Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 865 Avoid and wake up

Ah Cai's home is the farthest one in the entire village. He is close to the foot of the mountain and there is no land around except sand and gravel, so he is considered the worst family in the village.

This is also the reason why Neng Guohua doesn't want to marry Ah Cai.

However, Ah Cai is good at martial arts, and he always hunts the most in the mountains. Food and clothing is not a problem at all, but Neng Guohua doesn't know it. She always thought that marrying Ah Cai would definitely lead to hardship, and she also She would not have enough to eat, so she tried her best not to marry him.

Although A Cai lives in a remote place, he is extremely honest and honest. The A Gen family, who also live far away, have a very good relationship with him.

The two families were almost not well received by the people in the village, so naturally they became very close to each other.

Ah Cai is nearly 20 this year. He originally thought that the wedding would be held before the spring plowing, but he didn't expect Neng Guohua to do such a thing. She was proud to be the patriarch's wife and concubine and was unwilling to marry him. Naturally, he was disappointed. Ultimately, what he couldn't accept the most was what Neng Guohua did to marry the clan leader.

It is really heart-breaking to think that he actually betrayed his saviors, the Agen family. If those two "evil boys" hadn't saved Neng Guogang with magic medicine, Neng Guogang would have died.

The boy who can be bold is also a coward. Atawa is so kind to him, but he actually turned a blind eye after Atawa's accident. Although their family usually has a very good relationship with Agen, in front of the patriarch and Agen, this The balance beam naturally favored the clan leader.

Fortunately, the marriage has not been decided yet, otherwise Atawa would have become the laughing stock in the village.

Because he was very close to A Gen and had a very good relationship, A Cai knew where the cellar of A Gen's house was, because he and A Gen dug the cellar together in case of emergencies.

They were far away from the village, so they were naturally less affected by the village. Especially Agen was resentful of the clan leader and elders. Acai also felt that their leader was not as good as everyone thought, and the beasts in the mountains would not share their knowledge with others. Wives and concubines, let alone humans, so Ah Cai, who had lost his parents since he was a child, had very little affection for the villagers in the village who had not helped him at all. He was not as good as A Gen, who had taken care of him since he was a child.

Ah Cai looked at the entrance blocked by firewood, turned around slowly, and looked like he was searching with all his heart.

The leader glanced at Ah Cai, who was still obedient. He knew that Ah Cai had a very good relationship with Ah Gen, but he was afraid that if Ah Cai didn't take it seriously, then Ah Cai would be punished.

After a while, everyone gathered in the kitchen. The Agen family only has a few rooms and a small courtyard in the back room. There is no way to hide people. The so-called hidden compartment is also a hidden compartment on the surface. It was found by one of the guys, but there was nothing inside except some food.

"None of them? No hidden compartments either?"

"None of them. It seems that the two evil boys only took the food and ran away."

The leader looked at the kitchen again. Although he was not looking for it here, he had been looking for Ah Cai just now. Ah Gen looked very carefully and even looked at the stove. It was indeed not there.

For a moment, the leader didn't know what to do.

Ah Cai rolled his eyes. His brain was already flexible and he often hunted in the mountains. If his brain was not flexible, he would have been eaten by wild beasts countless times. He said to the leader:

"I saw that the evil boy must have run to the back mountain. Isn't this very close to the back mountain? We know that the back mountain is a forbidden area, but the evil boy does not know. I am worried that the evil boy will enter the forbidden area. If that is the case It’s bad, do you want to discuss it with the clan leader?”

The leader was also in a dilemma at this moment. It was true that the entire village was about to turn over. Every household had been checked and no trace of it was found. He was also worried that this evil boy had really broken into the forbidden area in the back mountain. , if this is really the case, it will really be a matter of seconds. If the prophet and the gods are offended, their life will not be easy.

"I'm going to find the clan leader, and the rest of the people are continuing to search outside the back mountain. Some of them are searching along the river. Our mountain roads and waterways have been blocked by them. Let's see where they can go."

The leader looked at everyone, and after assigning tasks, he took the lead and walked out of Agen's house.

Ah Cai didn't dare to look back. He was afraid that his actions would arouse others' suspicion. After everyone left A Gen's house, Dabao and Xiaobao breathed a sigh of relief.

They heard it very clearly. These people thought they had gone to the back mountain. Fortunately, they were smart and knew that the most dangerous place was the safest place. Moreover, this place had been searched, so no one would come here. Suddenly the two children were really relieved.

"They won't come again, will they?"

"Probably not."

"Then how long are we going to hide?"

"We can go out when Uncle Argen and Sister Atawa come back."

"Then when will they come back? Those people just said they would deal with them tomorrow. Will they be punished?"

Dabao's worried words made Xiaobao feel uncomfortable. Whenever he sees someone being punished because of you, he will also feel uncomfortable.

However, Xiaobao thought more carefully and asked Dabao:

"Open the medicine box and see if there is any anti-inflammatory and anti-pyretic medicine in it. I heard that those people want to flog them, that is, they will be whipped. If there are wounds, they will be easily infected. Let's prepare the medicine. Okay, so they don’t get hurt.”

"But didn't you say you can't use these medicines?"

"Fools can't be used by others, but Uncle Agen and the others saved us in the first place. We must not repay kindness with enmity."

"Okay, Xiaobao, I'll listen to you. I'll do whatever you say."

After the two children discussed it, they sat firmly on the bed. They didn't dare to go out. They had to wait until night to go out for activities. Uncle Agen and the others would be back tomorrow, and they would be fine.

Yan Kuan was not fascinated by the smoke at all. Even Shen Xiaoxiao immediately held his breath tightly and did not inhale much smoke.

However, the whole process of being taken away made Yan Kuan feel more and more strange. He heard clearly just now that Shen Guoan said it himself when he was instructing everyone on how to deal with them, "Take the young lady back to the room and lock her up." "

But after hearing that his and Shen Xiaoxiao's hands were tightly tied together with iron chains, Shen Guoan became extremely angry and said that they should be detained in the back mountain cell separately from other secret guards.

It should be true that Shen Guoan wanted to be nice to Shen Xiaoxiao, but he strongly opposed their being together and even wanted to take the life of one of his children.

What is Shen Guoan's plan?

After shaking Shen Xiaoxiao awake, Yan Kuan took out a bottle of potion from his pocket and handed it to Shen Xiaoxiao, asking her to take it quickly. This was specially prepared by Old Man Yao before he came, and it was something he carried with him.

Those people took away their backpacks and Bagua Roulette, but no one searched their trousers, clothes and bags, so naturally they did not take away the potion and the blue gem ball they found before.

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