After a comfortable hot bath, I felt really sleepy. Regardless of Yan Kuan, as soon as my hair was dried, I climbed into bed and fell asleep comfortably!

When Yan Kuan came out, Shen Xiaoxiao was already fast asleep. Looking at this little guy with a red face and a calm appearance, his heart ached, satisfied and happy!

I did another set of boxing in the room, stretched my muscles, changed my clothes, locked the door and walked out!

Ouyang Jiu dared to poison him. Three months ago, Shen Xiaoxiao saved him with his life. When he was in shock, Ouyang Jiu actually thought of poisoning him directly in the air. He was really careless and got them. The way!

But now that he is awake, the Ouyang family should wait for his revenge!

The four hall masters were making final preparations, but when Lei Lie was playing with the computer according to his own habits, he actually saw a message.

A message of summons, this is incredible, this is a special summons from the Black Emperor of the Dark Empire!

Is this true or false? Isn't it a fake?

"Hurry up, come here and take a look. Is this fake or real?"

Hearing Lei Lie's exclamation, the other three people hurriedly ran over and stared at the computer.

Sure enough, a summoning order belonging only to the Black Emperor of the Dark Empire appeared on the computer.

The four people looked at each other and were a little confused, whether this was made by the fake or the real Yan Kuan.

If it was really Yan Kuan who did it, then did he escape from Ouyang's house? This seems unlikely, An Yi, 19, but he and his sister-in-law have been missing for more than half a month without any news. If they were really rescued, they should have contacted them long ago, and they wouldn’t have waited half a month. !

But if it was a fake, he wouldn't be so capable of figuring out everything inside the Dark Empire so quickly!

"What on earth is going on? Should we go or not? Should the rescue plan tonight continue or be shelved?"

Feng Hao also raised questions, but Yun Qijue's rescue plan cannot be delayed, because if the boss is really rescued, then it doesn't matter if they go to Ouyang's house. But if they don't come out, they will be in vain. After missing this opportunity, they had been preparing for more than half a month, and their efforts could not be wasted.

"Let's go. I think we can't miss this opportunity. If the boss comes out, don't forget that there are still 50 brothers!"

Yun Qi's words resonated with others. Even if the boss comes out, are there still 50 brothers still inside? They are not people who have forgotten their roots, unlike that fake who will not save their brother.

"Yes, let's do it. We will act as planned tonight. As for the news, we can ignore it for now. If it is true, the boss will definitely call us again, so we will wait and see what happens!"

Yan Kuan definitely didn't know that there was no response to his order for a long time, and that the Fourth Hall Master was preparing a rescue plan tonight. I wonder if he would be surprised if he saw the Four Hall Masters tonight?

When Shen Xiaoxiao woke up, Yan Kuan was staring at something on the table carefully. She got up and walked out of bed, came to his side and saw that there were four paintings on the table, pictures of beauties in ancient costumes.

"What is this? Where does it come from?"

Shen Xiaoxiao rubbed his eyes and looked at these pictures, which seemed familiar, but he didn't know where he had seen them before.

"The fourth picture is Tang Bohu's original picture of a lady."

"Tang Bohu's, oh, no wonder it looks familiar to me. How come you have these four paintings? These are priceless!"

"Yes, it is priceless. This is Ouyang Tang's treasure. It is hung in the study and cannot be touched by anyone, not even Ouyang Tian and his own biological children.

When a maid who was cleaning the room accidentally moved one of the paintings a little bit, Ouyang Tang cut off her limbs and threw them out. What do you think the status of these paintings in Ouyang Tang's heart was? "

"Then what do you mean by taking these paintings? To tease Ouyang Tang and make him go crazy and get brain congestion?"

Yan Kuan smiled and felt that this little thing's thoughts were simply incomprehensible to ordinary people.

It's really surprising that he could even think of this, but the little guy's idea is quite to his liking.

"That's a good idea. Ouyang Tang is different from Ouyang Tian. Ouyang Tian has internal martial arts. Although he is over 80 years old, his body is similar to that of an adult man in his 40s. But Ouyang Tang only has a lot of inner strength in his life. He knows how to have fun and play, not caring about worldly affairs, and seems to be inexplicably energetic, but in fact he is just an ordinary old man. Once he receives any big stimulation, it can easily cause other chain reactions."

Shen Xiaoxiao became more and more excited as he listened. As long as he could make the Ouyang family suffer, he would feel comfortable. So, he took Yan Kuan's hand and said, "Then let's go quickly and sell these paintings. Ouyang Tang is so angry."

Yan Kuan smiled and shook his head. Not to mention selling these four paintings, they were at Ouyang's house now. They would have to sell them later, but he did have a new idea for these paintings.

"I also think that if Ouyang Tang knew that several of his paintings were missing, would he check Ouyang's house? Search every place? This is Ouyang's house. It is difficult for outsiders to enter here, so there will only be insiders and insiders. Will Gui Ouyang Tang conduct a thorough investigation?"

Shen Xiaoxiao immediately understood what Yan Kuan meant and said hurriedly:

"Then let's put these four paintings in different people's rooms. It will be fun once Ouyang Tang finds out."

Yan Kuan scratched her little nose. The little guy was really cute, but it was a really good idea. He immediately took four paintings and held Shen Xiaoxiao's hand and walked out.

The first candidate is of course An Ning, and both of them are targeting An Ning.

However, when they arrived at An Ning's courtyard, they found no trace of An Ning. Not only that, Shen Xiaoxiao also discovered something when Yan Kuan jumped into the room while standing outside.

"You said An Ning was not in Ouyang Tian's courtyard. What's going on? I remember that An Ning seemed to be injured at that time. If An Ning didn't rest in his own yard after being injured, how could he be in Ouyang Tian's yard? Could it be that An Ning was injured at that time? God didn't let others know that An Ning was hurt."

"This matter is easy to figure out. There is only one reason why Ouyang Tian didn't let everyone know that An Ning was injured. At that time, he was using An Ning as bait to lure you into taking the bait, and he just used his trick to get An Ning in."

"Oh, it turns out that he took advantage of An Ning, and he is cruel. So should we go directly to Ouyang Tian's yard now, or what should we do?"

"Let's put the other three paintings away. Ouyang Tian will go there last. It must be the most dangerous place."

"Let me think about it, where should these three paintings be placed? Why not put them in a four-bedroom house and Ouyang Tang's own son's room? What do you think?"

"So good!"

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