Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 285 Who is the man in black?

"Who are you?"

Shen Xiaoxiao stared at this mysterious man covered up, frowning with an incomprehensible expression!

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is whether you want to hand over the key or not!"

The man in black was biting the key. Shen Xiaoxiao kept thinking about countermeasures, but this man seemed to know her very well. He continued to say: "It's just a dead thing. To you, isn't Yan Kuan... Can't compare? If you don't take it out, Yan Kuan will not only become a dead soldier, but I don't mind becoming a small mummy!"

Shen Xiaoxiao stared at this man who was all in black. His eyes never met hers and avoided her. The familiar feeling swept over him again. The feeling in the dream was right. He was really familiar. Who is this person? who is it?

"I don't have the key, and I can't get it out even if I'm locked up here by you!"

"Little Oriental Lolita is a fight to the death in the boxing ring and never compromises easily. You agreed so quickly? I thought..."

"Are you okay? Did I promise to give it to you? No? Besides, you still don't believe what I said to you? You are really funny!"

This mysterious person in Shen Xiaoxiaojue is really weird, what is he thinking?

"Where's the key?"

Shen Xiaoxiao's words probably disgusted the man in black, and his tone didn't sound as good as before.

Shen Xiaoxiao glanced at Yan Kuan, and his tone was still as serious and humorous as what he said just now!

"It's really not on me, don't you believe you are searching for it? Hey, what do you want this key for? Tell me!"

The man in black was really angry when he saw Shen Xiaoxiao like this. He found that Shen Xiaoxiao was born to be a firecracker, and he could explode everywhere!

And do you have any awareness of being a prisoner on the street? You also asked him what he was doing and what he was doing, why should he tell you?

"Where is it? Where is the thing?" The man in black seemed to want to avoid having another conversation with Shen Xiaoxiao and winked at the person behind him. The three of them came up at the same time. No matter how powerful Shen Xiaoxiao was, he still harbored As for the child, it was okay to upset two people, but the last person still got to Yan Kuan's side and fed a black pill into his mouth!

I don't know what this thing is made of. When Shen Xiaoxiao went crazy and opened Yan Kuan's mouth, he didn't see any trace of medicine in his mouth. Shen Xiaoxiao didn't notice anything except a strange fragrance. arrive!

"What did you feed Yan Kuan? What exactly did you feed?" Shen Xiaoxiao was shocked. What was so weird that it actually melted in his mouth? Could it be what she was thinking? Will it be?

"He's going to be a dead soldier, what do you think I should feed him?"

"Is it medicine for dead soldiers?"

Is Shen Xiaoxiao shocked? Not Yin Hua Lei? Is it really not Yinhua Tears? No way, he was extremely uneasy. What on earth did he feed Yan Kuan?

"Antidote, give me the antidote!"

"You want the antidote? Yes, I can exchange it for the key!"

"You, I told you I don't have the key!"

"Not there? Where is that?"

"Third uncle, when third uncle went abroad to recuperate, I put it on the bottom of his luggage bag!"

"Shen Congwen?" The man in black didn't seem to expect that Shen Xiaoxiao would actually say that, and was completely shocked by Shen Congwen!

Although he concealed his surprise well, Shen Xiaoxiao still saw something was wrong, his heart sank suddenly, and he didn't speak again for a long time!

"Shen Congwen is recuperating abroad. Don't delay. If you can't find the key tomorrow, Yan Kuan will be killed!"

After the man in black finished speaking, he turned around and left with his men. Shen Xiaoxin's heart skipped a beat. Could it be his third uncle? Could that person just now be the third uncle?

If it wasn't him, where did those familiar feelings come from? Also, when the person mentioned the third uncle’s name just now, his eyes were clearly wrong, but he couldn’t deceive anyone!

These things are like a mess that gives Shen Xiaoxiao a headache. Why has it become like this?

Once upon a time, wasn't her only purpose and plan to return home was revenge?

But look, look what's happening now? Liu Yufei and Pei Li are living well, okay, Pei Li has been punished a little, but Liu Yufei is living well, which is awkward just thinking about it!

It was this Yan Kuan, how could she not control her heart and actually fall in love with this man?

Didn’t you say that you won’t touch **** in this life? But did you really get into trouble with this god of evil? Moreover, she is also pregnant with a naughty egg!

Now that my heart and feelings have been taken away from me, are you just lying here and ready to let go?

"Yan Kuan, you are a man, so get up. Do you know that you are going to be made a dead soldier? It's okay for you to die. Do you want your son to become a mummy too? Get up!"

Shen Xiaoxiao is really angry, what does this look like? Even though he was like this, he was still lying there motionless. Seeing Yan Kuan like this, I really wanted to give him a few slaps!

Of course she did this too, but when she was asked to do it, she couldn't help but look at his unresponsive appearance. She was really eaten up by this man!

She sat angrily on the corner of the bed, with her back to Yan Kuan, so Shen Xiaoxiao didn't see Yan Kuan's slightly curled fingers!

"Has the medicine been prepared?" Feng Hao looked at the bottles and jars that Yun Qi had been playing with. He had been studying them for half a month. Isn't it done yet?

"It's done, it's the last step. I guarantee that as long as this thing is put into the Ouyang family's water well, no one will know about the entire Ouyang family!"

"What if people don't use well water but use tap water?" Lei Lie thought more comprehensively. They have been preparing for this period of time, so they can't lose their success!

"Everyone in the Ouyang family likes to use well water to make tea. We are poor. Even if some of them don't drink it, I will sprinkle powder over the Ouyang family. I can't say this without knocking them over!"

"Yes, even if we can't save the boss, the whole Ouyang family will be disturbed. This little mechanism I set up, if you can, don't breathe, otherwise, I will make the whole family faint!"

"If we are ready, let's start tomorrow night. Hum, the sun has been shining brightly for the past week. As long as there is no rain, the Ouyang family will not have a good time! The moon is dark and the wind is high, it is a murderous night!"

The four hall masters have made preparations, and 19 is now spending every day in a coma. This An Yi must have done something sorry to him and the lady, otherwise how could he dare to do this to him?

As soon as An Yi left, 19 hurriedly picked his throat and vomited out the drugged food he had eaten. Do you really think you are stupid, and you were deceived by just a few words? Are you even cooking to seduce me? Huh, I'm not one of those idiots. Between An Yi and the young lady, he would only choose the young master!

After seeing Pei Li sleeping soundly, Liu Yufei put on her clothes and walked out of the door. After teasing him for a long time that night, Pei Li didn't react at all. If she hadn't looked at his bandaged right leg, she would have really doubted whether Pei Li was a sex offender. I am incompetent. I think the lack of response for a long time must be related to the injury. Just thinking about it makes me very angry! It was better to go out and find happiness by herself, it made her feel uncomfortable!

Liu Yufei didn't see it. Pei Li opened his eyes as soon as she left. He looked at his clone who didn't speak for a long time and his face turned bluer and greener. Was he really unresponsive? He didn't respond when the little nurse teased him earlier. He thought it was because of his injury, but it was still the same now. He began to have an unknown premonition!

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