Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 879 Taking advantage of the situation

The world was completely white, which was completely different from the feeling of being unable to move when the poison was released. Shen Xiaoxiao found that although the surroundings were white, there was glittering gold behind the white mist.

She slowly walked towards that direction, peeling away the layers of haze, Shen Xiaoxiao saw a golden compass placed on a high platform not far away, and there were four gemstone balls placed on the compass. The gold is lustrous and dazzling.

Shen Xiaoxiao was stunned. Isn't this the compass and gem ball they picked up before? Why are you here? This is where?

Shen Xiaoxiao took another step forward, and now she saw the scene on the high platform. As the four gem balls returned to their positions, they suddenly jumped into the air, and then a soaring light reached the sky above. Could it be that this is the legendary space-time tunnel?

Shen Xiaoxiao took two steps forward. The channel of light seemed to be right in front of her. She could reach it with her hand, and she could step into it with her hand.

"Go back, go back."

A melancholy voice kept lingering around her ears, as if she should really follow this voice and walk over. She didn't belong here, she didn't belong.

"Xiao Xiao, Xiao Xiao."

It was Yan Kuan, it was Yan Kuan calling her, and she almost, almost walked over. Shen Xiaoxiao took a big step back, but her feet failed, and she seemed to fall into an endless abyss.


As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Yan Kuan's worried face, and Shen Xiaoxiao held Yan Kuan in his arms.

"What's wrong? Have a nightmare?"

Shen Xiaoxiao tried hard to calm down for a long time before letting go of Yan Kuan. Seeing that it was still dark outside, she breathed a sigh of relief and replied:

"Well, I had a nightmare. I dreamed of falling off a cliff."

"Idiot, it's just a nightmare, don't take it seriously."

"Where are they? How many of them are back?"

Only then did Shen Xiaoxiao see that there was still no one in the cave, but Yan Kuan said:

"There are still the last two, An 20, An 17, and An 19, who are guarding outside the cave. Everyone else has been dispatched. Except for An 1 and An 2, everyone else is fine."

"It's okay if it's okay, it's okay if it's okay."

"Come, let me sleep with you. It's still early, and I'll make sure you won't have nightmares."

Shen Xiaoxiao felt relieved, but still asked Yan Kuan:

"Is the blue gem ball I saw before still there?"

"Here, what's wrong?"

"Not much, I'm just asking. Just put it away. I think this thing will be of great use."

Thinking of those gem balls in the dream, Shen Xiaoxiao thought for a while and finally talked to Yan Kuan. Yan Kuan frowned when he heard it. Why didn't he dream about it? Only Xiaoxiao dreamed about it. What else could he go back to? , is this going to take his little one away? dream.

Yan Kuan finally touched the gem ball in his trouser pocket. He must not let those people take this thing away.

There are a total of 4 balls in the little novel dream, namely red, blue, yellow and green.

Now Lin Jiahui has a yellow one and a colored one in her hand. He has a blue one in his hand. Wait, the colored one. The one in Lin Jiahui's hand is indeed colored. At that time, they all saw her opening the box and taking it away. .

But the short novel is not in color, am I remembering it wrong?

Or maybe there are too many colors in this gem ball, so it’s a bit dazzling? It seems that I can only wait until Xiao Xiao feels better tomorrow to ask questions.

Of course Yan Kuan didn't know that there was another red ball in the hands of his precious son. As for the colored ball in Lin Jiahui's hand, it was Xiaobao's toy ball.

But no matter what, there are now 3 colored balls, and the last green one, but I don’t know where it is.

As for the vague altar that Xiao Xiaoxiao saw in his dream, he already had some premonitions in his heart, and all this could only be done step by step.

When Dark 20 and 17 came back, Xiaobao's pee had been used up, and they could only let the two of them sleep in a cave. Whenever Xiaobao had pee, he would give it to them.

Everyone gathered together for another discussion, and then arranged to take turns on duty. Everyone slowly walked back to the cave to start resting.

A night of silence.

When she woke up in the morning, the fragrant chicken porridge was slurping in the iron pot. The aroma was fragrant. Shen Xiaoxiao did not expect that they even brought this small pot with them.

"Are you awake? Wash up quickly. Breakfast is ready. Eat something hot."

19 said to Xiaoxiao while cooking porridge.

Shen Xiaoxiao was about to go out when he saw Yan Kuan coming back with Xiaobao in his hand. The water bottle in his hand was full. All the essence gathered all night was in this water bottle.

"Everyone, drink some before the toxins are not flushed out of your bodies."

Xiaobao covered his mouth and snickered beside him, while Dabao said unambiguously:

"Oh, it stinks, you all drank Xiaobao's urine, it stinks."

"Dabao, do you think the uncles are scolding you? Come on, uncle likes you the most. Kiss me."

20 is the youngest and loves teasing Dabao the most, so when he saw Dabao disliking them, he immediately went out to fight. The bright laughter of the two children rang out in the cave in the early morning.

Because the number of people increased, they sent out a total of 2 robots to explore the road, but only one came back in the end, and the video was not clear. When they reached the edge, there was white mist and cliffs, and what not? None, and they also knew that nothing could be found. Even the top of the mountain was not clear at all.

The only thing that brought them any useful value was that they seemed to be trapped on an island. Thinking of the island where Shen Congwen stayed before, it was not difficult for them to imagine that this was really the old man's lair.

However, because Yan Kuan did not faint at first, he was walking when he was carried by those people, and there was no boat or other transportation facilities at all, so Yan Kuan was sure that they were still in the back hill of the Shen family's old house, probably It was some psychedelic formations or Bagua formations that made them all so dizzy that they couldn't find their way.

After breakfast, everyone began to prepare to set off, but the difference this time was that they did something on everyone's head. The silver needle was still there, but it was stained.

15 personally hypnotized everyone. They looked exactly the same as before. Their expressions were sluggish and they looked confused.

19 was left with them, and everyone set off again. They explained something, told 19 to hide in the dark, and followed a few secret guards out of the cave.

What Yan Kuan and Shen Xiaoxiao have to do now is to go directly to the forbidden area.

"So many little mushrooms."

"Remember, the more beautiful the mushrooms, the more poisonous they are. These are inedible and are different from the mushrooms we ate in the morning."

"Oh, got it."

Dabao and Dabao still walked obediently. The road Ah Cai told them was much easier than wandering around the mountains. When they were about to approach the so-called forbidden area, they saw An Yi and An Er leading the way. Then other secret guards followed them and walked towards them...

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