Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 296 Getting ready to go out

Pei Li looked at the reports coming back from abroad and didn't know what to think. Although he was mentally prepared to a certain extent, he still felt a little unable to accept the final result when he really knew it.

The summer heat outside the house made the cicada scream incessantly, and she became restless and confused. She didn't know what to do.

After getting angry randomly and smashing everything in the study, Pei Li gradually calmed down and sat down.

Will he never have any more children in his life? How can it be? If this is the case, how will he compete for the position of the head of the family?

If this is the case, what will he do in his next life?

How could he be born with neurological atrophy? He was fine for the first 10 years.

He started to miss flowers when he was 15 years old. He claimed that he was always invincible. Why did he suddenly develop such a problem?

Not being able to have a child, not even artificial insemination, was so frustrating, so frustrating.

But fortunately, Liu Yufei was pregnant, and she got pregnant before he got sick. I really don't know whether to call him lucky or unlucky.

In this way, he was destined to be tied to a woman like Liu Yufei for the rest of his life. He was even slightly worried that such an excellent man would be paired with such a bad guy and a child.

Although Liu Yufei's words sounded better than her singing, Suoyinhua's power was too terrifying. He had experienced it before, and Liu Yufei's desires were beyond his control.

That was the time when he neglected her the most. It was still unknown whether the child was his. It seemed that the only way to do it was to do a paternity test after the child was born.

But no matter what the result of the paternity test is, at least until he secures his position as the head of the family, he must regard him as his biological child.

Now, I need to find an opportunity to mention his marriage to Liu Yufei to my uncle.

He must also plan all subsequent arrangements. If he cannot have his own children, he must also book his future successor in advance.

But to be honest, he can arrange his future affairs so calmly, which is not something ordinary people can do. Who would let him encounter such shocking things one after another? He already has a certain degree of resistance!

It's just that now that his hands and feet are disabled, and all his kung fu has been lost in that area, he is actually almost a cripple.

Can Liu Yufei, a woman, be able to hold her own in the future?

The answer is definitely no, but Pei Li also has a plan. After Liu Yufei gives birth to the child, he will ask the doctor who delivers her child to do some tricks so that Liu Yufei will never touch a man again in her life.

After Shen Xiaoxiao and Yan Kuan returned to the secret cell, they lay down to rest a little tired and didn't want to say much. Yan Kuan looked at her listless look and didn't know what to do. There were times when he was at a loss. He really didn't know what to do with his wife and children.

"What do you want to eat? Or do you want to play? It's not like you to be so listless. Why don't you get up and fight me?"

"Two tricks? Are you not sick? You don't want your son? Have you forgotten that I am pregnant? Tell me what you remember in one day? Do you have a sense of responsibility? Do you look like a father?"

Wow, look, you really did it yourself. Why did he provoke this little beast? He was not worried that she would make him bored. Now it’s better. People still blame him, but now he has the energy to argue with him. It seems like there's nothing going on, so it's good to distract yourself for a while.

"Okay, I know you're unhappy, so hold on. We'll leave after dinner."

"Go? Where to go?" What does Yan Kuan mean? Are you leaving here? Didn't you say it would take a few days? Why has it changed again?

"Go out, I see you can't move around here, and the environment here is too bad, which is not good for you and the children. And I also have a new plan, which can be implemented easily if you go out. Of course, if you like it here, we can come back occasionally It’s also nice to have a vacation.”

"The devil likes it here. I'm not a masochist!"

Shen Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes at Yan Kuan, but she felt good about being able to leave here. At least the air around her would be much better, wouldn't it?

"Yan Kuan, I want to eat spicy chicken."

Yan Kuan was stunned, why did he suddenly change his painting style? Did you talk about food again? Are all pregnant women so fickle? So weird?

"Spicy chicken? Okay, I'll let An Yi do it and let you eat as much as you want!" After Yan Kuan finished speaking, he was about to walk to the underground tunnel. Shen Xiaoxiao looked at him for being so attentive and thought that he was going to do it again. Ouyang's family walked around, feeling a little unhappy again.

"No, let's go out to eat. Don't be in a hurry. I'll just eat some plain chicken tonight. Anyway, I like chicken when I'm pregnant with this child!"

Yan Kuan looked at Shen Xiaoxiao and said nothing for a long time. He really didn't know how to answer her words. He could only walk back and look at her blankly. He really didn't know what to do to make this little ancestor feel better.

Anyway, seeing her sullen expression made him feel very distressed, so he had better get used to it by cheering up and making trouble with him.

Dinner was more than double the size of lunch. The guard who served the meal looked at the two trays and couldn't help but swallowed. There was so much food, so many varieties, could it be the last supper? So do more?

But is this too much? This woman said she ate a little less at noon, but there was no need to prepare such a large portion.

"That woman is really good at eating!"

"Okay, keep your voice down and send it to that aunt quickly, otherwise she will start nagging again later. She may talk all day."

Yan Kuan lay on the bed and watched Shen Xiaoxiao listening to the remarks of the guards outside. He couldn't help but laugh. Don't tell me, this little thing is really edible. Look, even people outside said that. I don't know what this little guy is listening to. Will you be angry?

"Don't hold back your laughter, just laugh out. Wouldn't it be better to laugh out!"

Although he heard Shen Xiaoxiao say this, Yan Kuan didn't dare to really smile like that, so he could only lie there and say nothing.

A whole chicken. I don’t know if Shen Xiaoxiao vomited out all the food he ate in the afternoon, so Shen Xiaoxiao almost killed it all by himself. He also ate so many vegetables and a bowl of rice that Yan Kuan could see it. I feel horrible. I really didn’t have enough to eat at noon. I’m not kidding.

But when I think about the child in her belly, I think it makes sense. It seems that the little thing in her belly must have been eaten, not the snack. Otherwise, how terrible would it be? This small body can eat better than him.

After dinner, Shen Xiaoxiao continued to walk around for half an hour every day and waited for that moment to arrive. She also wanted to know whether those people would come tonight. If they did, she would have to find out who the man in black was. who?

If they don't come, then they will leave here tonight. She will feel uncomfortable if she stays in this place for one more second!

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