"It's a token, yes. I remember that the elder seemed to have said something about why he didn't see the patriarch's token." Ah Cai thought for a moment and said with certainty.

"What token is that?"

"It is a representative object of the patriarchs of the past generations. Seeing this token is like seeing the patriarch, and it is said that only the token can enter and leave the forbidden areas of the clan."

"Oh? There are also forbidden areas in your clan?"

"Yes, it has been a treasure that has been enshrined in our clan for thousands of years. What's wrong with Dad An'an?"

Yan Kuan thought for a while and said to the honest Ah Cai:

"One of our brothers was smuggled, have you seen it?"

"Lost? That's a big deal. I'll go out and help you find out. If someone from our clan sees it, it will be sacrificed there. No outsiders can come or go here."

Ah Cai looked extremely worried. He was really thinking about them. It would be bad if a foreigner was discovered by someone in the clan.

"Brother Ah Cai, don't worry. Our brother knows some boxing and kicking skills. There is no need to worry about this man's safety."

"Dad An'an, you don't know that people in our clan have to practice martial arts since childhood. No matter how good you are, it won't work in our clan."

"Oh? You still want to train troops?"

"Isn't that right? This has been passed down from our ancestors. You don't have to cultivate the land, but you must practice this soldier."

Hearing Ah Cai say this, Shen Xiaoxiao and Yan Kuan became more and more curious about this nation, and they even wanted to train privately. However, 19 has indeed disappeared suddenly. It is very possible if the clan leader's token is really missing. It was taken away by 19.

"Brother Ah Cai, it's easy for you to go out and scare someone off now. After all, it's still very early. If someone sees you, you still can't tell clearly. Anyway, it's almost dawn now, so you'll still be in trouble then. Brother Cai will help check it out during the training."

"This - okay, I'm waiting. You guys take a rest and I'll make you some food."

"No, it's still early. Brother Ah Cai should go and have some rest. I'll take the children and they will go into the basement to prevent anyone from discovering us."

"Sure, An'an's father should be cautious. It would be bad if someone discovers him. I will help find out when it gets up at dawn."

Ah Cai personally opened the secret door and allowed the two of them to go underground with their children in their arms.

When they got here, they had given up half of their thoughts. Not that they completely trusted Ah Cai, but Yan Kuan was not stupid. He placed a detector at Ah Cai's door, which would alert him if anyone approached, and this Ah Cai's family was I live farthest away from the village, and there are usually people here, so it is generally very safe.

Shen Xiaoxiao was already a little tired, and Yan Kuan distressedly told her to rest quickly. Going to two games today was a waste of energy, so it was best to have a good rest.

"After we have a good rest, we can find 19, and 19 is careful in his work. I think he will definitely leave something for us. I will go and take a look after Ah Cai falls asleep. Don't worry, my skills will be fine. "

"You want to go by yourself?"

"Yes, you take the child and have a good sleep. I will be back in half an hour at most. This village is not big, and I will not take risks at will. Don't worry, with you three mother and son here, you are my only weakness, Yan Kuan, I won't I’ll leave you alone.”

Shen Xiaoxiao also knew that she would definitely not be able to leave her child behind and follow Yan Kuan to find out the news. Now that Yan Kuan said this, she could only nod in agreement.

"I'm waiting for you here. If you don't come back, I won't be able to sleep even if I want to."

Yan Kuan looked at her serious look and tried to persuade her. This little thing had an extremely weird temper and was not easy to compromise.

Yan Kuan couldn't wait for Ah Cai to fall asleep, so he immediately got up and walked out.

Waiting is always the longest, but it is absolutely impossible for Shen Xiaoxiao to leave her children alone. She can only hope that Yan Kuan and 19 can come back safely.

The village is built very flat and square, with an altar in the middle. Directly to the east is the temple in the village, where sacrifices and worship by the villagers are held.

Yan Kuan kept moving towards the village. When he reached the altar in the middle, he found no trace of 19. Instead, it was only after arriving at the temple that he saw a small trace like water ripples on a bamboo next to the door handle. This mark looks like an accidental scratch, but only Yan Kuan knows that this is the only mark left by 19.

19Enter this temple?

Yan Kuan looked at the distance between the temple and the altar. They were very close. According to Buda, if the Zhuan Yang Pearl was at the deepest part of the altar, then the only exit would most likely be the temple.

After Yan Kuan entered the temple, he was shocked by the statue they worshiped. The statue they worshiped was actually a woman.

It is not something inside the ordinary Guanyin statue, but a woman whose whole body is surrounded by Suoyin flowers.

With a beautiful face and ancient clothes, there is actually a nine-tailed snake at his feet. This statue makes Yan Kuan feel more and more familiar.

There is only such a statue in this temple. In front of Shenkan are all the food and fruits for sacrifices. There is no incense. They probably don’t have cigarettes or anything like that here. The whole temple cannot be ordinary. The only thing that makes Yan Kuan feel The possible way out is this Shenkan.

Isn’t there a hidden secret in the little old house’s God Kanxia?

Yan Kuan walked around Shen Kan carefully and found something different. However, because he promised Xiao Xiao that he would never take risks easily, Yan Kuan turned around and walked back after confirming everything here. However, before leaving, he still used The watch on his wrist captured the image of the statue.

By the time Yan Kuan returned to Ah Cai's house smoothly, it had only been half an hour.

The journey was really smooth. After all, this village is almost closed at night. It is extremely quiet and safe at night. This is the only advantage of this village.

After all, there has been only one nation in the mountains for thousands of years.

"You're back? Are you okay?"

Shen Xiaoxiao finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Yan Kuan back, but there was no trace of 19 behind him. This made Shen Xiaoxiao's heart twitch again. She looked at Yan Kuan and asked:

"Where's 19? No trace of it found?"

"No, there are some clues. If I guessed correctly, 19 has entered the forbidden area of ​​this village with the token. I found the only clue he left outside the temple."

"Oh? Why was he so impulsive and went in by himself?"

"I guess I found something, but I also found something strange. I have to ask Ah Cai tomorrow."


"Look, this is the photo I took in their temple. Their entire village believes in this statue."


"Yes, look."

Yan Kuan showed the picture of the statue to Shen Xiaoxiao, but unexpectedly, Shen Xiaoxiao stood up in surprise, pointed at the statue and said:

"Is this Liu Yufei?"

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