Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 278 Becoming a Dead Soldier

An Yi's words made Shen Xiaoxiao puzzled. What did this mean? What does it mean that you can't get in even though you didn't suffer much trauma?

"make it clear!"

Shen Xiaoxiao obviously doesn't have much patience, and her heart is always agitated. Whenever she thinks of those dreams she had, she feels uncomfortable all over. What happened to Yan Kuan?

Trauma. In the dream, he did not suffer any trauma, but he was obviously injected with drugs and could not move. Therefore, she was extremely worried. Was the dream true, or was she overthinking? Or is it worse than this?

"The boss has been injected with cartilage medicine and various drugs. They seem to want to get something from the boss. Many researchers are conducting brain wave tests.

The news they just received yesterday made the boss extremely defensive. They were unable to find out any information. They were prepared to make the boss a dead soldier. "

"What? Death warrior? When are you going to do it? An Yi, are you kidding?"

Shen Xiaoxiao was shocked all over, feeling that his limbs were weak and his scalp was numb. How could this happen? How could this happen?

"What is a dead soldier?"

The fire ghost was the most direct and asked An Yi hurriedly.

An glanced at Shen Xiaoxiao, and after making sure it was correct, he looked at her eyes that were also full of inquiry and said with determination:

"Without a mind, without a soul, you only listen to one person's orders, and will never give up until you achieve your goal. You are a puppet!"

"Damn it, Dongchang Jinyiwei, are these people from the Ouyang family really descended from that perverted organization in the Ming Dynasty?"

19 If you understand it more thoroughly, you will naturally be reminded of the ancient times.

But Shen Xiaoxiao still felt inexplicably uncomfortable. Puppet, how could her Yan Kuan be used as a puppet? He was so powerful and powerful, how could he be tortured like that by those people.

"When will they do it?"

Even though he was worried, he still had some sense. Shen Xiaoxiao asked An Yi eagerly. An Yi saw that Shen Xiaoxiao could indeed carry it, and nodded in his heart. The boss's choice was indeed the right one.

So, now he said again: "It will be in the near future. They can't determine the time. The boss is really too strong. If an ordinary person was injected with drugs continuously for more than a month, this person would have been disabled or brain-dead." , but the boss still maintains this very strong brain wave induction.

They would not act rashly, they should be waiting for something. I found out from Ouyang Tian's study, it seemed to be related to some inheritance. There seemed to be a dark room in the forbidden area of ​​​​Ouyang's family. I didn't know what was hidden in it. Not only was it full of mechanisms, There are hundreds of dead soldiers guarding them, and they are extremely strict and inexplicable.

The boss is imprisoned in a dark room under the forbidden area. You can go directly from under Ouyang Tian's bedroom. As long as we can sneak into Ouyang Tian's room, we can find the boss.

However, Ouyang Tian is getting older and now he stays in his room almost every day, so it is difficult to find opportunities to make a move.

Except at 10 o'clock every night, he would have half an hour to go to the study to discuss matters with a man named Ma San. He would never leave his main courtyard for half a step. "

"Ma San?"

"Yes, Ouyang Tian's confidant butler Ma San!"

Shen Xiaoxiao pondered for a moment, then raised his head after a long time, looked at Yun Qi and asked, "Jue Ding said before that there is a stranger next to this fake. What does he look like? Is there a mole on the corner of his lip?"

As soon as Shen Xiaoxiao finished asking the question, Feng Hao immediately intervened and said to Shen Xiaoxiao: "Yes, he has a mole there, miss, I can see it clearly."

Feng Hao's quick answer was met with fierce glares from Lei Lie and Huo Gui. You are another flatterer. They didn't ask you.

Yun Qi felt even more disgusted. This lady finally ignored him. Damn Feng Hao actually dared to steal his words. It was really annoying.

Yun Qi glared at Feng Hao, and Feng Hao smiled coquettishly at his brothers. There was nothing he could do about it, right?

"That person is Ma San. Ma San has a mole under the corner of his mouth."

The fakes must have been sent by Ma San. Shen Xiaoxiao knew it immediately. He looked at the time and saw that it was already past 8 o'clock. Maybe he could catch up if he set off now.

"An Yi, let's go immediately. I must see Yan Kuan tonight. Regardless of whether he can be saved or not, I must see this person."

Shen Xiaoxiao became furious. She would fight to the end today even if it meant a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire.

Naturally, the other people were as excited as if they had been given chicken blood, and they wanted to go too.

But Shen Xiaoxiao's words caused the others to stop again: "You are so seriously injured, do you have the nerve to back off? Besides, what if you recognize the wrong person again? Just stay there."

This is simply a solid handle. It will still be remembered as a lifelong scandal. Why is it like this?

How come they recognized the wrong person in the first place?

"But Miss, aren't you pregnant?"

19 You are right. Shen Xiaoxiao is pregnant after all. There are dead men everywhere in the Ouyang family. It sounds so dangerous. Isn't it inappropriate to go to a pregnant lady like Miss?

"It's okay. I'm not rescuing people. I'm just going to take a look. I'm so scared that I can't see it. And if Yan Kuan knew that his son was going to see him, he would definitely wake up."

An Yi glanced at Shen Xiaoxiao's belly, and finally weighed it, and decided to take Shen Xiaoxiao there.

Because what she said makes sense. The boss didn't react at all when he sneaked in last time. I hope the lady can make the boss wake up. At least in this way, the boss can wake up on his own, and their rescue plan will be much easier.

Finally, An Yi, 19, and Shen Xiaoxiao slowly walked out of the cave under the envious eyes of the four hall masters, and walked towards that strange and strange place...

Pei Li touched his plastered kneecap. The pain was so painful that he gritted his teeth. Shen Xiaoxiao was so cruel and destroyed his right leg. The doctor said that after it heals, his right leg will It is still a delusion to return to the original state. I can't even think about running or jumping. I am lucky to be able to walk normally.

This bitch actually did such a heavy trick. Now the Ouyang family has taken action to deal with the Shen family. At that time, all they have to do is catch Shen Xiaoxiao and see if he breaks her limbs and makes a cash doll. hatred!

Pei Li secretly resented it, but now that he was wearing a plaster, he couldn't go anywhere and could only stay in the ward, unable to move.

"Brother Li, are you feeling better? This is the computer you asked for. I brought it to you."

As expected, Pei Li got involved in Liu Qianmin's matter. Liu Yufei also breathed a sigh of relief. Now she is waiting to be scheduled to go to court. As long as it is not the death penalty, she can find a way to get her father out. At most, he will serve a few years in prison. A few years later he came out as a good man again.

Pei Li naturally knew that he could not leave Liu Yufei now, so he accepted Liu Yufei's attentiveness to him. Now that he was injured, it would be good to have Liu Yufei as a free servant to serve him.

However, when Pei Li turned on the computer and was typing on the keyboard, he felt a sudden cramp in his right hand. The tendon in his hand was so painful that he fainted with a scream. Liu Yufei was so frightened that she hurried out to find a doctor.

The final examination result showed that the hand tendons were atrophied. Pei Li felt as if he had been shocked by a bolt from the blue. What is hand tendon atrophy? There were no wounds on his hands, and there was nothing wrong with them normally. Why was the hand tendons atrophied?

What is going on? Why is this happening?

Could it be that Shen Xiaoxiao again? Could it be her?

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