Shen Xiaoxiao thought she heard it wrong, what did Yan Kuan say? An Yi is from Ouyang's family? How is this possible? Didn't An Yi grow up with Yan Kuan? How could it be from Ouyang's family?

Is he the same as Yan Kuan? Did you run away from Ouyang's house?

Yan Kuan looked at Shen Xiaoxiao's puzzled appearance, and patiently explained to her:

"Anyi's father was the previous guard commander of the Ouyang family, he grew up with me.

Twenty years ago, Ouyang Tianxia ordered me and Ouyang Jinling to be burned, and it happened to be carried out by Anyi's father. Unexpectedly, Anyi overheard it at that time, so he secretly came to tell me from the dog hole, so that I could get back in advance. Knowing that I saved my life, but An Yi's father, Ouyang Yi, was a son of the Ouyang family, and he had never done anything wrong to the Ouyang family in his life. He found out that An Yi saved me, and he not only killed An Yi with his own hands. My younger sister pretended to be me as a dead body, and even wanted to get rid of Anyi and his mother together. In order to cover Anyi, Anyi's mother was beaten to death by his father, and Anyi ran out.

His father, Ouyang, was afraid of things going wrong all his life, and had been secretly assassinating Anyi. Later, Anyi met me, and we ran abroad together.

Ten years ago, An Yi returned to China and met Ouyang Yi. At that time, Ouyang Yi was almost dying. Before he died, An Yi agreed to take his place. At that time, I already had plans to get rid of Ouyang's family, so I decided to make a decision in the middle of the game, a double agent! "

"So complicated? But An Yi's father is quite ruthless. Not only his own daughter, but also his wife and son can get rid of him. Why?

It is also incredible that An Yi agreed so easily and agreed to be the commander of the Ouyang family's guards. "

"An Yi is not his father's biological son, his biological father died when his mother was pregnant with him, so he married Ouyang Yi when he was in his mother's womb.

Ouyang and An Yi were born with a hostile mentality. He treated An Yi very badly since he was a child, and he had already wanted to kill An Yi. Moreover, if An Yi and his sister were killed, his wife would remarry a new life. A successor of true blood would be better for Ouyang Yi. "

"Where is An Yi's younger sister? His younger sister is always Ouyang Yi's own flesh and blood, can this be done?"

Shen Xiaoxiao still can't figure out why Ouyang's family has all these vicious and perverted people.

"They belong to a hereditary family, if it's a daughter, then it's a hereditary maid from the Ouyang family.

The Ouyang family's maidservants often have two endings. You can either be trained as a housekeeper, or you can be paired with other servants of the Ouyang family who are doing chores.

Ouyang Yi is such an arrogant person, as the commander of the guards, do you think he is willing to let his daughter be his servant? And I forgot to tell you that Ouyang Yi's daughter is also An Yi's younger sister, born with six fingers, such a person in Ouyang's family is absolutely impossible to use as a housemate, so his sister is doomed to die. "

"So An Yi has been harboring resentment because of his mother and sister?"

"Yes, for An Yi, only his mother and sister are blood related to him. He has been abused by Ouyang Yi since he was a child. It is impossible for him to have any feelings for Ouyang Yi. Therefore, he promised Ouyang Yi to be Ouyang's family at that time. The commander of the guards is also an expedient measure."

"Scared me, I thought your most loyal An Yi also betrayed you, I scolded him so badly, would he be angry!"

Yan Kuan smiled and still touched the soft hair on the top of her head, which had reached her shoulders, and it felt smooth to the touch, not bad, it will be well-raised!

"If Anyi is really angry with you, you won't have those chicken legs and bird's nests that you eat every day. Do you think that as a prisoner, you can have such a good meal? And in order to prevent poisoning, maybe these meals are made by Anyi himself of it!"

Shen Xiaoxiao was taken aback, An Yi made it with her own hands, yes, An Yi really knows how to cook, but An Yi personally made these things for her, which surprised her a bit.

"Then, over there, there is a hollow stone under there. Could it be that it was sent out secretly? Could it be that he was also the password last night?"

"Smart, besides me, only An Yi knows this password. It was originally the communication password between me and him, but since I handed it to you, you naturally know it."

"Then you are really in a coma if you are in a coma, then why did Anyi arrest me too? Isn't he worried that the Ouyang family will also do something to me?"

"An Yi catches you because of helplessness. I have been in a coma before, and there is no possibility of waking up at all, and those medicines hurt my nerves after all, so in order to wake me up, An Yi can be regarded as a dead horse as a living horse doctor. Treat you as well." It was sent in, but you are safer inside than outside, that fake was deliberately arranged by Ouyang's family, and he was accompanied by that Ma San, these things will have to be dealt with after I go out!"

"Okay, then why don't you go and see if it's empty under that rock? We have to find a way to get out. It's impossible to be stuck here waiting for those people to come over tonight. Oh, yes, and that black-clothed Man, why do I feel like the man in black is Third Uncle?"

"Who is the man in black, you will naturally know in the future, well, someone is coming, be careful."

After Yan Kuan finished speaking, he immediately closed his eyes, and Shen Xiaoxiao pricked up his ears to listen. Sure enough, there was a slight noise not far away, and someone was coming. It was noon, it should be delivering food When the person came, Shen Xiaoxiao immediately shut up and stopped talking, sitting at his feet and repeating the movements he would do every day to massage Yan Kuan's limbs non-stop.

The hidden guard at the door is at least one meter away from the iron door, so it is difficult for those people to notice Yan Kuan and some of her actions, unless they are watching them all the time at the door of the iron window. Of course, this is absolutely impossible, and their voices are extremely loud. Low, it's really hard to find them.


Sure enough, the food delivery person came over. Today there is still the white-cut chicken that Shen Xiaoxiao likes to eat, and today there are more than half of them. If it is really prepared by An Yi, Shen Xiaoxiao believes it now, because her appetite is now It's getting bigger and bigger, from just a few pieces of chicken to now it's half a chicken, and every time she eats it clean, Shen Xiaoxiao used to think that the cook of Ouyang's family was quite understanding and knew her His appetite gradually increased, and thinking about it now, it turned out that it was all An Yi's arrangement.

Most of the white-cut chicken and a large bowl of rice, along with some other side dishes, Shen Xiaoxiao unceremoniously brought the meal over.

After washing her hands, she picked up the half chicken and gnawed on it, handed the food to Yan Kuan and told him, if you eat this, I will eat meat.

Yan Kuan looked at Shen Xiaoxiao's appearance of protecting the food, shook his head with some distress and a little bit of amused, eat meat if you like, these days are really hard for her.

But in the past, it was not enough to rely on those medicines to maintain physical strength. If the little thing hadn't insisted on feeding him some liquid food every day for the past half month, he might not be able to wake up and have the strength to do these things now.

So I took these meals and ate them without any hesitation...

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