Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 295 Back to the starting point

They walked from the tunnel back to the cell where they were held. The road seemed much longer than when they walked on it.

Shen Xiaoxiao didn't speak during the whole journey, and his silence made Yan Kuan feel inexplicably distressed.

He really shouldn't have taken her to see those dirty things, but he didn't expect Ouyang Tian to treat An Ning like that.

In fact, his feelings about tranquility are very complicated.

They did have a blood relationship, but Yan Kuan always felt that An Ning was a little disgusting, not because of An Ning's unchosen life experience, but because of some of her practices, which were exactly the same as those of the Ouyang family.

Sure enough, growing up in that place, one would be spoiled by that place.

Just now Shen Xiaoxiao asked him if he wanted to save An Ning. In fact, he really wanted to say why should he save her? Is she pitiful? No, he didn't feel sorry for her.

Since An Ning has enjoyed the prosperity, wealth, comfort and enjoyment brought to her by the Ouyang family, then she has to give everything she can to the Ouyang family. Isn't this what she should do? Where in the world is there a free lunch?

And he felt that it might not be what they saw, maybe An Ning did it voluntarily!

After all, people in the Ouyang family absolutely cannot use ordinary people's thinking to measure them.

The long and narrow tunnel slowly became pitch black.

They knew they were going back to that forbidden place again!

But this time they met An Yi when they were halfway there. An Yi must have been waiting there for a long time. When she saw the two coming, Shen Xiaoxiao could feel the excitement in An Yi's tone.

"Master, are you awake? That's great. An Yi asks Mistress to forgive me for taking advantage of your trust."

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at An Yi standing there and had some thoughts in her heart, but all An Yi's starting point was for Yan Kuan, and she had nothing to care about. Moreover, she had to thank An Yi, otherwise how could she meet him so soon? To Yan Kuan.

"You're doing it for Yan Kuan's good, and that's okay. But An Yi, as compensation, you have to use your craftsmanship tonight to prepare a big meal for your lady. I just vomited everything I ate at lunch. Empty."

Yan Kuan saw Shen Xiaoxiao complaining and felt relieved. As long as she didn't object to eating, that would be fine, because her attention would be diverted and she wouldn't always be thinking about those disgusting things.

"Eat well after we go out. You have really worked hard these days."

"Everything is due to the negligence of the subordinates. If the subordinates had not neglected their duties, the superior would not have been punished by them..."

"Okay An Yi, you may be very busy next time. It won't take long for Ouyang Tang to find that four paintings in his study are missing. As the head of the Ouyang family's guard, he will be the first to bear the responsibility."

Yan Kuan suddenly interrupted An Yi. An Yi was stunned for a moment, but he immediately understood that the boss must have done something. He nodded immediately and said: "I understand."

"Anichi, can you do something for me today?"

Shen Xiaoxiao suddenly interrupted, making Yan Kuan and An Yi stunned. What kind of evil moth does this little thing want to do again?

"You have to set a few fires in several places today, otherwise I won't be able to get along with this feeling in my heart."

Yan Kuan felt happy when he saw that this little guy was actually thinking about this matter. Of course, even if she didn't order the fire, he would also order An Yi to do it.

In case he didn't know what they had encountered before, but when he heard that Shen Xiaoxiao was going to set a fire, he just thought that the young lady wanted to take revenge.

It was inevitable that the young lady would want revenge after suffering so much with her big belly.

"I wonder which places Miss wants to be set on fire?"

"It would be better to have Ouyang Tian's yard, but I know it's very difficult, so I'll burn An Ning's yard. It's really dirty."

"My subordinate understands."

"Lord, those people tonight will..."

An Yi just went to the forbidden area to type in the password but there was no response for a long time. At that time, he guessed that the boss might have woken up, so he waited where he was. Unexpectedly, he actually encountered them coming back, but the news he wanted to bring must be timely. Just report it to them, because those people will make the boss a dead soldier tonight.

"You don't have to worry about those people not being able to come over tonight."

Hearing Yan Kuan's answer, An Yi was stunned again. Has the boss really done something big? Is it arranged in such a short time?

"By the way Anichi, where is 19? Is 19 okay? Didn't you do anything to him?"

The last question even made Yan Kuan feel a little speechless. This little guy really thought that he could ask An Yi this question.

Of course, An Yi also looked aggrieved. Why was his image so bad in the young lady's mind?

"Miss, don't worry, 19 everything is fine. 19 Let me tell the lady something, he said, the third uncle said: "The dates by the hillside are really bitter this year. If the lady wants to eat jujube cake, she can only pick wild dates! ""

"What did you say? When did this happen? When did the news come?"

Shen Xiaoxiao was shocked. If this was really what the third uncle said, then the man in black couldn't be the third uncle.

But the eyes of the man in black are very similar to those of the third uncle. What is going on? Who is that man in black?

"The news came from 19 this morning when I contacted Third Uncle. I was also present at the time. There will definitely be no problem."

"Where's Grandma Lin? Have you spoken to Grandma Lin on 19?"

"Third uncle said that Grandma Lin got in touch with relatives abroad and will live with him temporarily and will return to China after a while."

Shen Xiaoxiao was silent for a long time. This matter was really a mess, so messy!

Shen Xiaoxiao stopped talking after hearing the news. She didn't hear anything Yan Kuan and An Yi explained.

Her attention has completely shifted to the man in black and his third uncle. What is the connection between the man in black and his third uncle? Her feeling is definitely not wrong, why is it so weird between these two people!

After An Yi resigned, Yan Kuan took her and slowly continued to walk towards the front of the tunnel.

After returning to the secret cell, Yan Kuan asked Shen Xiaoxiao:

"What does the password you and your third uncle mean? Is it somewhere?"

"When I suspected the fake before, I was worried that he would threaten me with my third uncle, so I asked my third uncle to go back to China early and hide it through 19. Only my third uncle and I know the password. It is absolutely impossible for anyone to cheat. If 19 and my third uncle just met me this morning, I got in touch with my uncle, and what the third uncle said meant that the man in black was not the third uncle, so I felt a little strange, then who is the man in black?"

Seeing Shen Xiaoxiao like this, I felt quite uncomfortable, but because of the identity of the black man, I just hoped that if Shen Xiaoxiao knew the truth one day, he would not be in chaos and lose his mind!

"Xiao Xiao, do you still remember what I said to you? Don't believe anyone in this world except yourself. Now I still say that to you. Remember, don't believe anyone, not even me. Also included.”

"Why? Why can't I even trust you?"

Yan Kuan's expression flashed with discomfort when Shen Xiaoxiao couldn't see it. However, the change was too quick and he immediately changed his tone and said to Shen Xiaoxiao: Have you forgotten that fake? "

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