Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 277 Learn the whereabouts

An Yi appeared, and in this way. Not to mention how 19 felt in his heart, even the three hall masters were very excited. This information was incredible. An Yi was fine, but what about the boss? Will the boss be okay?

An Yi, the secret guard who protects Yan Kuan personally, is also someone who has grown up with Yan Kuan since he was a child. His ability is above that of the four hall masters. Under Yan Kuan, such a person is simply a piece of cake to get rid of some people who are following him. a plate of!

An Yi's skills are excellent, and he also understands these routes very thoroughly. In addition, An Yi was well prepared to rescue them from the beginning, so not only the route, the condition of the car, but also the things in the car are also specially configured!

"I said An Yi, your equipment is really complete, you even have food!"

Lei Lie was starving, and he immediately started digging when he saw something to eat. The mountain road here was not easy to walk, and those people had successfully escaped. However, they did not expect that the place where 19 Yunqi and the others were hiding would be so remote, let alone It’s really hard to find!

19 As soon as Lei Lie discovered the food, he turned around and grabbed the pocket in his hand. He almost forgot that the lady asked him to bring something with him. These are just right!

"19 What are you doing? I haven't eaten yet? Even though I bought it from An Yi, don't eat alone! Come on, give some to my brother. I've been so busy all night and I'm hungry!"

"You ate too much at night to accumulate food. Why did you eat so much? Eat less! Okay, here we are, we have to walk on the mountain road, so hurry up!"

An Yi glanced at 19, has 19 become so protective of food?

He smiled and said nothing, put on some simple disguises for the car, and walked towards the forest!

They drove the car to the mountain intersection, so it only took about half an hour to walk to the cave. When they arrived, Shen Xiaoxiao had already fallen asleep from hunger. Seeing her listless appearance, Yun Qi thought she was sick. It’s over.

Later, when he heard Shen Xiaoxiao mumbling to himself, "I wish I had left a chicken leg for lunch," he realized that he was hungry for love!

He felt weak all over, but he wanted to help hunt a pheasant or something, but he didn't have the ability now!

So he can only pray that 19 can come back soon!

Fortunately, his prayers worked. Not only did he come back, but he even brought back the three hall masters. He only brought back a stranger, which surprised Yun Qi.

When he was about to ask who this person was, Shen Xiaoxiao woke up when he heard a noise. When he saw 19 and saw the bag in 19's hand, his eyes were filled with stars.

"19, you're back. That's great. Is everything okay? Why did your hand get hurt? Where is the food? Is this food?"

Shen Xiaoxiao's appearance made the three hall masters and An Yi feel heavy in their hearts. Could the relationship between these two be better?

The lady seems to be particularly concerned about 19?

An Yi didn't think much about it, but the other three hall masters did look at each other. Are there any problems with these two people, or are they not?

They didn't have time to ask 19 about this just now, but they had seen those photos. Is this little Oriental lolita really not shying away from them at all now?

Especially Lei Lie, he was so annoyed. He just said that he ate too much at night to accumulate food. Look, now he gave all those things to this little oriental loli. He didn't even say that he had a rest after he came back, so he hurriedly He was busy here and there, looking for a kettle and getting food. Isn't this too attentive?

"19, the water is cold, but you are still warm, quilt, isn't there a cup in the supply belt?"

Yun Qi also became energetic and hurriedly interrupted when 19 was taking care of Shen Xiaoxiao diligently. The other people were dumbfounded.

Are you okay? Is Yun Qi crazy too?

"What are you three standing there for? Why don't you apologize to the lady quickly? We have misunderstood the lady, and the lady..."

"19, who is that?"

Shen Xiaoxiao interrupted Yun Qi's words. Yun Qi always had a hunch that the lady seemed to be deliberately preventing him from telling him about the pregnancy.

But he didn't think much about it, but looked at the strange man with an incomprehensible expression.

"My subordinate joined the mistress and did not know that she was pregnant. I failed to fulfill my duty of protection. Please atone for my sins!"



"What's the meaning?"

Now, An Yi's words seem to have stung a hornet's nest. An Yi said that this little Oriental loli is pregnant? is that so?

The three people looked at Shen Xiaoxiao's belly stupidly, spreading it out. Where did they see this darkness?


Shen Xiaoxiao felt something was wrong as soon as he heard the voice, and turned to look directly at 19. Sure enough, the joy in 19's eyes couldn't be stopped. Shen Xiaoxiao's heart suddenly fell to the ground. As soon as An appeared, Yan Kuan would definitely do the same. It's okay.

"An Yi has good eyesight. You can see that my belly is so small. 19, your lady, have I gained weight?"

"No, Miss has not gained weight, she just looks a little plumper and more energetic than before. Well, she is still so good-looking, beautiful, and loved by everyone!"

19's words of praise came out as if they were free. Others were dumbfounded. Isn't 19 so talkative? Isn't he just as boring as An Yi? Now you are so good at flattering?

How did the other people know that as long as they are with Shen Xiaoxiao, this boring gourd will turn into a chatterbox sooner or later, and Shen Xiaoxiao always likes to ask 19 this question after she is pregnant. 19 has developed immunity to these words. It just comes out of the mouth, without thinking at all. The two of them are used to their way of getting along, but others may not.

"19, you, this, this, such a sycophant!"

Yun Qi had been holding back three words for a long time, but 19 didn't feel anything was wrong at all, and he still sat attentively doing other things.

However, Shen Xiaoxiao looked at An Yi and asked directly: "An Yi, where is your boss? Is there any news? Have you found him?"

Shen Xiaoxiao's question happened to be what everyone was most concerned about. The other three wanted to admit their mistake immediately, but Shen Xiaoxiao ignored them at all and didn't even look at them, so they could only stop and listen to the secret. What on earth would you say?

An Yi was asked many times along the way without opening his mouth. He probably wanted to wait to tell the lady, and then finish it all at once to avoid repeating it. They just felt that An Yi was simply famous for this.

"Fortunately, my subordinates have fulfilled their duties and have found out the whereabouts of the boss. The boss is in the situation of the Ouyang family, and..."

"And what? Anichi, don't show off."

Shen Xiaoxiao didn't have this patience. In fact, she was already prepared in her heart. It was nothing more than Yan Kuan suffering inhuman torture. She didn't just need to save the person. Even if the person was crippled, she would admit it. Who would let him He is the child's father, who makes him the one he loves.

"There's no need to worry, Miss. The boss didn't suffer much trauma. It's just that we can't enter the place where he is being held."

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