Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 280 Entering Ouyang’s house

"I am also mute. Anyone who cooks for Ouyang Tang and Ouyang Tian is mute, even those who serve food. After the food is passed around them, there will be someone special to test the poison, and there will be someone special to make arrangements. In order to protect the Ouyang family, They have done their utmost to protect the safety of these two old monsters."

An Yi clarified Shen Xiaoxiao's confusion.

Hearing this, Shen Xiaoxiao felt a little better, as long as not all of them were mute, but these two immortals were really causing harm to people, and it was simply too much to have to be served by mutes.

"It's almost time. Miss, you and An Yi should go, be careful, and your stomach, is it covered with something?"

Shen Xiaoxiao nodded to 19 and pointed at his belly. This answer was obvious. 19 was dumbfounded by Shen Xiaoxiao's actions. Miss, can you not get into the drama so early?

This is really, really not what I am used to. Will it be hard for the young lady to have a chatty person suddenly become mute?

Shen Xiaoxiao had already become very familiar with the map, so after An Yi led Shen Xiaoxiao into the large kitchen through the servant corner door, she had already matched these roads with the road map in her mind.

After looking around carefully, all the houses of the Ouyang family were almost in similar condition, it was just a matter of the number of rooms.

Ouyang Tang's house is the largest house of the Ouyang family after Ouyang Tianwai. There are four houses in total. His three-bedroom wives, concubines, and first-in-law all live here. After his three daughters are married, they naturally don't need to live in the Ouyang family's specially built show for all the girls. In the building, his two sons were married and lived in two courtyards not far from his house.

The kitchen is in a separate courtyard in Ouyang Tang's backyard, with a garden in the middle, which is convenient.

Moreover, Ouyang Tang's and Ouyang Tian's yards are not far from each other. They are separated by the largest artificial lake in Ouyang's family, and they can be reached by going around behind the rockery.

Overall, the entire Ouyang family resembles the shape of a Bagua, and Ouyang Tang and Ouyang Tian belong to two points on the Bagua, and the dividing line in the middle is the artificial lake.

Shen Xiaoxiao was very good at the show. She said she wanted to pretend to be mute but she didn't say a word. Her eyes were blank and she looked like an ordinary cook who couldn't be an ordinary woman.

They wore white cotton shirts and white hats on their heads. They were just like the cooks in modern kitchens. Those working in the kitchen must be neat and tidy.

Shen Xiaoxiao followed An Yi to the kitchen, where there were two stoves. After seeing this, Shen Xiaoxiao realized that An Yi was the chef responsible for Ouyang Tang's late night snacks, and there were three apprentices working for him. , all young people around 30 years old.

They didn't speak, but they all had a tacit understanding. If An Yi wanted something, he could tell by comparing the spoons.

As the only two cooks (the only one is the one responsible for washing), Shen Xiaoxiao stood aside and memorized all the steps.

Because it is inevitable that people will not ask about it. As for sign language, Shen Xiaoxiao told An Yi that he was good at it when he came here.

Of course, An Yi knew about this earlier. When they were in the dense forest, Shen was not very good at talking. He and Yan Kuan would occasionally use one or two sign language gestures when they were in a hurry, so An Yi was aware of this.

Otherwise, how dare he drag Shen Xiaoxiao to be the cook so rashly.

A very complicated braised three-fresh noodle dish is ready. It is placed in a very delicate silver bowl and a small box. Inside is a designed heat preservation device. No matter how far you walk, it will not be cold when you reach Ouyang Tang's yard. Lose.

An Yi and Shen Xiaoxiao went to deliver the food together. An Yi walked in front, and with his free hands, he wanted to help Shen Xiaoxiao get it, but this is a rule, this thing must be carried by the cook, remember this in the middle No one else can take over, this is not only to prevent someone from poisoning, but also to prevent things from getting cold midway.

An Yi walked a little slower. The box didn't look big, but it was quite heavy. He wouldn't forget that the lady was still pregnant, so he didn't dare to take it lightly.

The two walked through a large garden and passed through a path. The inner courtyard of Ouyang's house was so big that it could be said that it was endless. Not only that, there were countless corridors and paths around it. It was easy to get lost if you were not careful.

Of course, the entire mansion is brightly lit even at night, and the cameras everywhere light up with weird red lights.

The moon and stars are sparse tonight, which adds an eerie tranquility to the situation at this moment.

Shen Xiaoxiao and An Yi both walked forward intently and without squinting. If they made the slightest movement along the way, they would most likely be noticed by someone other than the camera.

After walking for about a quarter of an hour, they arrived at the inner courtyard of Ouyang Hall. Shen Xiaoxiao calculated the time. It was almost 9:30. She was standing outside the corridor with her head lowered, waiting for the butler-like person outside. People report.

These practices really restored the ancient life. Shen Xiaoxiao felt all the decadence, feudalism, and slavery at this moment.

The Ouyang family really lives their lives as if they are princes, nobles or descendants of emperors.

Those who pass the food, those who report, those who test poisons, oh yes, and the one Shen Xiaoxiao sees at this moment, who is only 20 years old at most but with a red face and messy clothes, is sitting on Ouyang Tang's lap. She smiled inexplicably.

She took one look and hurriedly put the things out. It was really, really shameless for an old man in his 70s or 80s and a young girl to behave in such a manner that made people blush.

It turns out that no matter how serious and strict you are on the outside, but after seeing it inside, you will still feel inexplicably disgusted.

"Thank you, today's braised three delicacies dish is good. Are you ready for the master? Send it over!"

After testing the poison and tasting it, Ouyang Tang decided that he could definitely offer this noodle to his eldest brother.

And his words of reward carried the unruly and unruly attitude of the Eight Banners disciples of the old Kyoto. If she hadn't been in Xinhua at this moment, she would have thought that she must have traveled to the Qing Dynasty, watching these fallen princes show their final glory.

Shen Xiaoxiao and An Yi left respectfully. Now they have to go back the way they came. When they get to the kitchen, they will make a stewed three delicacies dish and send it to Ouyang Tian. This is the moment they have been waiting for for a long time tonight.

Shen Xiaoxiao's heart was beating nervously. He didn't know if he could see Yan Kuan, but he would not give up at this time no matter what. He would definitely see him.

When the dishes were ready, Shen Xiaoxiao was still carrying the box and An Yi was walking in front.

This time, they had to pass by the artificial lake that stretched across the entire Ouyang family, walk through the winding corridors, and enter another core area of ​​the Ouyang family.

The time has reached 10 o'clock. This is the time when Ouyang Tian sees Ma San or even the fake ones. They want to deliver the meals directly to the main courtyard. Fortunately, there is only a wall between Ouyang Tian's study and bedroom, so they have to avoid their eyes. It is actually very difficult to enter Ouyang Tian's bedroom.

But just because it's difficult doesn't mean you won't do it. Just when Shen Xiaoxiao and the others entered the inner courtyard carrying the wooden box, they were stopped by a voice, "Stop."

Shen Xiaoxiao and An Yi turned around and saw that it was An Ning. Why did she stop them? Did you find something?

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