Reborn: The Godfather Has Fallen For Me

Chapter 888 Zhuan Yang Pearl

Back in the cave, Yan Kuan has been watching the video recorded by the direction finder. The two children have fallen asleep. After Shen Xiaoxiao settled the two children, she sat next to Yan Kuan.

The branches were burning and crackling. The two snuggled together and watched the video recorded along the way.

Good man, those fleshy things before were really snakes and dead people. What is going on? Why is it getting weirder?

"You will know when 19 comes back."

Yan Kuan just finished speaking, 19 came back, but not only him, but also a puppet-like chief followed behind him.

"This old man was hypnotized by me, and his will is very weak. Let's ask him quickly. I also got this talisman. Take a look."

After 19 finished speaking, he handed the talisman to Shen Xiaoxiao, and then walked to the side to take care of an elk he had hunted along the way. The chief stood on one side with his head drooping. Yan Kuan glanced at 19. This kid is really careful and knows to bring some food back for Xiaoxiao.

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at the talisman in her hand. It was a triangle, an ordinary yellow paper and red cinnabar talisman. You can buy it on the street at any time, but it just happened that this thing actually has such an effect. It can only open the way in front of you. It's interesting.

Shen Xiaoxiao didn't mean to open the talisman, because Yan Kuan said that these things would not work once opened. China has a 5,000-year-old culture, and everything should not be underestimated. These talismans and geomancy techniques can be passed down from ancient times to the present, and they are not really feudal superstitions as the public says. There are always things that make people believe, otherwise it would not be possible to be transmitted for so long.

As for why Shen Guoan has these things, and now it seems that these methods are not only not weak but even extremely powerful, it is a bit confusing.

But now it can be regarded as a breakthrough. As the head of the clan, Buda in front of him can always know something they don't know.

"Who is the prophet?"

"The prophet knows everything and brings light and hope to my people."

This answer is really the words of a typical feudal superstitious person.

"What hope?"

"King, once our king comes, he will bring eternal life to our tribe."

"Eternal life?"

"Yes, eternal life. We have been waiting for a thousand years just for eternal life."

"What about the evil children? What are evil children?"

"Evil children will bring us disasters. Only by sacrificing them can we appease the anger of God."

"How long have you been here?"

"1,200 years."

"You are just waiting for the king?"

"Yes, we are waiting for our king and the treasure that our tribe has passed down and guarded for thousands of years."

Hearing this, they finally heard something useful, and everyone tightly held With his eyes locked on Buda, Yan Kuan continued to ask:

"What treasure?"

"The Yang-Transforming Bead."

"What's its use?"

"It can help our king bring us eternal life."

"Where is it placed?"

"In the deepest part of our altar."

"Why wasn't it presented to your prophet?"

"No, only our king can get the Yang-Transforming Bead, transform life and death, and achieve eternal life."

"What are the characteristics of the king?"

"He will appear with his feet on the colorful clouds and wearing a silver armor robe."

Hearing this, they thought they couldn't get much information, but the Yang-Transforming Bead made them feel a little curious.

"I guess he has watched too much of A Chinese Odyssey, and he is wearing a golden armor robe."

19 muttered. After all, he was in the entertainment industry. He felt funny when he heard Buda say this, but he also knew that their legend, which had been passed down from mouth to mouth for thousands of years, was not a joke.

19 packed up the elk, turned around and left with Buda. This man couldn't get into trouble now. They were still waiting to follow the whole village into the forbidden area in three days.

So 19 took the person out safely.

19As soon as he left, Shen Xiaoxiao looked at Yan Kuan and said:

"Could the eyeball be the last bead on the wheel?"

"It's very likely. If so, it makes sense why the old man built his nest here. He is probably waiting for the bead to appear."

"Isn't he very powerful? Why doesn't he pretend to be a king and take it himself?"

"Looking at the fact that Buda and the others have been guarding here for a thousand years, it can be imagined that the things they regard as treasures of the whole tribe are not so easy to get. Maybe they really have to wait for the arrival of a king."

"But who is the king?"

"Didn't they say that he would appear with his feet on colorful clouds and wearing a silver armor? Wait, since the old man has decided to open the altar for sacrifice in three days, I think it has been calculated. We just need to wait patiently."

"I'm worried that if this is true, then the Yangzhu will fall into the hands of the old man, and we will..."

Yan Kuan held Shen Xiaoxiao in his arms. How could he not know what Xiaoxiao was thinking? He looked at the sleeping child and made a decision secretly.

"Wait for 19 to come back, let him take the child and hide in Acai's house, we will go and see what this Zhuan Yang Pearl is."

Shen Xiaoxiao was startled, and looked at the sleeping child again, not knowing what to decide. She wanted to get the Zhuan Yang Pearl to destroy Old Man Shen's plan, but she was worried about the child.

"Wait for 19 to come back and make arrangements. We just want to see what the Zhuan Yang Pearl is and confirm whether it is what we think it is. It is not necessary to get it. It will not take more than one night."

"Wait for 19 to come back."

Just this wait made them wait all night and did not come back.

Shen Xiaoxiao had been worried for a long time, but Yan Kuan remained calm. Finally, just before dawn, he packed up the remaining elk, carried the two children on his back, and quietly sneaked back to the village with Shen Xiaoxiao.

"Dad An'an, are you back? Are you okay?"

Ah Cai was extremely happy to see his family of four appear in front of them, and Yan Kuan directly threw the skinned elk to Ah Cai. This gift was rare in the entire village.

Ah Cai was very excited for a moment. This foreign guest was really hospitable, but the gift was so big that he didn't know whether to accept it or not.

A Gen and Atawa's fevers have subsided, and they are both sleeping in the room. It is still early and pitch black, so A Cai frees up his room to let the family rest.

However, Yan Kuan originally wanted to inquire about information from Ah Cai, so he did not really lie down to rest, but said to Ah Cai:

"Brother Ah Cai, did you hear any noise around here just now? One of our brothers is lost."


"That's not true, but the clan leader was found lying next to the altar just now, and there was a lot of commotion for a while."

"Oh? When did it happen?"

"About two hours ago, everyone woke up. The elders said that the clan leader had left. The four elders just sang a requiem for him and everyone dispersed after he woke up."

"Nothing else?"

Ah Cai was puzzled for a long time, then thought about it again, and confirmed: "No, there is nothing else. Oh, by the way, it seems that the clan leader's token is missing."


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