When the secret guards entered the forbidden area, all the bodyguards who were guarding them were evacuated. Shen Xiaoxiao and the others followed them but did not really follow their path and enter directly. Instead, they went around to the back and climbed up a side slope.

What neither Shen Xiaoxiao nor Yan Kuan expected was that after climbing up, the so-called forbidden land occupies such a large area. It is not only a courtyard to be built for the bamboo house, but also a forest not far away, which always seems to be People have a feeling of being layered one after another, as if there is no end here.

But I don't know if it was their luck or something. They climbed up and went directly to the side courtyard where Shen Jinhe was under house arrest. By chance, they overheard the conversation between Shen Jinhe and his bodyguards.

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at Shen Jinhe's no longer young back. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that Shen Jinhe was really simply terrible. Shen Guoan was such a cunning and thoughtful person, why did the only biological son he raised turn out to be like this? Personality?

Although she is Shen Jinhe's biological daughter, she really has no resemblance to Shen Jinhe. Even in her previous life, she was not such an easy person to deceive even if she was innocent.

Most of her past lives were caused by low self-esteem, but Shen Jinhe was like a "prince" locked in an ivory tower who didn't care about worldly affairs, understood nothing, and understood nothing.

What exactly was Shen Guoan thinking? What kind of person is he to treat his own son and granddaughter like this?

"Don't be angry, it's not worth being angry with such a person."

Yan Kuan watched Shen Xiaoxiao remain silent for fear that she would be physically angry. After all, it was natural for a daughter to feel uncomfortable when her biological father said such words.

But Shen Xiaoxiao smiled and said:

"I don't care at all, why am I angry? I just don't understand how this old man raised him like this. This is really strange."

"There's nothing surprising about this. You have to know that some people have too deep dark thoughts, and they just hope that someone who is pure or full of sunshine can appear in front of them."

Shen Xiaoxiao listened to Yan Kuan's words in silence. It's not that simple. Anyway, she is not a conspiracy theory person, but she really feels that all this is definitely not as simple as Yan Kuan thought.

He turned around and looked at the two children who were already asleep. These two babies had a big heart and were able to fall asleep.

"Shall we go in?"

"Well, let's go and find a room to rest for a while. It's not safe for these two children to sleep like this. Isn't this a side hospital? Shen Jinhe won't find out anyway."

Shen Guoan looked at the neat and orderly secret guards in front of him, who were almost without any trace of spirit. He had to say that even if he personally trained them, he would never be able to cultivate such a strong team.

If that boy didn't have the blood of the Ouyang family, it would be a good match for him, Shen Guoan's granddaughter, but it would be a pity.

"Take those seven down and leave the two leaders behind."


15's expression remained unchanged, but he heard everything said. As expected by the boss and the others, the old man really paid more attention to An Yi and An Er.

Shen Guoan naturally knew that there was a missing 19 in the team. Thinking of the relationship between Xiaoxiao and 19, it seemed that he must have met them. However, it was not that simple to save the people controlled by him, especially the two most powerful ones in front of him. A strong man, his attacks were nearly twice as severe as those of those others.

Shen Guoan's fingers kept tapping on the bamboo chair. An Yi and An Er stood there motionless. Shen Guoan nodded with satisfaction, then blew the whistle, and the two walked out on their own, starting from the beginning. Shen Guoan didn't say a word until the end. No one knew what he was thinking.

"Did you say this 19 sneaked in?"

Shen Xiaoxiao sat beside the bamboo bed and slowly discussed with Yan Kuan. Yan Kuan said while fiddling with the mini robot in his hand:

"He should have come in. His purpose is to find Lin Jiahui, so his movements should be faster than ours."

"Oh, did you say that Lin Jiahui has developed the antidote for Yinhua Tears?"

Yan Kuan put down the robot in his hand and looked at Shen Xiaoxiao with eyes full of smiles. He smiled faintly, walked over and pulled the person into his arms, holding him carefully before saying slowly:

"Don't be afraid, as long as I'm here, nothing will happen."

Shen Xiaoxiao's heart trembled. Did he know that he was afraid? She has hidden it well. Could it be that she just said too much?

"Fool, we are husband and wife. Of course I know if you are scared. Didn't I tell you that I know what you are going to do when you stick your butt out?"

"Then what do you think I should do now?"

When Shen Xiaoxiao heard what Yan Kuan said, he became more energetic and deliberately teased Yan Kuan.

Yan Kuan's eyes were faintly breathing on her neck, and he said slowly:

"You're seducing me now."

"You're a bastard."

Shen Xiaoxiao pushed away Yan Kuan's arms and looked at him with contempt. Yan Kuan felt inexplicably better when he saw her little appearance. If he hadn't been worried about the two sleeping children, he would have directly Laughing out loud, of course, he would directly punish this little thing on the spot.

"If you don't have any ideas while holding your wife, then there must be something wrong with this man. Don't look at me like that, otherwise I will really act regardless of the occasion."

Why are those red little lips so attractive?

Anyway, since they couldn't eat meat, it was still okay to drink some broth. Yan Kuan pulled her close, held her cherry lips, opened his teeth slightly, and slid into her mouth. God knows how much he wanted her. The two of them breathed rapidly and almost couldn't control themselves.

"Shame on you, mom and dad kiss each other."

Shen Xiaoxiao pushed Yan Kuan away with force. She almost sank into it, and was seen by the child. It was really embarrassing.

Yan Kuan smiled, looked at the girl who was obviously a little shy, touched the crystal water on her lips, and said with a smile:

"You are not nervous now, are you?"

Shen Xiaoxiao was stunned. This man, this method is really, really speechless.

"Mom and dad are in love, do you understand?"

"I don't understand."

Yan Kuan was amused by his own statement. Why would he say this to the child? He knew that the child didn't understand.

The two children had a full sleep, and Shen Xiaoxiao poured out the morning porridge in the thermos cup. It was still warm, just right for the children.

She and Yan Kuan ate the roast chicken that they had roasted in the morning. Although it was cold, it was better than nothing.

The family of four stayed in this remote little bamboo house and enjoyed the family happiness, but they didn't know that all their actions had been under someone's eyes.

"Reduce the number of bodyguards at the door by half so that the young lady can go in and out."

The bodyguard glanced at the old man who gave the order. What exactly did the old man want to do? Wasn't he going to catch the young lady? Why did he let the young lady in now?

Strange, it was really too strange. The bodyguard looked at the man who closed his eyes again and looked calm and composed. He didn't dare to ask anything and quietly retreated...

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