Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the reborn Xueba Xiaoqi wife!

Shu Xin grabbed his palm, "I love you."

Huo Yan smiled, "I love you too, wait for me to come home at home, take care of you tonight and see if you are begging for mercy or I begging for mercy?"

"it is good."

Shu Xin looked at Huo Yanqing's back disappeared at the door, picked up the phone and dialed the strange number just now, and walked downstairs, "I change, tell me the address."

"You go to Fancheng Mall first, and then I will tell you the address of the next stop." He Jingxing said again and hung up the phone.

Shu Xin wanted to directly ask for the destination, but she called again and hung there directly. Shu Xin had to quickly go downstairs to prepare for the Fancheng shopping mall.

Shuxin went to the parking lot and drove her white Mercedes-Benz out, and was stopped by Yang Ji at the entrance of the villa. "Brother Yang, why are you here?"

Yang Ji did not disclose too much, only said: "This is arranged by the Five Lords."

Shu Xin probably guessed that Huo Yanqin should be worried about arresting He Jingxing today, and what tricks he used to threaten the safety of Huo's family, so he arranged Yang Ji to guard here, "Work hard, you open the door, I'm going out."

"Five Lord said, no one in the villa can go out today."

Shu Xin's eyes circulated, "Brother Yang, I went to the mall to buy more or less diapers, and I will be back soon."

Yang Ji looked embarrassed. "Mrs., you should call Wuye first."

"He just went out. He must be driving now. It is not safe to answer the phone. I will work hard for a while."

Yang Ji thought for a while, "I arranged for people to go to the mall to buy diapers."

"Do you know? Some skin is more sensitive, you can only use a special brand, and do you know the diaper size?"

Yang Ji was ashamed. All the soldiers who were guarding the mountain today were full of iron-clad soldiers. They asked them the size and model of the gun and they could answer it immediately. This is not wet... how can there be so many doors?

Shu Xin depressed the anxiety at the bottom of his heart, "Brother Yang, don't trouble you, open the door. I will be back in at least half an hour."

Yang Qi is not good to stop, after all, Shu Xin is the hostess here, so she opened the door and let her go out, but he was relieved to let Shu Xin go out alone, in case there was something wrong with Shu Xin, he couldn’t explain it to Wu Ye. I drove a car myself and followed.


The black Cayenne stopped at the third ring road in Fancheng, Huo Yan leaned down and got on an off-road vehicle parked on the roadside. "How is it now?"

"I still haven't figured out in which direction he ran." Shen Tingxi answered the question. "Don't you say that he followed He Jingxing secretly with us? Why didn't you always show up? If you are here, maybe we won't be so easy for him Get rid of it."

"Xin'er won't let me out." Huo Yanqing briefly explained and asked Shen Tingxi, "Where did you lose it?"

Shen Tingxi pointed to the electronic map on the computer screen. The two began to discuss the direction that He Jingxing might go, and arranged for the person to start following the route he might go.

Huo Yanqin and Shen Tingxi followed the road towards the suburbs. Huo Yanqin felt that this was the most likely direction for He Jingxing.

On the way, Huo Yanqing received a call from Yang Qi, "Five Lord, something happened."

Huo Yanqing's nerves tightened immediately, "He Jingxing arranged for someone to go to the villa?"

"No, half an hour ago, my wife said that she wanted to buy diapers in the Fancheng shopping mall. I couldn't stop it and I could only follow it secretly. When I came to the shopping mall, I lost my wife."

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