Lin Jiahui has indeed been tired for many days. No matter how old she is, she can no longer persist even if she wants to. Moreover, the medicine has been made. Shen Guoan will definitely do what she promised her, so she no longer worries and simply The room next to Ouyang Jue started to rest.

The defense here is no less than that of the main courtyard, and there are quite a few people watching and guarding on the treetops outside.

Shen Xiaoxiao looked around and said to Yan Kuan:

"There are 25 in total, kill them all?"

Yan Kuan looked at 19, who immediately said:

"It's not that troublesome. Just put on your gas mask and I'll add some spice to their air."

After 19 said that, he started to look through 15's equipment bag. This kid liked to organize these things as much as he did. Sure enough, he found a medicine powder bag. The two people covered the child's mouth and nose. They held their breath and watched as 19 sprinkled the medicine powder on sky.

Although there is a white mist around here, there is always wind, and it is still a tailwind at the moment.

In less than a minute, several bangs and bangs were heard. It was the people who were watching from the tree falling down, and then they walked into the side courtyard in a swagger.

"How long can the powder last?"

Shen Xiaoxiao frowned slightly as he looked at the people lying in the courtyard. Sooner or later, the other side would know about such a big movement.

"A quarter of an hour is certain."

"There's enough time, as long as we get the things and leave, they won't be able to find us."

After the few people finished talking, they walked directly to Lin Jiahui's room. Lin Jiahui was too excited. She still held the antidote tightly in her hand. Lin Jiahui had fallen into a coma at this moment. 19 took the medicine from her hand and took out an antidote. This small instrument is a drug analyzer specially prepared for antidote this time.

Shen Xiaoxiao's blood samples are stored inside. As long as the medicine is effective, the monitoring will respond immediately.

"how long it takes?"


Shen Xiaoxiao looked at the brown pill in 19's hand. At this moment, she was calmer than Yan Kuan. She also used the medicine. Even if the antidote didn't work in the end, there was nothing she could do. There was no second one at this time. Black Ganoderma and Yin Yang Flower.

A total of 4 antidotes were made, and they were all put in a small black box. Xiaobao always stayed behind Yan Kuan obediently. Dabao watched his uncle's movements, and she was the closest, so he put these See things very clearly.

"Uncle, are these chocolates delicious?"


19 was stunned for a moment, then Shen Xiaoxiao smiled and then stepped forward and took out a small bottle from Dabao's backpack, and a chocolate was inserted from it. Not to mention that they were exactly the same in appearance.

19 He only took one antidote originally, but Shen Xiaoxiao placed the chocolate on top of the antidote he just took away, so that it looked like it had not been touched.

"ding ding"

"Did you react?"

"Hey, how could this happen?"

"What's wrong 19?"

19 frowned as he looked at the monitoring data, and Yan Kuan was frightened. Could it be that this antidote is ineffective?

"Isn't this antidote good?"

"It's not that it doesn't work, but this antidote is a bit strange. There has been a reaction in the lady's blood. 80% of the cell activity is increasing, but 20% of the cells are not moving. This shows that this medicine is indeed effective, even better than what we made before. Those had a big response.

But why is there still 20% that has not been recovered? "

"If you follow what you said, what will be the consequences of taking this medicine rashly?"

"After a period of time, I will wake up immediately, and even the toxins can be controlled, but, you see, the cells are counterattacking."

19 was also a little shocked. In just a few minutes, all of these cells actually reversed and were assimilated by just 20% of the cells. What does this mean?

"What does this mean?"

Yan Kuan has obviously lost his previous calmness. This is too important to Xiaoxiao and he can't calm down at all.

Shen Xiaoxiao had been calm from the beginning. Seeing Yan Kuan like this, she could only hold his hand and said with a hint of speculation:

"Anyway, this pill is definitely still effective, so take it out to Old Yao and his friends to study it. Aren't there three more pills here? Leave one for them, and let them eat the other chocolates."

19 After hearing what Shen Xiaoxiao said, he felt that he should not be hasty, so he personally took Dabao's chocolate and replaced all the medicine.

Yan Kuan stopped talking after Shen Xiaoxiao spoke out. The main reason was that he thought of a problem. The antidote contained Suoyin Flower, but Suoyin Flower was eaten by Liu Yufei. So this solution Does Liu Yufei’s blood also need to be used in the medicine? Didn't Lin Jiahui say that Liu Yufei was personally wanted by the old man Zhiyin Blood? The old man is willing to use this blood here?

"We also need to take some of Liu Yufei's blood with us. She took Suoyinhua."

"Yes, this is one of the important things, and I always feel that Pinellia ternata is the key thing. Do you think it's because there is no Pinellia ternata?"

Hearing what 19 said, Shen Xiaoxiao immediately thought of something and asked 19:

"And what about the Golden Osmanthus Snake? Does the Golden Osmanthus Snake also have an effect?"

"Golden Osmanthus Snake?" 19 was a little curious as to why Shen Xiaoxiao suddenly mentioned the Golden Osmanthus Snake.

However, Xiaobao answered the conversation on the side:

"Mom, Dabao and I have also eaten golden osmanthus snake."

Even Yan Kuan was stunned for a moment and immediately asked:

"Have you ever eaten Golden Osmanthus Snake? When?"

"It's Uncle Agen's house. He also said that this is the most precious snake in their mountain. Now there are fewer and fewer of them. The people here used to catch this snake and sacrifice it to the evil patriarch, but Agen But Uncle Gen brought his own snake to make soup for me and Dabao. The snake soup is delicious, and uncle makes it even more delicious than the snake soup you make. "

Everyone looked at each other and suddenly realized that maybe they really didn't know enough about this so-called antidote, but the Yin Yang Fruit, Suo Yin Flower and Black Ganoderma were indeed used in this medicine. This cannot be denied.

"Miss, why don't you give it a try?"

"How to try?"

"I added the toxin of the golden osmanthus snake and the extract of pinellia ternata."

"it's here?"

"Let's find a secluded place first. These people should be waking up soon."

Yan Kuan finally calmed down. Fortunately, he didn't take medicine immediately. However, his guess just now was correct. According to Lin Jiahui's nervousness towards Ouyang Jue, she would definitely not give medicine to Ouyang Jue directly. It is very possible that Xiao Xiaohui was used to test drugs, and the fact that they were led to that side hospital was considered a disguised form of house arrest.

But in this group of bamboo houses in Noda, he didn't know where to hide. Yan Kuan looked at the increasingly dense white fog in the sky and sighed:

"Go down the side slope and return to the previous cave."

Although the plan was good, when they were about to go back, they encountered even greater trouble. The way they came had disappeared...

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