Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

Chapter 1224: This is the first time Mu Serenity kissed him, the first time!

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Shen Tingxi came to the head of the bed and saw Mu Tingwei's eyes closed with teardrops on the corners of her eyes, and the pillow was wet with a lot of pain. The bottom of her eyes was distressed. She bent over and gently wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes. "Ning Ning, why are you crying?"

Mu Serenity heard a deep voice ringing in his ears, as always in the gentle tone, and opened his eyes suddenly, and the man's angular features were caught in his eyes. He asked him carefully, "You didn't go?"

Shen Tingxi frowned slightly, with faint doubts between her eyes, "You are here, where am I going?"

Mu Tranquility sat up from the bed excitedly, hugged Shen Tingxi's neck, crying, "I thought...I refused don't want me anymore...I thought you're gone...I want to leave me ..."

Shen Tingxi sat down beside the bed and patted Mu Ting's back, "Are you afraid of me leaving?"

The voice was tainted with countless uncertainties, and it was obviously quite unconfident in the relationship between the two.

"Afraid." Mu Tingxi hugged Shen Tingxi a little, "Afraid."

Shen Tingxi raised her thin lips, and a smile flickered between her brows. That kind of laughter was a joy from the heart. "Why are you afraid of me leaving? You don't like me."

"I..." Mu Serenity let go of his hand and knelt down on the bed, his head down, his hands on the legs vigorously whitening.

Shen Tingxi looked at her quietly and sighed softly, "Are you not used to it without me?"

Mu tranquilly nodded with his small mouth.

The arc of Shen Ting's west lip angle is a little helpless, "It's good to be your habit."

Mu Serenity heard something wrong from his lonely tone and looked up at him, "No, I will get used to it if I like it."

Shen Tingxi froze for a moment, then ecstasy filled her heart, but she was still not sure, "Do you mean you like me?"

Mu tranquil nodded and bit his lips lightly, "I like it very much."

Shen Tingxi felt that her heart was about to be squeezed by a sudden sense of happiness. Like a young man who had never been in love, she was overwhelmed by the confession of a girl she had long loved.

Shen Tingxi got up and walked around the bed twice, turned around and hurried towards the door.

Mu Serenity was terrified. She said that she liked him. Did she scare him away?

Shen Tingxi's leaving just now made her more sure of her heart. That feeling she didn't want to have any more. Mu Jingran dared to run over and hugged Shen Tingxi from behind. "Don't go, don't leave me alone."

Shen Tingxi turned around and held Mu Serene's petite face like a treasure, "I won't leave you, I'm just too happy, I want to go out and calm down, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to control you thinly."

Mu Qingran looked at the man who was full of joy in the distance, and his heart was completely settled, and he gathered his courage. He grasped his arm with both hands, tipped his toes and kissed on the man’s lips, then quickly lowered his head and blushed. .

This is the first time Mu tranquil kissed him, the first time!

Shen Tingxi felt that she was a little too happy to find the north. She clasped Mu Qing’s waist tightly in her hands and clutched her lips with her head down. She wanted to kiss her gently, but the joy in her heart could not be relieved, all turned into passion. Into this kiss.

He kissed wildly and passionately.

Except for Shen Tingxi, Mu Tranquility has never been in such contact with men, and in the six months of contact with Shen Tingxi, the two have been kissing very few, and they are all shallow kisses. Kisses like this crazy rainstorm have never happened. Where is she? Bearable.

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