Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

Chapter 1352: , Even if I die, I will put your dad on his back

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Huo Yan tilted his eyes in a silky smirk, "Also follow me in?"

"Yes." Shu Xin raised his head, "I haven't seen any part of you, isn't it just to see you boo, what's there?"

Although he was so righteous, Shu Xin blushed.

"But you look at me, what should I do if I can't get out of urine?" Huo Yanqing continued to tease her.

"It's a big deal, I just have my back to you."

Huo Yan tilted his hands and rubbed his comfortable heart, and the tone was spoiled, "Follow you."

Huo Yanqing was relieved, and his heart was so hot that he could fry eggs.

It was really embarrassing to be with the man for the first time.

In the morning, Shu Xin and Huo Yan were inseparable. After lunch, the two teased for a while and then returned to their place of rest.

Just entering the bedroom, Huo Yanqin's cell phone rang, or'Song Li' called, "You go to bed first, I'll go to the balcony to answer the phone."

"Okay." Shu Xin was relieved to see that Song Li had called. He walked to the bed and took off his hat and scarf. He was ready to take off his coat. The phone in his pocket rang. The caller showed a strange number. "Hello..."

"I am He Jingxing..."


"Your father is in my hands..."

"What do you want to do?" Shu Xin was nervous immediately.

"Don't be excited, Huo Yan leans beside you?"

Shu Xin raised his eyes and looked at the man on the balcony with her back to her, "...not."

"I don't want him to know whether he is here or not. If he knows, I will kill your dad immediately."

He Jingxing is dark and poisonous, and Shuxin knows he can do it, but... "Why do you make me believe that my father is in your hands?"

"Xin'er, don't listen to him no matter what he says. Dad is fine..." Shu Youkang's voice passed through the electric current. He was interrupted by He Jingxing before he even said, "How? Believe it? "

Shu Xin jumped into her throat instantly, holding the phone into the bathroom, closing the door, lowering her voice and asking, "What do you want to do..."

"It's not what I want to do, it's Huo Yan who forced me to do it. He wants my life, it's not that easy, even if I die, I will put your dad on the back."

"Don't be impulsive."

"It's okay if I don't want to be impulsive. You come and change your dad. As my hostage, I will let you go as long as I leave Fancheng safely."

"Are you stupid of me? If you leave me safely and leave me alone, what if you use me to threaten feast?"

"You don't have a choice, you don't have to come. It's the same if I use your dad as a hostage, but after I leave, you should wait to collect the corpse for him."


That end hung up the phone directly, and Shuxin was ready to call back to hear the footsteps coming from the balcony.

Huo Yan concentrated his emotions from the bottom of his eyes and looked into the bedroom as usual, without seeing Shuxin, "Xin'er."

"I'm in the toilet." The voice came from the bathroom.

"Song Li called me and the company had something to do with me. Will you go with me?"

"No, I'm sleepy, you go, I'll sleep for a while." Shuxin tried hard to suppress his panic, trying to calm his voice.

Huo Yan poured a sigh of relief, "Then take a good rest, I'll come back as soon as possible."

"Okay." Shu Xin heard the footsteps before he opened the door and walked to the door of the room. He happened to see Huo Yanqing's long figure reaching the door of the villa. "Yan Qing."

She shouted.

Huo Yan stopped and turned, looking at Shuxin, "What's wrong?"

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