Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 290 Visiting the Garden

Perhaps it was because Yan Kuan woke up, Shen Xiaoxiao had a backbone, and she was really not in a hurry to run out immediately. In Shen Xiaoxiao's eyes, Yan Kuan really felt that Yan Kuan was omnipotent, except this time !

Shen Xiaoxiao followed the usual habit of walking a hundred steps after a meal. When the guard who collected the bowls and chopsticks came to pick up the bowls and chopsticks, Shen Xiaoxiao went to the door and said a few words:

"Then who are you feeding a little cat food to? Do you think that if you starve me to death, you will miss a step and don't have to mummify me, saving trouble?"

Shen Xiaoxiao complained that the guards outside didn't pay her any attention. Anyway, this eldest lady is hungry every day, and she can eat more than big men like them!

I don't know why this young lady has such a big appetite. They, big men like them, may not be able to eat so much. How can this little girl eat clean every time?

Look at this bone, it's really clean, it's cleaner than anything else!

Seeing that the guard left without saying a word, Shen Xiaoxiao was sure that his words scared him away, and looked around carefully. fight!

Yan Kuan rested his hands on the back of his head, lay on the bed and looked at Shen Xiaoxiao bluffing funnyly, he really loved this little thing!

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at Yan Kuan and stared at her as if she was watching a show, ignored him, and walked around the room slowly, touching her belly. Not to mention, her three-month-old stomach can really feel the changes every day !

As long as you look carefully, you can actually tell that Shen Xiaoxiao looks like a pregnant woman at a glance!

After three days, the human leather mask on her face started to edge up playfully, and Shen Xiaoxiao tore it off. She knew that as long as she looked in the mirror and used some water, it could be put back on again!

However, there is no need for that now!

Shen Xiaoxiao circled around the room, Yan Kuan couldn't stand it at last, got up and walked over to support her, the two of them walked again!

"You are so generous, you are not in a hurry and even take a walk with me, and you are not afraid that people outside will see you?"

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at Yan Kuan with a nonchalant expression, did this man not take the matter of going to jail too seriously? It looks like it's training!

"You even turned off the last blue light, and it's pitch black here, except for the two of us who have good eyesight and see this place as if it were daytime, other people will only see it as dead black!"

Shen Xiaoxiao really ignored this problem, she was really used to the darkness, and she didn't think there was anything wrong, but seeing Yan Kuan's foolish appearance, she still said:

"Fortunately, it's dark. I don't know if I can't see it. Otherwise, I don't know how dirty you are. Don't pollute my baby's eyes. Oh, I heard that you stink. Some people haven't bathed for more than three months. You Did you say you have fleas?"

Yan Kuan was so angry that he didn't know what to say about this dead girl, she was really good at it, and she started to pick and choose when the situation was just a little bit better. And if he still dislikes him and says he stinks, then he really has to let her smell it to see if it stinks.

"Does it stink? Come on, come on, smell it well, you haven't showered in half a month, do you think you smell good?"

After Yan Kuan finished speaking, he hugged Shen Xiaoxiao tightly in his arms, and kept rubbing her face, making Shen Xiaoxiao's whole body goose bumps.

"Hate it, get out!"

The two were laughing and joking here, but the guard at the door didn't respond at all. If we went to look, I don't know what the young lady would do! Therefore, even when they heard the movement, they were used to ignoring it!

The two walked for half an hour, Shen Xiaoxiao sat on the bedside to rest, Yan Kuan didn't stop, but started to wander around by himself!

Seeing Yan Kuan's recovery ability, Shen Xiaoxiao was really speechless. She only woke up in the morning, but now she is more energetic than a normal person like her!

"What are you doing? I've seen that the stone slab is sealed with cement!"

Yan Kuan ignored her, walked around the stone slab for a while, then squatted down and turned his back to Shen Xiaoxiao, Shen Xiaoxiao only heard Kaka's voice, Shen Xiao was careful, Yan Kuan actually pried the slate open?

How did he do that? It's so powerful that even cement can be broken away!

"I see that you are so aggrieved and panicked for a walk here. Our son also needs to bask in the sun. I'll take you to the garden for a walk!"

Yan Kuan said this to Shen Xiaoxiao as if nothing had happened. If he had another cigarette in his hand, he would look like a bum.

And go to the garden, are you kidding me? Do you really think this is your back garden?

"Aren't you too arrogant, and you still go to the garden, no problem! Are you afraid that others will not know that you are awake or something?"

"Didn't I tell you? What are your men afraid of? The sky is falling and I will support you. Come on, let's go basking in the sun."

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at Yan Kuan and touched her belly, basking in the sun, this really tempted her, she hadn't seen the sun for more than half a month, the child must need to bask in the sun more, and took another look at Yan Kuan The black hole behind Kuan finally nodded, and she was most at ease in handing herself over to this man.

The stone slab behind Yan Kuan's body was pried open to reveal a huge black hole.

It was still dark inside, but the stairs could still be seen going down. I don't know where it leads, but as long as Yan Kuan is there, she is not afraid to go anywhere.

Shen Xiaoxiao went down behind Yan Kuan first, and after he went down, he covered the stone slab intact.

To them, the pitch-black stone staircase is like daylight.

This is longer than the stone ladder that Shen Xiaoxiao descended from Ouyang Tian's room before, and it extends very deep.

At least after walking for about ten minutes, I can see some light coming in from nowhere.

"Close your eyes first and haven't seen the light for a long time. Sudden stimulation is not good for your eyes."

"Well, I know, you too, but you haven't seen the sun for more than 3 months. But I've always been curious, how did you get arrested in the first place, isn't your skill special? Can Yan Kuan be arrested?"

Yan Kuan knew that Shen Xiaoxiao's novel was a joke, but he didn't forget about this issue, but he didn't think about it so much when he just woke up. Now that this little thing mentioned this issue, he had to break up with her. Rip off.

"Then should you tell me what you thought when you kicked me down? Are you sacrificing yourself to save others? Use your life for me to survive? Why didn't I know that you loved me so much, dear I could even take my life."

"Stupid, who loves you, shameless."

Shen Xiaoxiao really doesn't want to touch this topic. If she is given another chance, maybe she really doesn't have the ability and courage to kick Yan Kuan down again. The sudden courage at that time is still inconceivable to her now. How could she have such great strength to push Yan Kuan down!

But regarding the topic of Yan Kuan saying that he loves him, Shen Xiaoxiao will admit that she loves him. She is afraid that she is too late to say this. In the past 3 months, she has been annoyed. The only time she said love was when she was drunk Finally, when she had no image, seeing Yan Kuan like this, Shen Xiaoxiao looked at him seriously and said to him: "Yes, I love you, very much."

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