Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the reborn Xueba Xiaoqi wife!

"What's wrong?" Shen Tingxi asked.

Shen Jiuyan said: "There was a problem with a group of arms. I had planned to check it out in the past. The air tickets were all booked.

Shen Tingxi's expression is not very good-looking. During this time, his relationship with Mu Tranquility was not good. The two did not meet for a few days without saying. Today, Mu Tranquility may have misunderstood him and Yu Anna. At this time, he did not want to leave.

But the arms business is very risky. He and Shen Jiuyan have always dealt with it personally. Now that Shen Jiuyan is ill, he has to go and asks, "What time is the plane?"

Shen Jiuyan knew that Shen Tingxi had agreed to go, "an hour later."

Shen Tingxi looks even more ugly. It takes more than forty minutes from him to the airport. He still has to pack his luggage. He can’t find time to see Mu Tranquility.

"What's wrong? Can't you walk away? Or should I go?" Shen Jiuyan said that she would get out of bed.

"What kind of outfit? Wouldn't you just let me go if you called me back? Lie down for me." Shen Tingxi gave Shen Jiuyan a cold look and turned to walk out of the room quickly.

Shen Tingxi returned to his room without rushing to pack up, but stood by the window and called Mu Tranquility. No one answered the phone for a long time until it hung up automatically.

Shen Tingxi squeezed his forehead, hangover, and his head was so dull. He put the phone back in his pocket, walked back to the cloakroom, pulled out the suitcase, and casually took two sets of changed clothes into the suitcase. Ju Qiulan was ready to close the suitcase. Come in and glance at the messy suitcase, frowning and saying, "How can you pack things like this? I'm coming."

Shen Tingxi saw Ju Qiulan squat down and started folding his clothes for him, but he didn’t care anymore. Long legs walked to the side of the watch counter. Xin Long leaned against the cabinet at random, took out his mobile phone and started to call Mu Tranquility. The results are the same, not received.

Shen Tingxi walked anxiously to the window, igniting a smoke and spitting clouds, and the deep and fierce facial features shrouded in the blue and white smoke were even more cold.

Ju Qiulan glanced at her son, who even had her back in her back, and while packing up her clothes, she said, "Xi'er, smoke less and hurt your body."

Shen Tingxi yelled, stood still by the window, still holding a cigarette in the corner of his mouth, his eyebrows stained with anxiety, silenced for a few seconds, suddenly turned around and walked to the door, "I will arrange for people to be sent directly to the airport, I will pass later ."

"Xier, where are you going?" Ju Qiulan got up and chased out.

"It's a matter of urgency." Shen Tingxi finished the sentence at the door of the bedroom.

Ju Qiulan chased out of the bedroom, and Shen Tingxi had gone downstairs to the lobby, until she couldn’t stop it, she could only tell, “You can watch the time and don’t delay the plane.”

"I know." Shen Tingxi left the villa, sat in the car, started the engine, stepped on the accelerator, turned the steering wheel, the car quickly drove away from the villa, and all movements were quick and neat.

After the car entered the traffic flow, it swiftly drove on the avenue. I didn’t know how many red lights I ran all the way. I came to a new community, went upstairs in three steps, and came to the door of Mu Tranquility. Knock the door. ."

Shen Tingxi knocked on it several times, and there was no movement in it. She could only stand at the door and said, "Ning Ning, I have something urgent to go to the far door. Can you see me?"

In the room, on the sofa, Mu Qingran was crying with red eyes. Hearing Shen Tingxi's saying that he would go far away, his shoes could not be worn. He walked down from the sofa and walked quickly to the door. He stretched out his hand to open the door, but quickly shrank back. Panic touched her face, all tears, how did she see him like this?

Moreover, during the time when Shen Tingxi left, she made a decision, she was humble like dust, she should have been hiding in the dark to survive, she was too greedy, she wanted to walk into the sun, the dream should wake up, not belong She shouldn't force her things, it only makes her feel more ashamed.

"Shen Tingxi... let's break up."

Outside the door, Shen Tingxi felt a pain, and his face cooled instantly, "I don't agree, why should I break up?" The door was patted hard, "Ning Ning, you open the door."

Mu Tranquility squatted on the ground, covering his face and sobbing.

"Ning Ning, open the door, if you don't open, I kicked." Shen Tingxi waited for two seconds without moving, and was really anxious by Mu Ting, really kicked the door.

Mu Serenity stood up from the ground in fright, she was an old community, the door was fragile, and Shen Tingxi was so strong that she kicked, and the door swayed a few times, and there was something to be kicked away. Posture.

Mu Jingran hurriedly walked over, leaning his back against the door and crying, "I don't see you."

When Shen Tingxi kicked again, he found that there was resistance. It was probably guessed that Mu Ting could resist it, afraid of hurting her, and daring not to kick again. He raised his hand and glanced at the watch. Anxious, "Ning Ning, you misunderstood the hotel. Yu Anna and I have nothing. You have to believe me. I don't agree to break up. I'm in a hurry to leave a few days in advance. You take good care of yourself."

There was no response in the room. Sometimes Shen Tingxi really didn't know how to love Mu Mu. She was quiet, sensitive, fragile and untouchable. It seemed that no matter what he did, it was wrong. heart.

Regardless of taking her as her own imprisonment.

This idea often comes to mind.

For example, now, he wants to rush in, pressing Mu Tranquilly under him, possessing her fiercely, and letting her feel his love for her.

Before this idea swallowed reason, Shen Tingxi turned and walked downstairs quickly.

Because he knew that once something was done, it might be irreversible.

In the room, Mu Tranquility heard the sound of the footsteps going downstairs getting smaller and smaller. He opened the door and walked to the stairs and looked down. He didn't see the people of Shen Tingxi. He ran to the window of the corridor and looked down to see that Shen Tingxi was wearing The dark gray shirt and black trousers walked quickly to the car not far away, pulled the door open, and sat in. The black off-road vehicle quickly disappeared into her sight.

As the car left, Mu tranquil felt his heart suddenly empty.


When Shen Tingxi appeared at the airport, Dong Tsai's tense nerves relaxed. He thought Shen Tingxi was not coming and hurriedly walked over, "Young Master, the plane will take off soon."

Shen Tingxi strode toward the security checkpoint, "You arrange two more people in a new community. If I have anything to do with her during my time out, I ask you."

Dong Tsai nodded busy, "Young Master, rest assured, I must put Miss Mu's safety on the top of the list."

"Well." Shen Tingxi raised his hand and made a stop gesture. "Don't send it."

Dong Tsai watched Shen Tingxi's figure disappear into his sight, and turned back to arrange for people to protect Mu Ting, but this was the person on the young master's heart, he didn't dare to sloppy.

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