Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 887 Back to the starting point

They took away three of the four antidotes, and only one was real. Of course, even if they didn't take it away, the medicine would be useless to Lin Jiahui. There must be something missing from the medicine. According to the so-called ancient books, The prescriptions may not be entirely true.

If so, how to explain the existence of Pinellia ternata and Golden Osmanthus snake?

"Do you think that in a fight between the Nine-tailed Snake and the Golden Osmanthus Snake, which of the two snakes will win?"

19 was joking with the two of them while walking on the road. In fact, Shen Xiaoxiao was also curious about this question, but seeing the two of them looking silent, he added:

"What else do you think is in 15's bag besides the weird things collected along the way?"

Then Shen Xiaoxiao was stunned and asked 19:

"Don't tell me he also caught a nine-tailed snake in his bag?"

"Hahaha, congratulations, you answered correctly."

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at her backpack with an ugly expression. Damn it, she was carrying this bag.

Yan Kuan's face didn't look good either, and he was about to take the bag over immediately, but 19 stopped him and said to the two of them:

"Don't worry, it's just a very small snake that was soaked in a vessel by 15. It's dead a long time ago. Now it's just a specimen, a specimen, brought back for research."

Hearing this, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief, but this was too much. Are these 15 really stupid? I have to catch everything, and everything I look at is strange.

"Hey, there's no way."

19 As soon as they shouted, the two people saw that there was really no way. They should have reached the side slope long ago when they returned the way they came. However, they didn't reach it after walking for almost half an hour, and what was in front of them now turned into a cliff. Are they lost? Still trapped in the ecstasy.

"I didn't expect that we would be brought here by this white mist even though we were so careful. The enchantment formation here is really powerful."

Yan Kuan looked at the surrounding area and saw no shadows within 5 meters. He pulled out the iron chain and tied himself and Shen Xiaoxiao first, and then tied the two children around his waist. Saw 19 said:

"You hold on to the rope and follow closely. Once we are separated, we probably won't be able to walk out until tomorrow morning. By then we will become others' targets."

19 naturally knew what Yan Kuan meant, and immediately nodded to express his understanding, holding the rope tied to Xiao Xiao's side full of vigilance.

Yan Kuan flew his modified aircraft nearly 10 meters directly above his head. They stood still and did not move. Only when the aircraft flew directly to a distance of 20 meters did the picture come back.

The white fog was actually 20 meters thick, with tall bamboos and nothing else around it. It was not easy to identify the route.

"We were walking east just now, right?"

"Yes, keep going east."

Yan Kuan took back his detector, because he stood still and the detector was safe when it fell back into his hand. But if he continued to walk east, it would be a cliff. How to go?

"Let's keep going east."

"Ah? Boss, this is a cliff."

Yan Kuan didn't look worried at all, looked at 19 and asked:

"Does Xiaobao still have pee from before?"

"Another point."

"You throw it in the direction of the cliff."

19 After hearing what Yan Kuan said, he took out the remaining half bottle of urine and sprinkled it on the cliff.

Something surprised them. What was just a cliff was now a short side slope. Is this really the ecstasy?

However, the scene soon disappeared and turned into a cliff again. 19 looked at Yan Kuan in surprise and asked:

"What's going on? Baby urine doesn't work anymore?"

"This is a trick. Would ordinary people still walk away after seeing this cliff? Of course not, they must have immediately lost their sense of proportion. And Xiaobao's baby urine is obviously effective. Didn't we just see something different? Place? It's just that the surrounding formations are too strong. Just a little bit of boy's urine has no big effect at all. Therefore, if you want to break such a formation, you either have to fly into the air or bite the bullet. Jump."

Shen Xiaoxiao said nothing, while Yan Kuan put a rope on his flight instrument, hoping to let the flight instrument explore the path first.

Everything was ready, but at this moment, a voice came from the distance:

"Please help me pray to the prophet and let him bless our people again."

"Clan leader, you should leave quickly. You should know that after midnight, there will be no more popularity in the forbidden area. If something happens to you, we cannot bear the responsibility."

"I know, I know, that's why I caught up overnight. Please help me inform the prophet."

"The prophet will not see you. You should know that the prophet will not easily meet guests at night, but the prophet has something to say to you."

"Oh? What are you talking about?"

Even though they were so far away, they could hear the surprise in the patriarch's words. Shen Guoan really had a way of deceiving people. The people in the villages below were so superstitious that they were fooled by him and even predicted it. , what can he know first?

"The evil boy prophet has been found. The time for sacrifice is three hours later. At that time, the king will come. The chief can let your people enter the forbidden area."

"What? Really? Will our King really come?"

"Why do you doubt the prophet's words?"

"No, no, no, how dare I doubt, how dare I doubt, thank you prophet, thank you messenger."

"Okay, let's go down now. Remember that only the white mist can light the torch. Otherwise, the white mist will burn you to death. We are irresponsible. Also, don't lower your head if you step on anything."

"I understand, I understand. I understand everything."

"Go ahead and take the pass."

The two seemed to be separated, but both Shen Xiaoxiao and Yan Kuan felt that someone really came to their door to take advantage of them.

The sound was at most less than 10 meters in front of them. The detector had just been sent out, but Yan Kuan tied a small rope to it, so he could see it more clearly this time.

The small detector was placed directly in the clan leader's bag. Because the thing was small and he had just received a hint, the clan leader did not dare to look down even if he felt that the bag seemed to be pulled by something.

On the other hand, Shen Xiaoxiao was thoughtful when he saw the white mist in front of him. He couldn't even touch the fire, but it was so similar to the white mist he saw in his dream.

But this was not the time to think about this. Finally, someone led them, so they naturally followed that person immediately.

This long thin line affected the distance between them, and several times Shen Xiaoxiao felt as if he was stepping on something soft, similar to flesh, and similar to a big squirming snake.

But because they had heard before that they must not lower their heads, no one looked down. After walking for about half an hour, they arrived at the edge of the bamboo forest, and the white mist gradually disappeared, and only the dense mountain forest in front could be seen.


19 glanced at Yan Kuan, who immediately nodded, and 19 immediately followed the clan leader's footsteps and chased him out. Since there is some talisman that can take them in and out of here freely without being confused by the white mist, then they must get it. OK.

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