Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 880 Follow into the mountains

They had been talking about what kind of smell they used to find them, but because everyone was in an unconscious state at the time, it was useless even if they wanted to find some breakthroughs at this moment.

"Should we avoid it?"

Shen Xiaoxiao had the best eyesight, so naturally he was the first to see the hidden guard walking towards them in the distance.

Yan Kuan's eyesight is not as good as Shen Xiaoxiao's, but he also knows that this is definitely not the time for a head-on confrontation. All the secret guards are hypnotized except for 15. 15 himself is a doctor of psychology and medicine. It is better to pretend to be stupid than Yan Yi and the others. They have to do a good job. With him secretly helping in the team, it will not be difficult for them to enter the forbidden area later. Of course, they will not confront them head-on now.

"Avoid it for now."

They immediately evacuated in the other direction, but at this time a very sharp whistle sounded. An Yi and An Er took the lead and immediately turned around and walked back, while 15 deliberately walked behind the two of them. He led the secret guards behind him, So when he saw An Yi and An Er taking off, he immediately followed.

"Is this whistle controlling them?"

"Well, yes, it should be a summons. It's been a day and a night since they came out. Shen Guoan is not willing to let this newly obtained trump card out of his control."

"Then shall we follow?"

"Follow, but be careful."

The huge backpack was more than enough to hold two children, and the two children were extremely obedient and sensible, and did not make any noise at all. Shen Xiaoxiao carried the material needs, and just like that, the family of four followed the secret guard. footsteps.

"What? He ran away? How could he run away?"

After listening to the servant's words, the third uncle immediately ran to the room upstairs to take a look. The window was open and there was no one in the room.

Shen Congwen sat on the sofa dejectedly. This was all fate. Why was this child so confused? Why did he have to fight for it if it wasn't his?

He had already saved Han Jia once, and he definitely did not ask Xiaoxiao for a second time. This was all his own fault. What a sin.

Shen Congwen sighed heavily. In the past few decades, he admitted that he owed this daughter, but he really didn't know that he had a daughter named Han Jia. Now that he knows, he is trying his best to make up for it, but she But he didn't appreciate it. This child had been taught a wrong way by Lin Jiahui. He tried to persuade and stop her, but she would never wake up unless she fell down. In this case, he could only watch silently. He won't let Xiaoxiao be in trouble. The child has already suffered enough. All he can do is hope to save Han Jia's life at the last moment.

"Book a flight for me, hey!"

"Wenkang is out of the danger period. Once the rejection period is over, everything will be fine. Don't worry. Mr. Jiang doesn't know about this."

Listening to the words of guard Kong Shaoqi, Qiu Shaowei was slightly moved. Kong Shaoqi was her distant cousin. No one knew about it, not even Jiang Haoting had found out.

And Kong Shaoqi will retire in less than a month. At that age, Jiang Haoting has accepted his resignation application, and many things are no longer allowed to him. Moreover, Jiang Haoting has already begun to cultivate his true confidant, Kong Shaoqi. Nowadays, most of my time is just answering phone calls and running around to do things for the family.

In this way, it saved Kong Shaoqi a lot of trouble.

"I have already thought about it. It is impossible for me to divorce him. I want you to take Wenkang abroad. You see..."

Kong Shaoqi gently bid farewell to Qiu Shaowei's messy hair. He has become more and more haggard these days, but his spirits are much better. Shaokang has finally overcome the first difficulty.

"I have already contacted overseas. Wenkang will be sent there to recuperate after he is discharged, but what about here?"

"I have already found a body that looks similar. Don't worry, nothing will happen. The Jiang family is not really the only one in China."

Qiu Shaowei had already made his choice when he saved the child. Jiang Haoting only saw power in his eyes, and this was the case for his whole family. Now that there was Nanya in the family, no matter how well-educated she was, there were times when she couldn't help it.

"I'll come back after I've settled the child. No matter what, I don't want anything to happen to you."

"Cousin, thank you."

"Okay, you and I don't need to say this."

Kong Shaoqi pulled the quilt for Qiu Shaowei. No one would come in this lounge, and as a guard, no one would suspect that he was with Qiu Shaowei all the time. If Qiu Shaowei hadn't been with him all these years, I'm afraid she would have been there long ago. I can't hold on anymore.

Thinking about the child he watched grow up, Shao Wei and the child were really pitiful. Fortunately, the child was saved. If the child was saved, then Shao Wei would have one less thing to worry about.

As for Jiang Haoting, no matter how loyal he was to him, he couldn't bear to hurt Shaowei and Wenkang so much and bring that vixen into their home. It seemed that he had to do something, otherwise Shaowei How could he be separated from that family? The rest of their lives were still long. He didn't want to see Shaowei live in such misery.

Kong Shaoqi made a decision and slowly walked out of the room. As Jiang Haoting's personal guard in the past, he knew much more than outsiders. As long as he made moves, I believe many people would be interested.

"Master, you can't go out. Master has told me that you can only stay here."

Shen Jinhe felt extremely uncomfortable when he saw the bodyguards guarding the gate. He was under house arrest again. Wasn't 15 years of house arrest not enough for him? He abandoned Yuehua and his daughter in order to obey his father's words. What on earth did his father want from him?

"I want to see the master. Go tell the master that I want to see him."

"Master, please don't make things difficult for us. Master said that it won't be long before the young lady and young lady come back to reunite with you."

Shen Jinhe was stunned when he heard what the bodyguard said. Can Yuehua and Xiaoxiao come back?

Shen Jinhe grabbed the bodyguard's hand in surprise and asked:

"Are you telling the truth? Master really said that? Can the young lady really come back?"

The bodyguard felt convinced. The master was indeed right. The young master only cared about the young lady. As long as he took out the young lady, he would definitely calm down the young master.

"Yes, I said it myself, but I also said that the young lady's temper is probably not very good. I'm not sure whether she will come back, but the young lady will definitely come back, and Miss Liu."

"Yufei will come back too? That's great. As for Xiaoxiao, Xiaoxiao has such a bad temper that even my father would contradict me. If she doesn't want to come back, she won't come back. Anyway, the married daughter will be thrown out. of water.”

The bodyguard listened with contempt for a long time, but according to what was explained above, he had already said everything. It was a good thing that the young master could calm down. When he saw Shen Jinhe walking back to his yard, the bodyguard closed the far door and continued to guard the door.

Shen Xiaoxiao, who was hiding in the corner, heard all those words. At this moment, her expression was incomprehensible, making people wonder what she was thinking...

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