Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 868 The Curse of the Evil Boy

"Xiaobao, I'm hungry, can I eat that insect?"

Xiaobao looked at Dabao's eyes, which were red from crying. He looked so pitiful, but his eyes were looking at the bowl of fried bugs on the table. He knew in his heart that this girl was greedy.

They said they wouldn't eat it in the afternoon, but after eating one, they both felt it was so delicious. They had never eaten such delicious bugs before, and all the disgusting things were forgotten.

In order to appease Dabao, Xiaobao brought the bowl over and said, "You can only eat a little, otherwise you will be hungry tomorrow."

"Okay, just eat a little."

In the dark night, except for a dim kerosene lamp, there was no light at all. The two children were holding a bowl and stuffing worms into their mouths. This action made people's scalp numb. , the whole body trembled.

When Yan Kuan and Shen Xiaoxiao found the kitchen, they had just peeled off the pile of materials when there was a noise outside. Someone was there.

The two looked at each other and immediately jumped out from behind the kitchen and climbed onto the backyard wall.

Because they avoided sight, they couldn't see everything in the kitchen, but they heard someone rummaging for something. The sound only lasted for a while and then disappeared, but they were even more certain that there must be a hidden compartment in the kitchen.

The two were about to walk over when a fire suddenly burst out in the west, almost instantly diverting everyone's attention there. Then they heard the loud sound of gongs and drums, and someone shouted:

"The thunder is coming, the thunder is coming."

"Come on, let's go see what kind of thunder it is."

And just when they were about to leave, someone crawled out of the kitchen, muttering as he crawled:

"This food is really well hidden. If I hadn't known about it, I wouldn't have been able to steal it."

The two people looked at each other and saw disappointment in each other's eyes. It seemed that it was not a hidden compartment hiding people, but a hidden compartment hiding food. Now that they knew there was no one there, the two ran towards the west.

As soon as they left, Ah Cai looked at the backyard absently, couldn't help but wiped a cold sweat, and said dangerously: "It's so dangerous."

This goes back to what happened just 2 minutes ago.

Ah Cai came to the kitchen with a vegetable basket filled with food. He had already guessed that the two children were hiding in this secret compartment, so he ran here at night.

But he personally searched the pile of firewood in the morning. He also deliberately placed a thick piece of wood in the middle so that he would know immediately if someone touched the pile of firewood.

I was used to making traps in the forest in the past, so Ah Cai was very familiar with doing these.

But when Shen Xiaoxiao and the others started searching just now, they didn't pay attention to this small detail. Of course, no one would pay attention to a piece of firewood. As soon as Ah Cai saw this thing move, he immediately became alert.

However, he was thinking about other people in the village, so he simply used the trick. Otherwise, he would not be able to explain the reason for coming to A Gen's house in the middle of the night, so he simply pretended to steal food.

He moved the firewood pile, opened the secret compartment and walked in.

Dabao and Dabao were extremely alert. As soon as they heard the movement above, they immediately pointed their guns at the entrance of the cave.

Agen was not stupid. As soon as he jumped down and saw two children pointing dark things at him, he left and handed the food in his hands to him and said:

"I am your uncle Agen's friend Acai. I know you are hiding here and I will bring you food. Don't run out. The whole village is looking for you. There are still people guarding outside. I will wait for you. Go out and investigate, and I will take you to my house. It is no longer safe here. I just found someone tampering with my firewood pile."

"Is it Agen?"

Dabao and Dabao heard from Agen that Acai lived by the river like them. He was a very nice person, but he was also not liked by the people in the village.

The two children looked at each other and relaxed. Moreover, they were indeed bringing food, and they were alone. They did not look like they were harmful.

At this time, there was a loud noise of gongs and drums outside. Ah Cai wanted to say a few more words, but he immediately stopped and said hurriedly:

"Thunder is coming, no matter what. I'm going to put out the fire. You guys stay here obediently. I will come back to pick you up before dawn. Don't go out."

Ah Cai hurriedly crawled out of the hole, while climbing, he was still saying the words Shen Xiaoxiao and the others heard just now.

Ah Cai's vigilance was so high that even two people who were ranked first in the world were fooled.

In fact, the entire village is obsessed with architecture and regards their children as villains. One Agen is considered an exception. They don't think there are so many exceptions here.

Therefore, the truth that can be known immediately passed by at this moment.

Just in case, Ah Cai took out some grain from the large vat where the grain was placed and turned around and walked out.

When thunder comes, it means there is a fire.

The fire was extremely powerful, and it burned the stone platform in the center of the entire village. You must know that there was nothing on this stone platform except a high pole flag, but there was nothing. There was a raging fire on this stone platform.

At first it was still a fiery red flame, but then it turned into an orchid flame. Not only was the fire inextinguishable, it even grew bigger and bigger.

All the villagers looked at the blue fire and were so frightened that they knelt on the ground and prayed, feeling inexplicably scared.

The clan leaders and elders kept praying to their gods for divine dew tomorrow.

Fortunately, the fire on the stone platform did not burn randomly. Except for the stone platform, no other households were burned.

Elder Bai Zha spoke and said to the clan leader:

"It's the curse of the evil boy and the punishment from God. These things have never happened before. It must be the disaster brought by the evil boy to us."

"Yes, evil children bring disasters. Evil children bring disasters."

Everyone in the crowd became a little angry when they heard what the elder said. Everyone wanted to catch the evil boy to appease the gods.

"It is the evil boy who brought the punishment of the gods to my thousand-year-old village, so we must find them and sacrifice them to the gods."

"These lunatics actually called my baby a bad boy. This fire was obviously caused by gasoline and Huanglin. They are really a bunch of ignorant people."

"Don't be angry. We have to find the children as soon as possible before them. Now these people are here. We will immediately go search around Agen's house. Since you heard the noise, you must be around there and close to the river. , we all have to look for it.”

"Well, okay, it's important to find the child. Once you find it, we'll deal with these people. But I think these things are most probably Shen Guoan's handiwork to fool these ignorant villagers. It seems that he really can't wait any longer. Two times in a row No child is spared.”

"Humph, we still don't know who won't let go and who won't be spared. I'll wait for my husband to take care of them."

The two of them took a look at the good show here, then slowly turned around and left. The person who followed them quietly away from the team was Ah Cai...

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