired it out with bang bang bang. He immediately swept away the area and killed them. There was a bloody road.

The four people were safe for the time being. Although those people would definitely come after them, 19 had his first experience and said to everyone: "Throw away all communication equipment."

Everyone who has been there naturally knows that they did not bring this thing with them at all, which saved a lot of trouble.

It was at this time that they looked at the driver of the car. He was a man with sharp eyebrows and flying stars. He was not particularly tall, but not short. He looked to be in his 30s, with a Chinese character face, a serious face, and an extremely silent expression.

19 The man driving the car didn't speak for a long time. The three people behind him interjected a few questions, but the driver didn't say a word.

Although they were confused, the person who could save them at this time would not be their enemy.

So he didn't say anything, probably because he was not out of danger now, but 19 kept staring straight at him, which made the fire ghost behind him feel a little embarrassed.

"19, what are you looking at?"

19 ignored Huo Gui, a fool, and suddenly made a move that no one expected.

I saw 19 suddenly stood up and rushed towards the driver. On his face, "wave" was a loud kiss.

Everyone who saw this was dumbfounded. Even the driver almost slipped his hands and turned to look at 19 with a serious face.

After a while, when everyone was confused by this weird atmosphere and didn't know what to do, they heard the driver suddenly say: "19, you are naughty again!"

He said, 19 you are naughty again, his voice, he is, he is, he is An Yi?

He turns out to be Anichi?

Now the three main hall masters are in trouble. After a long time, this man turned out to be An Yi, really An Yi...

"Anichi, are you okay?"

"Is it really you? Why are you here?"

"Are you wearing a human skin mask?"

"Anichi, why don't you kiss me back?"

Of course, this last question must have been asked by Feng Hao, but his words made 19's face turn red.

An Yi also relaxed his brows, did not look back, and calmly said to several people: "I didn't expect you to recognize me."

An Yi still spoke so concisely, but this was already a miracle, at least he could answer.

Of course, the biggest problem now is to get rid of these people. Once they are safe, we can ask what happened.

"Where are we going now?"

"Of course I'm going to meet the young lady and Yun Qi. The young lady is waiting to visit Ouyang's house tonight."

An Yi paused while driving and visited Ouyang's house at night. If the young lady saw the boss's current appearance, would she feel heartbroken and uncomfortable?

"Visiting Ouyang's house at night? Are you looking for the boss? We'll go too."

"Come on, you'd better take good care of your health. With the way you are now, won't it be a hindrance to go?"

The three hall masters found that 19 is really becoming more and more talkative now. Yes, they know very well that if they take action now, they can only hold back. Tonight is the most direct explanation.

But they can't ignore it.

"Let's talk about it after we have a round with them!"

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