Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

Chapter 1223: , Tears fell in a string, instantly wet the pillow towel

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"No." Huo Yanqin put the phone back in his trouser pocket, walked to Shu Xin's side and dragged her towards the lounge, Shu Xin looked back to Mu Tranquility, "Come on."

Mu Serene watched Shu Xin and Huo Yan lean into the lounge, and then walked to the door of the other lounge. After clenching her palm, she pushed the door in.

Entering the lounge, Mu Tranquility saw Shen Tingxi smoking on the word sofa by the window. It should have been smoking for a while. The room was filled with a faint smell of cigarettes. When she entered the door, he looked up at her. speak.

Such a quiet Shen Tingxi made Mu Tingxi feel overwhelmed. His sharp features were shrouded in thin smoke, a faint emotion that made her strange.

Mu Tranquility walked in front of Shen Tingxi, lowered his head, dared not to face his deep eyes, and asked softly, "Do you want me to press your head?"

Just now Shu Xin told her that Shen Tingxi had a headache after drinking too much wine.

Shen Tingxi condensed the girl in front of him for a moment and bowed to twist the unsmoked cigarette in his ashtray. "It's late, rest."

Mu Qingning's heart narrowed slightly, and he refused to approach her. This had never happened before. Maybe she really hurt his heart, so she was not even willing to contact her.

Mu Tranquility pursed his lips, his hands curled up and loosened, "Okay."

"You sleep on the bed, I sleep on the sofa." Shen Tingxi finished and pushed Xin Chang's body close to the sofa, but his eyes stayed on Mu Tranquility.

Mu Tranquility could feel Shen Tingxi's gaze, and he never dared to raise his head. His two simple words clearly meant to draw a line with her. She was afraid to see his cold or disgusted eyes.

He really like Shu Xin said, want to give up her and leave her?

This is because she couldn't deserve him, she was too extravagant, and she was obviously doing the preparation that he would leave her at any time every day. Why is it that at this moment, she still can't bear it, and her heart seems to be crushed by something, so painful Difficult to breathe.

Mu Serenity took a light breath and pressed down the sourness of his heart. "...Okay." After he turned quickly, he walked towards the bed.

"Ning Ning..."

He called her.

Mu Tranquility stopped, didn't look back, and didn't make a sound. She was afraid of making a sound, and the emotion she tried to control would be noticed by him.

"Did you say anything to me?"

Yes, I have a lot to say to you, but... are you still willing to listen?

Mu Serenity was silent for a moment, shaking her head and walking towards the bed, she heard a soft sigh coming from behind.

Mu Qingning lay down on the bed with her back to the sofa. After a while, she heard a sound coming from behind her. The sound of footsteps walked towards the door, followed by the sound of opening and closing the door. She opened her eyes, turned around, and disappeared from the sofa. .

Tears blurred the sight instantly.

Does he even want to stay in the same room with her now?

Mu Serenity felt that her heart was hollowed out, and the pain in the cone was biting. She bit her own hand and did not let the violent emotions in her body vent. Because of her efforts to suppress, her shoulders shook terribly.

Tears fell in a string and instantly wet the pillow towel.

It has long been known that he does not belong to her, and a heart still falls unconsciously...

There was movement at the door, and Mu Qing hurriedly closed his eyes.

Shen Tingxi was standing at the end of the bed, with water droplets hanging on his face. His hair with temples was also wet with water when washing his face. The sharp facial features were refreshing and **** after washing. His deep eyes fell on the girl who was sleeping peacefully in bed and looked at For a few seconds, when I noticed something was wrong, I lifted my feet and walked towards the head of the bed.

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