Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 279 Disguise, pretend to be mute, rescue

Ouyang Le hung up the phone and finally felt relieved. Yan Kuan had arrived and was now talking to his grandfather in the study about their marriage.

This thing must happen, no matter what, she must marry Yan Kuan. The fourth house is staring at her tightly, eager to ask her to pay for it with her life. She has been feeling panic in her heart. Ouyang Yu has done this for no reason. He ran to her bed and died for no reason. She didn't even know what happened.

Now she feels frightened even when she is alone in the room. She is also a victim, okay?

Huo Wanting looked at Ouyang Le, who had a snow-white face. After all, she had raised her by herself. She was different from Ouyang Ning. This was the girl she had carefully raised and raised. She would not be willing to pay any attention to Ouyang Ning's evildoer.

"Okay, now that Yan Kuan has arrived, there shouldn't be any big problem with you. Just wait. Tomorrow, once your grandfather announces your marriage to Yan Kuan and gives the fourth room some compensation, the fourth room will definitely not I will cause trouble for you again.

Your grandpa is still here, your uncle is still here, but they don't have the guts to do anything over your grandpa. "

Ouyang Le also knew that Huo Wanting was telling the truth, and it was Huo Wanting who helped her come up with the idea. Therefore, Ouyang Le naturally had to look grateful to Huo Wanting.

"Auntie, this time it all depends on you. Lele doesn't know how to thank you."

Huo Wanting smiled. This child was really sensible and said immediately:

"Look at you kid, you're out of touch, aren't you? As long as you and your brothers are well, isn't it normal for me, a mother, to worry about you?"

"Thank you, Auntie"

Ouyang Le was moved to tears. No matter what the purpose of helping her, she would always be grateful.

The two of them performed a wonderful mother-daughter drama in the room that moved the world. Little did they know that An Ning had already seen everything that happened in the room.

Not only that, but he also firmly remembered that sentence, Yan Kuan wanted to marry Ouyang Le.

How is this possible? How can Yan Kuan marry Ouyang Le?

Yan Kuan is hers and her peace, didn't grandpa say that? Yan Kuan was prepared for her, why did Ouyang Le want to take Yan Kuan away?

Ouyang Le caused such a big scandal, so he still had the nerve to steal her lover? Dream, wait, she won't let those people look good.

An Ning angrily turned around and walked to Ouyang Tian's study. For someone who broke into Ouyang Tian's house so carelessly without being summoned, the entire Ouyang family probably couldn't find anyone other than An Ning.

The car drove on the asphalt road outside, changed countless lanes, and walked through many small alleys. They parked the car behind a farmhouse.

This place already belongs to the outskirts of Kyoto. Why did they stop here? It's at least a few kilometers away from Ouyang's home.

"An Yi, is there anything special here? Why did you stop here?" Shen Xiaoxiao finally asked An Yi. Although An Yi still said little to Shen Xiaoxiao, he would still answer her a few words.

"Miss, this place already belongs to the Ouyang family. The backyard of this farmhouse is next to the Ouyang family's big kitchen."

"Huh? Ouyang's family is so big?"

"Well, it is indeed very big. This 0,000 square meter area belongs to the Ouyang family. It can be said that one-sixth of the entire Kyoto is allocated to the Ouyang family, so the existence of the Ouyang family is destined not to last long.

It is estimated that they also know that with the construction and development of Xinhua, they will never allow such a special existence of the Ouyang family to last long. "

This topic was a bit boring. Shen Xiaoxiao pursed his lips and said, "Then we want to go through this farmyard?"

"Well, we need to make some preparations. The lady needs to change her clothes."

"What about me, Anichi, do I want to change too?"

"You don't have to, you stay here and wait for us."

19 was stunned, wasn't it? He was asked to come here just to guard here?

An Yi naturally knew that 19 was feeling uncomfortable, but seeing that they hadn’t seen each other for many days, An Yi still said:

"This place is too close to the Ouyang family. In case we have any accidents, you can also take care of us here. The houses around here are all the houses of some branches of the Ouyang family. People with the surname Ouyang do not necessarily live in luxury houses. of."

"An Yi, you already have a plan, don't you? Tell me!"

An Yi glanced at Shen Xiaoxiao. The young lady was indeed smart. The boss was really right. If anything happened, the mistress could handle the situation.

"The young lady and I put on makeup as cooks and cooks and go in. We have to change our clothes and go directly into the main courtyard of Ouyang Hall.

Ouyang Tang has a very good taste and eats midnight snacks every night. Moreover, he and Ouyang Tian have a very good relationship. When they discover new flavors, they often give Ouyang Tian a portion.

I cooked a dish in Ouyang Tang's yard earlier. Ouyang Tang liked it very much and had already agreed to make another dish tonight for Ouyang Tian to taste. Therefore, this is also our opportunity. "

"An Yi, it turns out you can also cook? You're really a decathlete!"

19 also looked at An Yi with a strange expression, but An Yi didn't answer 19's words, and 19 didn't mind. An Yi brought the two of them into this small house.

There are a total of five tile-roofed houses inside, which are spacious, bright, and fully equipped. It seems that An Yi has been living here recently in his current identity as a cook.

Shen Xiaoxiao put on the clothes An Yi had prepared long ago. It seemed that An Yi had expected that he would take her there.

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at the clothes that fit him perfectly, and sighed in his heart, An Yi is really meticulous and has no loopholes. No wonder he can teach such a meticulous person like 19.

After changing clothes, An Yi took a mirror and placed it on the small table in the main room. Under the bright light, Shen Xiaoxiao sat on the chair and watched An Yi take out a thin, transparent, dough-like thing. come over.

Shen Xiaoxiao was stunned. Is this the legendary "human skin mask"?

"Miss, I will put this on for you. Don't worry, this thing is not harmful to the skin. It just takes at least 3 days to take it off after putting it on."

"That's no problem, just wear it, wear it as long as it's convenient!"

After some fiddling, when Shen Xiaoxiao looked in the mirror again, she already looked like a middle-aged woman in her 30s.

Even some crow's feet and wrinkles can be seen. This technique is surprising to Shen Xiaoxiao.

But is that all? Of course not, An Yi continued: "Miss, you have to pretend to be mute."



"Yes, miss, you are mute. No, all the cooks in the Ouyang family are mute!"

This news shocked both Shen Xiaoxiao and 19, didn't it? How many mutes do Ouyang's family need to be so big?

"What about you, Anichi, are you also mute? But it's okay for you to pretend to be mute. Anyway, you don't usually speak. But the lady talks so much, is this really true?"

"What are you saying 19? Why does your lady talk too much? She's just pretending to be mute. Do you think your lady can't do it to me?"

Just kidding, she pretended to be mute for 10 years and then became a real mute. How could she not be able to pretend?

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