Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

Chapter 1587: , Shen Tingxi, I miss you so much

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In the evening, Mu Tranquility received a call from a psychiatrist. He still had a gentle voice. He had a particularly approachable feeling, and it was easy for people to relax. "Did you eat?"

Mu Tranquility sat on the sofa, looking at the meals on the dining table over the restaurant but didn’t eat them, "Uh."

"Don't go out for a walk?"

Mu Tranquility shook his head and reacted in the next second. Now he was calling, and the other party could not see her movement, "No."

"What about your boyfriend? Didn't accompany you?"

Mu Qingran heard panic acid at the tip of his nose when he heard the three words of his boyfriend, and looked down at the button on his little coat. "He is on a business trip."

"Oh" The two were silent for a moment, and Dr. Qin asked again: "Is it going well to take care of him today?"

Mu Qingran thought of the woman she saw at the door of the hotel. Her tears fell without warning. She felt very uncomfortable. Her heart was blocked by a heavy and heavy stone. She was so bored that she couldn't unravel it for a day.

Originally I wanted to call Shu Xin, but I thought she was pregnant now and didn't want to worry her. Mu Jingran could hold it back.

At this time, Dr. Qin asked her that she might not have met, and Shu Xin also said that he was reliable. In addition, he had contacted several times before, and Mu tranquil did not reject his question, and even some were willing to talk to him, "Not smooth , It was a woman who opened the door, and they were together all night."

"...You quarreled?"

Mu tranquil shook his head, "No, I left without entering."

"Do you think your boyfriend has a problem with that woman?"

"I don't know, that woman is very beautiful."

"Do you think she is prettier than you?"


It paused for a few seconds and asked: "Do you know how to solve this kind of problem under normal circumstances?"

Mu Qingran thought for a while, "I don't know."

There was a sound of pouring water coming from that end. The sound was very uniform. "The woman who will push the door open, breaks into the room, sees if things are as you think, and then asks the man for a statement."

Mu tranquil bit his lip, "I..."

After waiting for a few seconds, he said, "You don't even enter the door, and sentence your boyfriend. This is unfair to him."

"He came to me and said that he had nothing with the woman."

"Then do you believe him?"

Mu Tranquility lowered his head and remained silent for a few seconds, answering the question, "That woman is very beautiful."

"...You don't believe in him, you don't believe in yourself, you don't think you are worthy of him, you think the woman is very worthy of him, are you?"


"Last time I let you forget the past and cherish the present. Today I will teach you another sentence. Born to be talented will be useful. I am the best."

Mu Tranquility murmured, "Am I the best?"

"Well, you see you have experienced so many hardships, but you have come strong, and it may not be that you have done so well in exchange for others, and you can now bravely face everyone, face life, and feed yourself. The strong and brave woman is the most beautiful, you are very good, you are the best, and it is worth being liked by others."

Mu Serene looked slightly stunned. He never thought that he had advantages. It seemed that something came out of the bottom of my heart. The dark face was stained with a soft light because of the change of emotion in my heart. With a touch of confidence, she is worthy of being liked by Shen Tingxi, "Dr. Qin, thank you."

"You're welcome, this is what I should do, rest early."

"Okay..." Mu Tranquility thought, and asked quickly: "Dr. Qin, I have bothered you for so long, I still don't know how to pay you?"

There was a low-pitched laugh from the man at that end, "No, I know Dr. Ji very well, so I should help my friends."

Mu Qingran guesses that Dr. Ji in the mouth of Dr. Qin should be Huo’s family doctor, Ji Chifeng, "You are a doctor, and it is reasonable to charge patients for medical treatment. If you don’t charge, I won’t trouble you anymore."

"...Well, I'll give you a payment account later." The voice was very helpless.

"Thank you..." Mu Serenity hesitated and said, "Can you tell Shuxin about my business? I don't want to worry her."

"You can rest assured that I will not tell anyone. That is your privacy. I still have the most basic professional ethics." Dr. Qin said with a smile.

"Thank you."

After finishing the call, Mu Tranquility felt a little hungry, put the meals on the dining table in the microwave to heat up, and sat in the restaurant to eat. There were many pictures of getting along with Shen Tingxi in his mind.

He likes to lean on the kitchen door frame to watch her cook.

He said that in the future she must be a good and gentle wife.

He said that the food she made was delicious and had grabbed his stomach. She was responsible for keeping his stomach for life.

When eating, he always likes to give her food, pile up her bowl, and then tells her, "eat more, I hope you look white and fat."

Mu Qingran's tears were flowing down. She put down her chopsticks and looked at the chair where Shen Tingxi was sitting on the opposite side. The tears flowed even more.

Shen Tingxi, I miss you so much.

Mu Serenity took out her mobile phone to call Shen Tingxi, but she was afraid to disturb his work. She watched it on TV. Sometimes those gangsters do things because of a phone call, and the situation becomes very dangerous.

It may be that I think too much, but Mu Tranquility does not want to put any burden on Shen Tingxi, nor does he want to put him at any risk.

Wait until he is free to call her.


A few days ago, Shu Xin has been running a prison construction project in the city, which was originally prepared to sign a contract, but for some reason, today the other party suddenly called and said that he did not plan to cooperate with Huaxia Construction Company.

Shu Xin tentatively said that the price can still be discussed. The other party directly said that the matter was changed by the mayor, and they had no choice.

So Shuxin went to the city council in person to see the mayor and try to take the project down.

It's just that she didn't see the mayor's person, only her secretary, who didn't disclose anything to her.

So Shuxin tried to ask the mayor for dinner. When the secretary called to ask for instructions, the mayor agreed, but the other party made a small request to let her go with Mu tranquil.

After get off work, Shu Xin and Mu Tranquility went to Yuhelou and the mayor for dinner.

When entering Yuhe Building, Shu Xin asked Mu Tranquility again, "You really don't know the mayor?"

Mu Tranquility shook his head.

Shu Xin's eyebrows were puzzled, "Why did he name you Dao and let you come with me?"

"I don't know." Mu Tranquility couldn't understand.

"Forget it, don't think about it, you will know it later." Shu Xin said.

Mu tranquil nodded, "Well."

The two came to the box that was booked in advance, and not long after sitting down, the door of the box was pushed open from the outside.

Mu Serenity and Shu Xin got up together to meet the mayor, but saw the woman who appeared at the door of Shen Tingxi Hotel yesterday.

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