Yan Kuan explained his life experience in detail, but Shen Xiaoxiao was still a little confused.

Who was the woman they saw at the base? Isn't that Ouyang Jinling?

"Who is that person? Isn't she Ouyang Jinling?"

Yan Kuan didn't know that this little guy had such a good memory that he could still remember this.

However, this matter is also a huge problem. He said without any concealment:

"I have always suspected that the woman in the base is not Ouyang Jinling."

"Not Ouyang Jinling? Are you kidding me? She has been in a coma for more than 20 years, hasn't she? She has been with you for more than 20 years."

"No, she is not with me all the time. I have been training in a closed environment during those years abroad. Ouyang Jinling was personally taken care of by my master, so I really don't know what's going on?"

"Could it be the same as that fake Yan Kuan? He is looking for someone similar, or he is wearing a human skin mask or something."

"She is not wearing a human skin mask. My people have already checked this, and the DNA comparison is similar to mine, but this woman is indeed not Ouyang Jinling."

"Could it be some kind of twin thing, someone made a game?"

"We'll have to wait until I get out to find out. The fake Yan Kuan is outside now, and maybe Ouyang Jinling has run away."

"You said she ran away? It would be better if she really ran away. This can show that she and the Ouyang family are in the same group, because for no reason, how did that fake know that Ouyang Jinling was in your base? Could it be your identity? Ouyang Tian also knows about it!"

Shen Xiaoxiao's words were not unreasonable. Yan Kuan thought about it and said:

"It is said that my father and I look very similar. Maybe Ouyang Tian already knew it when he first met me, but he just pretended not to know. Otherwise, would he have the guts to swallow my Dark Empire?"

"Oh, look at how messy this is. It's such a mess. So what are we going to do now!"

"Now that we are hiding in the dark, we have to take care of the overall situation. We have been at a disadvantage all along, so this time we want the Ouyang family to be too busy to take care of themselves.

Let's go, don't you want to teach An Ning a lesson? Then let's go and teach her a lesson, but before that, let's go to a place where the scenery is pretty good. "

Yan Kuan Road, they walked in a side tunnel for about 10 minutes, and climbed out from the entrance of a dry well.

It took a while before she dared to open her eyes, but the long-lost sunshine and fragrance of flowers made Shen Xiaoxiao feel particularly at ease.

With pavilions, carved railings and jade inlays, this is a typical Jiangnan garden style.

This place is exquisite and beautiful, the air is good and the environment is great. Which part of Ouyang's house have they visited to have such a beautiful scenery?

"This is Ouyang Tang's back garden. Ouyang Tang is famous for playing and enjoying things in the Ouyang family, so his back garden is also the most exquisite and beautiful garden in the entire Ouyang family.

Ouyang Tang has a lot of rules, and no one dares to step into this garden at will. Therefore, except for Ouyang Tang and Ouyang Tian, ​​no outsiders have ever entered here. Now we are here to bask in the sun, but no one can disturb us. "

"Won't Ouyang Tang himself come over? The sun is so good, what if he wants to come out to bask in the sun!"

"No, Ouyang Tang is very practical. After he helped Ouyang Tian get the position of the head of the family, he did not interfere with any family power and only focused on his own enjoyment. So, Ouyang Tian is so indulgent and respectful to Ouyang Tang?

Ouyang Tang has many hobbies, especially gambling. There will be card games every afternoon, so he will not go to the garden in the afternoon, he will only appear here in the morning. "

"That's great. Doesn't it make it easier for us? Come on, sit there and bask in the sun and smell the flowers. It will be good for our baby!"

Yan Kuan had always followed her instructions in this regard. He originally wanted to take her out to bask in the sun, so of course he listened to his words and the two sat there holding hands.

It was daytime now, and Shen Xiaoxiao took a closer look at the clothes Yan Kuan was wearing. He was wearing a white hospital gown, which was a bit weird, and the short-sleeved shorts looked very strange.

However, Yan Kuan was really not dirty after lying down for three months, and there was no peculiar smell. Shen Xiaoxiaoxiao immediately joked:

"Tell me, do you have beautiful women serving you every day? Why don't you smell bad?"

"Don't you know I'm naturally beautiful? I smell good! But do you want to take a bath?"

Shen Xiaoxiao was particularly surprised when he heard Yan Kuan's words. Taking a shower, this man really thought about everything. His thoughts were really different!

"Do you really think this is your back garden? You're still taking a shower. Why don't you get a big bed for me to lie down on? I've been sleeping at your feet for half a month and my bones are falling apart!"

Yan Kuan felt distressed after all. He only heard him say: "What's so difficult about this? As long as you think about it, I said there's nothing I can't do. Let's go and take you to take a good bath and have a good sleep."

Shen Xiaoxiao followed Yan Kuan to a rockery behind the garden with hesitation.

After passing through the rockery, they saw a row of bungalows. The innermost room near the back of the rockery was particularly remote. Yan Kuan walked directly there with Shen Xiaoxiao.

He took out a key from the lawn under the stone slab, opened the door, closed the door and walked in. Yan Kuan's familiarity made Shen Xiaoxiao couldn't help but think that this could not be the room that Yan Kuan himself had lived in before!

"I lived in this room earlier, but because of my birth, no one in the Ouyang family dared to live in this room, for fear of offending Ouyang Tian! So this room has been vacant. Come in and take a shower!"

Xiaoxiao felt relieved now. Not to mention that the room was not big, but it had everything including a bathroom, a bedroom, and a simple small room.

Shen Xiaoxiao walked into the bathroom, and Yan Kuan brought her some changes of clothes. She was wearing the clothes of a maid in the Ouyang family, so she always had these clothes in the closet.

Shen Xiaoxiao had really not taken a hot bath for more than half a month, and now the rushing water flowing on his body was really comfortable.

After washing for half an hour, he came out satisfied. Yan Kuan had already stripped naked and was ready to go in.

"Baby, look how pitiful he is. He has been on a vegetarian diet for more than three months, and I don't know if his function is still intact. Why don't you give it a try?"

Shen Xiaoxiao was speechless. Some people said that her function was unhealthy. Look at how erect and hard it was. She blushed and her heart skipped a beat. Damn man, he really couldn't be any better. No, he was having sex again!

"Asshole, just do it if you can do it!"

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at Yan Kuan with her stomach raised deliberately. She still didn't believe that he couldn't be cured!

"How about I go catch a beautiful girl for you and come back to be happy?"

Yan Kuan's face darkened. Now Shen Xiaoxiao is pregnant. It's really his own fault! How could he almost forget this!

"Come on, I'd better go take a shower!"

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