Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 864 The arrival of the evil boy

Although Xiaobao remembered the route, he forgot that the road was not smooth. There was no cement road, no asphalt road, and even the stone slab road that should have been there could not be found because of this ancient forest.

This place is full of ancient atmosphere. After 7 o'clock in the evening, they almost went to bed as soon as it got dark, and they would wake up immediately when the rooster crowed.

Training soldiers, they would train soldiers on this high platform all morning, and only in the afternoon would they farm and work.

The habits here have never changed for thousands of years.

Passing by the heavy high platform, Xiaobao took a casual look. There was a tall pillar in the middle of the high platform, and there was a flag with strange patterns on the pillar.

The moonlight was not bright tonight, and it was very blurry, but it was still vaguely visible that there was a flower painted on the flag.

The stones on the entire stone platform were polished very smooth. It can be imagined how many years of grinding this place has experienced.

Xiaobao just took a look and pulled Dabao to move forward, not daring to delay at all.

Fortunately, they were lucky along the way. The two children ran all the way and were not discovered by anyone.

The main reason was that the people here slept too deeply at night. You know, in this mountain forest, there is really no noise at all. It is like a paradise here, surrounded by mountains and rivers.

So, if the people here really don’t know anything, it is not a bad thing.

They didn’t dare to light the lamp. In fact, it was useless to light it. The light of the kerosene lamp here was limited.

Fortunately, Uncle Agen’s house was built by the stream, so there were very few people coming and going here. There were only their family and a family upstream at the other end.

"Xiaobao, we ran away."

Dabao held back and dared not speak all the way. After arriving at the house, Dabao took a breath and said to Xiaobao.

Xiaobao’s nervous heart gradually relaxed. He didn’t expect that they could run so smoothly. Of course, it was smooth. For thousands of years, whenever they dealt with the tribesmen who made mistakes, no one dared to run away in the middle of the night. Many times, even if no one was guarding, the person would be there the next day.

The people here are simple-minded, and because they are too simple, they worship the tribe leader as a god.

Dabao and Xiaobao are the first and second people to escape from Wala Village in the past thousand years.

"Let's go to the basement. Uncle Agen told me before that if anyone finds us, we should hide in this basement. Let's go quickly."


The two children acted immediately, but the location of the basement was also very good, just under the kitchen. Dabao also took two vegetable dumplings down.

Xiaobao took a look at Dabao's actions and simply put all the small insects and maggots they prepared for them at night into a bowl.

The vegetable dumplings were prepared by Atawa before. The custom here is to steam three days of steamed buns at a time. After all, saving firewood is also what they do for the mountains and forests.

Xiaobao took everything away and took Dabao away to hide in a secret compartment under the firewood.

The space inside is very large, with bedding and braziers, and the ventilation is very good.

The two children were exhausted after a night of tossing and turning. When they saw the soft bed, they lay on it.

Because it was under the stove, there was no moisture. And the quilt was made of something. Although it was hard, it was very warm.

The two children took off their coats and pants, huddled in the quilt and fell asleep. Such a heartless look made people laugh and cry.

The next day.

They seemed to be deaf to the loud gongs and drums outside. No one knew how the two children ran away and where they ran to, but the patriarch asked everyone to go to the mountain to find them.

After all, this was the only way to run.

Atawa and his daughter were still detained in the cell. All of them were afraid. The holy land on the mountain could not be violated. If the two children ran into the holy land, they would definitely die. Of course, even if they were caught, they would be used for sacrifice and would not escape death.

But it was a holy land after all. If the prophet knew it, even the patriarch could not escape the blame.

So they almost released the labor force of the whole village to search the mountain.

On this side, the tribe leader Yacha stood respectfully in the corner. He didn't know why the prophet knew that the child was lost so quickly. He stood there in fear, waiting for the prophet's punishment.

The sweat on Yacha's head fell down in large drops. The blue clothes had been soaked in a large area, tightly sticking to the body and feeling uncomfortable.

"Yacha, you must find the two children, otherwise our entire village will experience a catastrophe. They are evil children, evil children who have come for thousands of years."

"What? Prophet, they are the legendary evil children? Are they the nemesis of the king?"

"Yes, they are them, so we must find them, and use our greatest sacrifice to confess to the almighty Yinhua King."

"I will send someone to find them immediately, right away."

Yacha was trembling with fear. They were actually evil children. These two children were actually evil children, and they were actually the legendary evil children.

Yes, the appearance of the king is closely related to the evil children. As long as the evil children appear, the king will soon come.

In order to welcome the coming of the king, they must not let the evil boy run away.

As soon as the patriarch left, the so-called prophet sat on the rattan chair, thinking. If Shen Xiaoxiao was there, she would definitely see that the so-called prophet was Shen Guoan, the old man Shen.

All the people in the village who were over 13 years old were sent out to look for the children. They had already received the news that the two children were the legendary evil children.

The evil children must be used for sacrifice, otherwise the whole village will be in great trouble.

Fortunately, Dabao and Xiaobao took the food and hid under the stove and did not go out. Even eating, drinking, defecating and urinating were solved in the wooden barrel next to it.

Anyway, the two children were really used to being tough. Staying here was no different from the place where Shen Xiaoxiao asked them to stay before. This place was even wider.

They didn't know how outsiders turned the world upside down, but at this time, the villagers who were divided into several teams slowly walked to Agen's house.

"It's all Agen's fault. He actually attracted the evil children. Let's go to their house to get some food first, and then continue to look for it."

"Okay, let's take a break and eat something."

In the eyes of the villagers, every household will make enough food in the kitchen, just like the three-day steamed food mentioned before, but these people searched the kitchen and didn't find anything to eat.

There are always smart people among them, who immediately thought of something and said to everyone:

"These two evil children are really smart. They must have come back here to take away the food. Otherwise, why is there no food here? Everyone, go and look for them separately. The evil children must be nearby. There are also secret compartments. Every household has secret compartments. Look for the secret compartment in Agen's house immediately. We must not miss it."


The two children trembled with fear when they heard the words of the people above their heads. They didn't expect that they would be suspected for taking away the food. The two children pretended to be calm and huddled in a corner, not knowing what to do.

And Acai, who has always been on good terms with Agen, looked at the stove and thought about it...

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