Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

Chapter 1577: If she was not smart, she would have been killed by Shen Tingxi

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Dr. Mu Qingqing whispered, "The past is past, nothing is more important than the present."

"Yes, forget the past, face the present, this is what you should do first."

The doorbell rang at this time, Mu Ning's relaxed nerve instantly tightened, as if afraid of his secret being heard, he immediately hung up the phone, adjusted his emotions and got up to open the door.

Opening the door, Shen Tingxi appeared at the door.

He was wearing a dark gray shirt and black trousers, and the deep and powerful facial features were more three-dimensional under the illumination of the corridor lights.

"Why are you here?" Mu Serenity looked surprised, she only made a call, why did he appear in front of her?

"I always feel something wrong when listening to the voice on your phone. You can come over without worry." Shen Tingxi looked at Mu Tingxi and asked tentatively: "Ning Ning, can I go in?"

Mu tranquil had been thinking about Hu Xin'er's words before, fearing that he and Shen Tingxi would be separated. Later, after talking with Shen Tingxi, he was deeply moved, thinking of him in particular. He had been chatting with Dr. Qin just now. In the final analysis, it was also about getting close to Shen Tingxi.

So Mu Tingxi's heart has been immersed in Shen Tingxi, and now he suddenly appeared in front of her. After being surprised, only happy and throbbing left.

Mu Tranquility opened his side and stood by the door.

There was a smile on Shen Tingxi's eyes. He knew Mu Tranquil meant to let him enter the door.

The two entered the door, Mu Muran poured Shen Tingxi a glass of water.

Shen Tingxi sat on the sofa, glanced at the information on the coffee table, and then looked at Mu Tranquility, "At work?"


"After get off work, you should go out and relax, don't put all your thoughts on work."


Shen Tingxi hooked her lips helplessly. This is not the first time he said that Mu tranquil nodded every time he said so, but he never actually acted, unless he was not busy to pull her out. Otherwise, after returning from the company, she can not go out.

Shen Tingxi saw that Mu Tranquility was not abnormal, so she was relieved. She was afraid that Mu Tranquility would cause fear to him. Before staying for a long time, she got up and prepared to leave. "You rest early, don't stay up late. I will come to pick you up tomorrow morning and we will have breakfast together."

"Okay." Mu Tranquility followed Shen Tingxi to the door, looking at his straight back, especially reluctant, the hand on his side curled up a few steps, and walked up a few steps, holding Shen Tingxi's hand.

Shen Tingxi turned around, there was joy spreading in the deep eyes, and Ning Ning approached him again, "What's wrong?"

Mu Serenity's face was reddish, and he looked down at the hands held by the two of them. The temperature of his palm passed to her, and it warmed into her heart. "Can you... stay with me for a while?"

If Shen Tingxi had laughed and laughed at Mu Tranquility before, ‘Keep me at night, do you want me to spend the night here? ’

But now, he dare not say so, she is too sensitive now, he is afraid to speak out and scare her.

Shen Tingxi smiled and said, "Okay." Then he took a small hand in his palm and walked back to the sofa to sit down without talking, so he looked at the quiet girl beside him, and his mood was particularly good.

Looking at it, it felt a bit wrong, reaching for her face, "What's wrong with your face?"

Mu Tranquilly turned away, her face was beaten by Ju Qiulan. She kept applying ice last night. She was still a little swollen when she went to work in the morning, but during the day she bought hot eggs and rolled them on her face for a long time. It's fine."

Shen Tingxi twisted her eyebrows and pulled Mu Serene's face back. Her eyes were cold for a moment, "Someone hit you?"


Shen Tingxi apparently did not believe it, took out his mobile phone and prepared to call Dongzai, and asked him who was in contact with Mu Tranquility today, but the phone was robbed by Mu Tranquility before the call was made. "It’s really okay, it’s me. I accidentally knocked on the door last night."

Shen Tingxi looked at Mu Tranquilly with a deep gaze, and she just looked at her without speaking.

Mu Ning squeezed his lips and pressed the panic that he watched, "Really."

Shen Tingxi's eyes gradually softened, "I don't feel relieved if you live alone..." I will live and take care of you?

The latter sentence swallowed back after hovering around the tip of the tongue.

Shen Tingxi has been there with Mu Tingxi.

Mu Tranquility looked at the information in the living room and was afraid of affecting her. Shen Tingxi stood smoking on the balcony and leaned her back against the railing. Xin Chang’s figure was hidden in the night, and she looked at her quiet work through the window.

Mu Tranquility went to the bathroom to wash, Shen Tingxi was watching TV in the living room.

Mu Tranquilly sleeps, and Shen Tingxi sits beside the bed and accompanies her until she hears even breathing, and he leaves lightly.

After leaving a new community, Shen Tingxi dialed Dongzai's phone, "Who are you in contact with Ning Ning today?"

"In the morning, Hu Xiner went to the company to meet Miss Mu, and after that, Miss Mu never left the company."

"Got it." Shen Tingxi hung up the phone and his face sank instantly. His eyes were darker than the night outside. He turned the steering wheel and drove the car away from the original route.

Hu Xiner's shower door rang just after bathing. She raised her delicate eyebrows. Who will come at this late hour?

Wearing a red suspender skirt, Hu Xin'er walked to the door and saw the man standing at the door through the cat's eyes. His eyes were stained with surprise, and there was a trace of fear spreading in his heart.

When Ju Qiulan first knew about her existence, she and Shen Jiuyan had a great fight.

At that time she was still working in the nightclub. Shen Tingxi looked for it and pushed open the door of the box. Without too much speech, the strong aura and the whole body made the lively box suddenly silent.

He walked in front of her, and his cold eyes fell on her. If his eyes could kill, his eyes would definitely be the sharpest cold sword in the world.

He smashed the coffee table in the box with a punch and left with a word.

He said, ‘Straighten your mind and position, otherwise, your end. ’

If it were not for her cleverness, Jiuye had been guarding her, she had already been killed by Shen Tingxi.

The doorbell was still ringing, but Hu Xin'er didn't open the door, but turned to the room and took the phone to dial Shen Jiuyan's phone. "Nine Lord, Tingxi is now at the door of my room."

"What is he going to do with you?" Shen Jiuyan asked.

"I do not know."

There was silence for two seconds at that end. "Don't open the door first, let me handle the rest."

"Okay." Hu Xin'er hung up the phone and found a small suit to put on his body, then came to the door to listen to the movement.

Outside the door, Shen Tingxi leaned on the door frame with a bite of smoke, his phone rang, and when he saw the caller ID, he frowned, turning his head to look into the room across the door. .

The framing finger crossed the answer button, put the phone to the ear, biting the cigarette and asked, "Old man, is something wrong?"

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