Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

Chapter 1578: , The more nervous you are, the more I want to kill her

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Shen Jiuyan's energetic voice passed through the electric current, "What are you doing to find Xin'er?"

Shen Tingxi took the cigarette from his thin lips and spit out a blue-white smoke. I don’t know if it was smoked, or Shen Jiuyan's words made him unhappy. The slightly frowned eyebrows squeezed a little more, "Relax, you played Woman, I will never touch it."

"Xi'er!" The voice on that end was raised a bit.

Shen Tingxi's cold face didn't have any waves, his voice was faint, "I'm fine I'm hanging up."

"You have something to charge me, don't move her."

"You are my lao, how can I treat you?" Shen Tingxi sneered. "As for her... The more nervous you are, the more I want to kill her."

"Xiel, who doesn't have a few women around us like you? You didn't..."

"I'm different from you. If you want to play, don't start a family at first." After finishing this sentence, Shen Tingxi cut off the phone directly, put the phone back in his pocket, and Xin Long leaned against the door frame. Breathing the smoke from the corners of his lips.

Before meeting Mu Serenity, for business and physiological needs, Shen Tingxi did not deny that there were many women around him, but his concept was different from Shen Jiuyan, he did not plan to get married, and never gave any promises to those women before he started. It shows the ending.

In doing their business, begging for life in the rain is not only dangerous, but also a lot of offenders. I don’t know what’s going on today, so I’m more open to men’s and women’s things and have fun in time.

Normally, you will not get married, because getting married is to present your weakness to your opponent, which will bring great danger to your family.

Shen Jiuyan often works outside and rarely visits home. He and Ju Qiulan are also cold and indifferent. Even if they meet sometimes, they leave at a glance.

At that time Ju Qiulan told Shen Tingxi that Shen Jiuyan did this because he loved them. To be cold to them was to protect them.

Even so, Shen Tingxi was often kidnapped when he was a kid.

Once, he and Ju Qiulan were both kidnapped. Shen Jiuyan was not in the capital. Only his hands came down to rescue them. The efficiency of the work was naturally not so high, and he never found a den of gangsters.

Shen Tingxi clearly remembered that he was 13 years old that year.

The gangster insulted Ju Qiulan in front of him. He struggled hard, his wrists were rubbed with blood by the rope, and the man was beaten to the head and bleeding, dying.

Afterwards, Ju Qiulan found a death and was rescued. Shen Tingxi knelt beside Ju Qiulan's bed, her eyes red, saying that if she died, he would not live.

Ju Qiulan didn't seek death anymore, and she was unhappy for a long time.

It was also from that time that Shen Tingxi made up her mind to do this line. Since she couldn't escape, she made herself stronger, became the most cruel person, and became the one who stopped others.

A year later, those who insulted Ju Qiulan all died in various ways.

Shen Tingxi's fame also began to break into everyone's field of vision from that time.

At that time Shen Jiuyan asked Shen Tingxi, ‘Are you sure you want to do this? Are you not afraid that your wife and children will live in fear and fear like you and your mother in the future? ’

Shen Tingxi, ‘I’m not going to get married. ’

Shen Jiuyan, ‘don’t be so absolute, I didn’t plan to start a family before meeting your mom. ’

Shen Tingxi, ‘If I start a family, I will not be as weak as you. I will be responsible for my wife and children and keep them safe for a lifetime. ’

Shen Jiuyan smiled bitterly and said, ‘Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. Sooner or later you will know what the word involuntarily means. ’

After Shen Jiuyan began to cultivate Shen Tingxi, after several years of precipitation, and the turbulent storms of blood, Shen Tingxi no matter how bold or powerful, compared with Shen Jiuyan, blue is better than blue.

Especially in recent years, after the Black Dragon Gang was handled by Shen Tingxi, the reputation in their circle is even more impressive.

Shen Jiuyan retired behind the scenes. Although Shen Jiuyan often worked outside, Shen Tingxi had never heard of his romantic affairs.

There was a burning pain between his fingers, which interrupted Shen Tingxi's thoughts. His eyes turned out that the cigarette had burned out, and he dropped the cigarette **** into the trash bin not far away. Shen Tingxi no longer pressed the doorbell and curled his finger twice. The door, with a cold voice, "Open the door."

Hu Xin'er's delicate face in the door was a little white, not humming, and did not dare to breathe too hard, the nerves were slowly tightening, but his brain was still running fast, so good, Shen Tingxi came to her for what?

Is it because she went to Shenjia Manor two days ago?

No, if it's because of that, according to Shen Tingxi's aggressive style, she came to find her long ago, why wait two days to come to her?

But if it wasn't that thing, why?

Was it because she went to Mu tranquil?

But what did she not do to Mu Tranquility?

Hu Xin'er was puzzled, and he knocked twice outside. The sound was a little louder than before, highlighting that the people outside had lost their patience.

Hu Xin'er said in his heart that he was holding his mobile phone and twirling around the door, and he dared not call Shen Jiuyan again. He was the most annoying woman who had been entangled. He had just hit it, and he would definitely be unhappy.

And the person outside the door was his son, and then he called to remind him of the father-son relationship.

Although Shen Jiuyan didn't get along well with Shen Tingxi because of her in recent years, Hu Xin'er knew that Shen Jiuyan actually paid special attention to Shen Tingxi, even for Ju Qiulan, he also had feelings, otherwise she would not let her have children.

When Hu Xin'er was in a hurry, there was a movement outside the door, and she put her eyes on the cat's eyes to watch the situation outside.

It was Shen Jiuyan who arranged for her to protect her. They were looking down and talking respectfully with Shen Tingxi. The sound insulation of the house was very good. What they said, Hu Xin'er could not hear clearly.

I only saw Shen Tingxi's face ugly, dark and dark as if there were black clouds in the sky.

Hu Xin'er almost stuck his face on the door. When he saw a few words outside, he started to fight.

Shen Tingxi got his skills, plus those people didn't dare to really act on Shen Tingxi, just to prevent it. Soon, they were beaten down by Shen Tingxi.

Shen Tingxi came to the door with a cold face, kicked on the door with a loud noise.

Hu Xin'er was so scared that his heart almost jumped out, what should I do? How to do?

Hu Xin'er's face was pale with anxiety, and he hurriedly walked to the living room. He looked around, looking for something to defend himself, thinking of, and ran into the kitchen, took a small fruit knife from the knife holder, and ran out of the kitchen, ready to go to the door. At that time, there was a loud noise outside.

The door was kicked open by Shen Tingxi? !

Hu Xin'er was so scared that he hurriedly hid in the bedroom, closed the door, locked the door, and shivered as he stood behind the door.

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