Ah Cai didn't believe the curse that came from the evil boy. These must have been caused by phosphorus fire or other fires. He often walked in the mountains. He was the only person in the village who had seen phosphorus fire. No, he was the only one. Agen had also seen it. However, they were also shocked at that time. They must know that there has been no such thing as Huang Lin here for thousands of years.

But because thousands of years have passed, the geology has always changed, and the appearance of these things is not surprising, so Agen knows that these things are not curses at all, which further expresses the relationship between Acai, Agen and this village. The difference is that they can accept different things and people, unlike everyone in the village who treats the clan leader and everything in the clan like gods.

Ah Cai ran down the trail, which was naturally much better than Yan Kuan and others who were not familiar with the path. As soon as he arrived at A Gen's house, he rushed directly under the kitchen stove.

He had told the two children that he would pick them up, so even though the two children were already exhausted, they still cheered up. When they saw Ah Cai coming, they immediately picked up their bags. Bao walked out with him.

Because Ah Cai lives on the mountainside, this route is naturally extremely difficult to walk. He is the person who lives the farthest away in the whole village, so there is no one around the road he is taking at the moment, including those who were tracing just now. The people from Dabao and Dabao all gathered together because of the fire that suddenly broke out in the square just now.

Therefore, although the road was difficult, it was quite smooth.

Although Ah Cai is just a bachelor, he has been single for many years. He has been taking care of himself in these years, so although this house looks simpler than A Gen's house, it is extremely clean and tidy.

Moreover, because Ah Cai is good at hunting, there are a lot of furs in the room, and there is even a piece of bearskin on the bed, so to be honest, Ah Cai's residence is more comfortable than Agen's house.

"You should stay in the secret cell. I have arranged it so that you will not be discovered. My place is safer than your Ah Cai's place. I am the poorest in our entire village, so they don't like to associate with me. "

"Uncle Ah Cai, Uncle A Gen, will anything happen to them?"

"They will probably receive some punishment. We won't find out until tomorrow. You guys hide quickly. I have to go back quickly to avoid being discovered by them."

Dabao and Dabao didn't delay Ah Cai any longer. They walked under Ah Cai's bed and climbed down. The space below was at least twice as wide as that of A Gen and his family, and there was even an extremely small window opening to the outside. By the river, it is extremely secluded. This way, the air will be better, and if it is daytime, you can still see a little sunshine.

"Wow, Xiaobao, look, it's tiger skin. It's real."

"Well, it's true. It's so powerful. This tiger's head is so big."

The two children were already a little excited when they saw the huge tiger head placed at the head of the bed, which was also covered with a tiger skin.

"The climate is a bit cold at night after all. This is underground. It's better to use this tiger skin to resist the cold."

"Thank you Uncle Cai."

When Ah Cai saw these two soft and cuddly children, he felt very soft in his heart. He liked children very much, but the children in the village did not like his contact, so Ah Cai always wanted to get married early in order to have a child as soon as possible. A daughter-in-law gives birth to a baby.

But now this wish has come true, but seeing these two cute babies, there is no way they can be the evil children they say.

"Thank you. Hurry and hide. There is dried meat for you to eat. Don't run around before I come."

"We know, thank you Uncle Cai."

Dabao opened her big round eyes and was so cute. She looked at Ah Cai with a smile, which made Ah Cai's heart soften. She really wished that he would have such a sweet little girl in the future.

After Ah Cai settled the two of them, he hurriedly ran to the center of the village.

At this end, Shen Xiaoxiao and Yan Kuan searched around but still found no trace of the two children. Seeing that the day was about to break, the two had no choice but to return and returned to Agen's home.

Sitting on the bed, Shen Xiaoxiao felt that something was wrong. He checked the room again without fear of being tired. When he walked to the kitchen, his eyes looked directly at the pile of firewood.

She pulled the firewood pile aside, and sure enough, there was a secret door there.

Yan Kuan stepped forward and opened it directly, and a dark passage appeared in front of him. The two of them walked down one after another. The room was dark, but the contents of the room were still clear at a glance.

A bed, a simple table, a bucket, and a bowl.

The quilt on the bed was folded neatly. This was done by Dabao because he was afraid that others would find out. Everything else was fine, but he forgot to clean up the bowl of worms.

So Yan Kuan looked at it and said to Shen Xiaoxiao:

"This is not a granary. Someone has lived here before."

"Could it be a child?"

Shen Xiaoxiao asked Yan Kuan anxiously, but Yan Kuan couldn't hold it. There was nothing for children here, and there was almost no light, so he couldn't see it at all.

"The light is too dark to see clearly, but the two children probably won't eat these bugs. I remember Dabao is most afraid of these bugs."

"But if it wasn't a child, then why did the man just now deliberately mislead us? He looked like he would never notice us, but he just said that this was a granary, so who else was hiding in it? The people in this village are not Huidu will save our children just like that Agen did, and they are extremely repulsive to people outside the village. "

"Don't worry yet. I still remember that person's appearance. I'll go check it out."

"I will go with you."

"Wait a minute, listen, there seems to be another sound."

As soon as Shen Xiaoxiao heard what Yan Kuan said, he heard a noise. What happened?

"I guess Agen is going to be tortured. If that's the case, they will definitely come back here. Why don't we just hide in this dark room."

"Hide here?"

"We will wait for Agen to come back by himself. When they come back, we can ask about the child's news."


"You must rest. No matter how important your child is, they are not as important as you. If you fall down, I will only care about you, you know."

Yan Kuan's words were a threat, and Shen Xiaoxiao also knew that Yan Kuan would really do what he said in this matter. If something happened, he would really only care about her and ignore the child.

Shen Xiaoxiao glared at Yan Kuan fiercely, but there was really nothing he could do now. He could only hope that the two children would be smarter and hide well so as not to be discovered.

"Don't worry, you are fine, and the children will be fine as well. You have to trust them."

Shen Xiaoxiao finally compromised and could only stay in the darkroom honestly.

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