Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 288 Husband and Wife

Shen Xiaoxiao turned around in surprise, and Yan Kuan really woke up.

She just stared at him blankly, her eyes filled with tears.

This is not a dream, is he really awake?

His eyes were still dark and shiny, deep and inexplicable, and the bruises under his eyes looked so pleasing to the eye at this moment.

It wasn't a dream, it wasn't a dream, he really woke up.

"You, you, are you really awake?"

After finishing the novel, Shen Xiao seemed to be in disbelief and reached out to pinch his arm vigorously.

"You really want to murder your husband."

Yan Kuan looked at the man who pinched him instead of himself with a funny face. His eyes were red like a little rabbit, looking at him pitifully.

My heart suddenly softened like a pool of spring water, soft and boundless...

"It hurts" Yan Kuan yelled "It hurts" to cooperate with her.

"It hurts, does it really hurt? That's good, it's true. Damn man, you just woke up now, why didn't you keep sleeping, why didn't you sleep to death?"

He reached out and wiped the corner of her eyes lightly, and all those hot tears melted in his palm, which made his heart ache inexplicably.

"Why are you crying, idiot? I'm not dead yet!"

"It's great that you're awake, great!"

Shen Xiaoxiao rushed over excitedly and hugged him tightly.

Yan Kuan smiled and pretended to cough twice.

"Hey, if you don't let go, I'll really be strangled to death by you, I have everything!"

"You don't know how scared I am. They said they're going to make you a dead man, and I'm going to be a mummy. By the way, there's ours... Yan Kuan, you're going to be a father!"

After reporting the news, Shen Xiaoxiao looked at Yan Kuan without moving, trying to see some subtle changes in the expression in his eyes.

Shen Xiaoxiao had imagined many times, if Yan Kuan knew that he was going to be a father, what kind of mentality would he have? Will you like it or will you hate it.

Later, after Yan Kuan disappeared, Shen Xiaoxiao was also annoyed why he disappeared one day later, so that at least he could know that he had a child.

Therefore, the first thing Shen Xiaoxiao did after Yan Kuan woke up was to tell him the news.

Yan Kuan looked at Shen Xiaoxiao's cautious appearance, smiled and stretched out his hand to gently touch her lower abdomen, saying:

"I know, I know you have a baby, every day I can feel his beating, every day you say in my ear, I know, thank you for your hard work, this is the best gift you gave me ,I like it very much."

Shen Xiaoxiao finally burst into tears and smiled, holding his hand happily on her lower abdomen. This feeling is really good. The three of them are a real reunion!

But the current situation is not optimistic. Thinking of the news from the mysterious code last night, there will be a battle of the century tonight.

When Yan Kuan didn't wake up before, Shen Xiaoxiao thought that they might die here tonight, but now that Yan Kuan is awake, what they have to do is to find ways to escape from here.

And her gaze naturally fixed on the hollow stone slab.

"Can your limbs move? Will you feel uncomfortable? Will there be muscle atrophy after lying down for so long? Do you want to get out of bed and move around or something?"

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at Yan Kuan nervously. After lying down for so long for several months, the limbs were somehow stiff. If they couldn't walk normally, it would be difficult for them to escape.

Yan Kuan looked at Shen Xiaoxiao's anxious and worried appearance, and comforted him with a smile! : "You pinch me so hard every day. It's good that the limbs haven't been pinched. How can there be stiffness? I'm afraid you don't know how strong your own hands are, little one!"

Shen Xiaoxiao was a little stunned. Is her hand strong? Didn't she feel it? !

"Is it big? Why don't I feel it?"

"A boxer's hand strength will be weak? You really treat your husband as an opponent in a boxing match!"

Shen Xiaoxiao blushed when she heard the word "husband" and said angrily, "Shameless, who is your wife?"

"Hey, I didn't say you were my wife, I just said I was your husband!"

Shen Xiaoxiao gritted her teeth with hatred when she saw this person who made fun of her as soon as she woke up.

Yan Kuan can't piss people off now.

She smiled and said, "Since you put on the obsidian star, you have been doomed to be my Yan Kuan's woman for the rest of your life. Now that you are pregnant with a baby, don't you want to admit it?"

As soon as Shen Xiaoxiao heard the word "little boy", she felt very speechless. Can this Yan Kuan not speak? He said his child was a brat, so what was he himself?

Yan Kuan didn't know what Shen Xiaoxiao was thinking? He moved his arms slightly, looked outside the iron gate not far away, and said in a low voice to Shen Xiaoxiao: "Help your husband get up and walk around for some activities. His whole body has been stiff these past few months. Only then can we have a good time tonight."

Shen Xiaoxiao hurriedly helped him up, and watched him walk down the ground slowly, his limbs changed from stiff to gradually flexible, and it seemed that there was no difference after a set of punches. Shen Xiaoxiao began to be very curious , What is it that supports Yan Kuan's continuous vital signs to survive without eating much every day!

"Are you really okay? But you haven't eaten anything for several months, where do you get your strength?"

After a set of boxing skills, Yan Kuan quietly walked back to the bed, lay down with peace of mind, and then said to Shen Xiaoxiao slowly:

"Ouyang's family has been passed down for thousands of years. It's not easy for them to maintain my vital signs. You didn't see it in the early stage. You don't know how many liquids they injected me in a row. Later, you little thing gave me three meals a day. Feed me, I'm still hungry."

These words are easy to say, but Shen Xiaoxiao always feels that these words are a bit weird. What is the injection, what is it that can make a person lie like this for several months without eating or drinking, and he can live without any physical fitness? Churn?

But seeing that Yan Kuan really didn't look bad at all, Shen Xiaoxiao's words were blocked again.

After going back, she should check her carefully before she can rest assured, otherwise she always feels that Ouyang's family is full of weirdness. What if Yan Kuan is injected with some amazing things, such as those medicines that make people into dead men?

"What should we do next? Oh, by the way, do you know what's going on outside? Let me tell you..."

"I know, I've been lying in bed for half a month, and you've been nagging in my ears every day, so there's nothing else I don't know."

"Then have you always been conscious? Have you always known what I'm telling you? Then do you know that your dark one betrayed you? Now that you have become the guard commander of Ouyang's family, we have to run out. It's not that simple!"

Yan Kuan looked at Shen Shaoshao in a funny way, with such an indignant look, and said in a funny way:

"An Ben is a member of Ouyang's family. There is no such thing as betrayal or not. Being the guard commander of Ouyang's family is just returning to his post. Don't be surprised!"


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