Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 284 The mysterious man in black

In fact, if you want to say that An Ning is really as stupid as a pig and doesn't even understand these things that are harmful to men and women? That's not necessarily the case. Maybe in the Ouyang family, being favored by Ouyang Tian is the key to survival, so she would rather not know anything. Maybe she can still get people's love for being so stupid like Ouyang Le. Otherwise, if she is as smart as Ouyang Le, she The only thing left in my life is to use!

However, An Ning didn't have any memory before she fainted. It was true that she had triggered the mechanism, but the blow on her neck was also real. There was no one else in the room except the cook at that time, so it must have been the cook who did it. And if she actually dares to do something to herself, then she is definitely not a simple cook!

But when she woke up, Ouyang Tian didn't mention the topic of the cook at all. Not only that, he didn't ask her why she was injured. He just said lightly that she must not be naughty again and don't mess with things in the room. He also said a lot of reproaches. There is no such thing as...

So An Ning can be said to be stupid, but she knows what to say and what not to say, and she knows how to protect herself.

It's just that there are doubts in my heart about the cook and Ouyang Tian!

Ouyang Le naturally didn't know what kind of inner suffering the injured An Ning was going through. She was really living in dire straits these days. It was clear that the news from Yan Kuan was that Ouyang Tian had already nodded and agreed to the marriage, but Ouyang had been waiting for half a month. Tian Ke didn't say a word, and now even the eldest aunt and the others have stopped discussing the matter. Every time they see her, they tell her to be patient and don't be impatient! But with the four bedrooms so closely pressed against each other, how could she not be anxious?

"Dad, the four houses are watching so closely. If we go abroad now, they will most likely sue us at Grandpa's house. Then they will say that we are irresponsible and abandon the Ouyang family. Then we will lose more than we gain!"

Ouyang Le looked at his father Ouyang Jinguo, leaving Ouyang's family now? How could they give up such a large amount of inheritance rights as direct descendants? Besides, she had already guessed the ambitions of the Ouyang family, so naturally she would not be reluctant to leave now!

"Lele, don't be confused. Dad knows what you are thinking, but don't forget that you are a girl. Apart from inheriting the property in my name, you have nothing else. You listen to Dad. Let's leave here, father and daughter. , go to live abroad. Isn’t your career developing very well abroad? It’s okay for dad’s projects to be carried out abroad. You are dad’s only daughter, so we two fathers and daughters can’t be confused!”

Ouyang Jinguo also devoted his whole life to his only daughter, and it was indeed for Ouyang Le's sake. As his legitimate son, he understood the corruption of the Ouyang family more clearly. They had three legitimate brothers, and the eldest brother followed his father's footsteps as the heir since he was a child. The heir is educated, and the third child develops his business talents, which is of great help to the Ouyang family business!

He was the only one who was obsessed with medical research, and their mother was most partial to him, the second son who didn't matter in the Ouyang family!

Now he can still remember the tragic scene when his mother died. Her whole body was covered in ulcers, and there was not a single piece of intact skin. No, except for her face and...anyway, everything else was completely rotten!

In his heart, his mother has always been as beautiful as a fairy. How did she end up like this? Later, he naturally heard the secret things his mother said, and then he realized that being the mistress of the house was definitely not as simple as he saw. , such a bright and bright person, now seeing his sister-in-law, I no longer have the same envy as before!

It's just that those secret rumors are too shocking, so until now, he has avoided those things about the Ouyang family. Being a true scholar obsessed with medicine may be his way to survive. Originally, his daughter has always He didn't worry too much when he was abroad, but he didn't expect that his daughter would not only come back, but also cause such a big trouble!

Wouldn't it be better to take this opportunity to leave the Ouyang family now? Why do you have to jump in head first?

"You are still young and don't know what's going on here. It's definitely not as simple as you think. Burning fire and blooming flowers are not a good thing!"

"Dad, do you know something?" Ouyang Le is already smart. When his father spoke like this, she naturally guessed it right away. Of course she felt that this matter was not simple, and maybe she could hold some handle!

But Ouyang Jinguo thought, it would be better if he didn't give his daughter a warning, so that she would not know anything and hurt him, or she would be confused and confused and not know anything!

"Hey, I..."

Half a month later, Shen Xiaoxiao continued to rub Yan Kuan's legs to prevent his muscles from atrophying while he lay there. This person would become useless if he didn't move!

However, what exactly did these people feed Yan Kuan, and no nutritional solution was given to him? How could he maintain his vital signs without eating, drinking, or pulling?

Shen Xiaoxiao's hands are very strong, and she massages Yan Kuan very hard. She will press on the limbs, back, and heart. After half a month, those stiff muscles have finally improved!

It was time for "Jianjiang" to deliver food again, and Shen Xiaoxiao knew without turning around that the food must be delivered through the small hole under the iron door again.

Sure enough, after a slight noise, the darkroom returned to calm again!

She got up, straightened her clothes, went to the toilet, washed her hands, and closed the lid. Then Shen Xiaoxiao walked to the iron gate and picked up the tray. Yes, there was white-cut chicken that she liked today. This Ouyang Corruption at home is corruption, but the results of corruption are also good. This food tastes very good!

Regardless of whether it is poisonous or not, of course even if it is poisonous, Shen Xiaoxiao can't help but eat it. Shen Xiaoxiao is very happy eating this meal. He just treats it as entertaining. If he is satisfied with the meal, he doesn't have to just drink porridge like in his previous life. This is the biggest The greatest gift!

After all, there is still a child in the belly!

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at the fragrant chicken soup that was served every day. As usual, he drank half of it and ate all the food, leaving half of the soup for Yan Kuan. Regardless of whether Yan Kuan could digest it or not, he would pry if he couldn't open his mouth. Just use the word of mouth, and you can't let him touch anything anyway.

After lunch, she walked around the house for half an hour, bringing her life style here intact.

I don't know if An Yi didn't tell others or because the Ouyang family had other ideas. Anyway, no one had done anything wrong in Shen Xiaoxiao's belly.

And after 3 months, the belly was slowly growing. Sometimes she could feel the lump in her belly. At this time, she would grab Yan Kuan's hand and let him touch it too.

Today, after the routine walk, Shen Xiaoxiao was giving Yan Kuan a massage when he heard a sound of thin footsteps coming from outside the door. He was startled, no one was coming, right?

Sure enough, the footsteps stopped at the door, and the door opened. Shen Xiaoxiao subconsciously looked back and saw a man in black walking in with two men who looked like secret guards. He only heard him using a voice changer. , the voice was completely indistinguishable as male or female, old or young, the whole body including the hair was covered with a black cloak, leaving only two eyes. The first thing he said when he saw Shen Xiaoxiao was: "As long as you Hand over the key and I will let you out, otherwise, tomorrow, we will make Yan Kuan a dead soldier!"

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