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Shu Xin didn't notice the strangeness of Mu Tranquility, and he greeted him first. "Mayor, I'm very happy that you can enjoy your face." After looking at Yu Anna beside the man, she always felt that the woman was a bit familiar, but she couldn't remember it for a while. who is it? Asked with a smile: "I don't know if this is?"

Mu Yiqing's staring gaze withdrew from Mu Tranquil's face. After all, he was a man who has been in official circles. Even if his heart is magnificent, his face can be calm and indifferent.

Mu Yiqing turned his head to look at Yu Anna and introduced Shu Xin, "This is my daughter." Then introduced Yu Anna, "Anna is Mrs. Huo."

Yu Anna smiled and said hello to Shu Xin, and then her eyes fell on Mu Qingping, who was pale. "Hello, my name is Yu Anna, and I am glad to see you again."

once again?

Shu Xin turned to look at Mu Tranquility, "Ning Ning, do you know Miss Yu?"

Mu Jingzhen didn't know how to answer.

But Yu Anna answered very frankly, "In Tingxi, I have seen Ms. Mu, Mrs. Huo. Actually, we also have a relationship."

Shuxin shuddered, Shen Tingxi? Did the mayor Qian Jin also have a leg with Shen Tingxi? Confused in his heart, his face was full of smiles, "First sit down, we will talk slowly."

Several people were seated.

Naturally, Shu Xin would never ask when she had met with Yu Anna. When she turned back, she asked Mu Serenity to know.

A few people politely exchanged words before Shu Xin began to talk about the business, "Isn't the mayor unwilling to cooperate with our company in terms of price?"

Mu Yiqing pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose. He couldn’t say that Yu Anna’s mouth could not be changed. He glanced at Mu Tranquil, who was sitting quietly and looked down. A strange color crossed his eyes. A trace of it, "I will talk about it later, eat first."

The tone is faint and a touch of alienation.

Shu Xin smiled and nodded, but in his heart called the mayor an old slippery head, but he did not refuse, he said that there is room for manoeuvre, which is also good news.

Yu Anna looked at Mu Tranquility with a smile, Mu Yiqing had already promised her, this time only one message was revealed for the meal, that is, the project cannot be easily signed, and it has to be considered again.

She wanted to take the opportunity to trouble Mu tranquility and let Mu tranquillity ask her, then she used this project to make Mu tranquility leave Shen Tingxi.

Shu Xin was pregnant, and after toasting Mu Yiqing with a drink instead of wine, Mu Ting also got up and toasted, "Mayor, I respect you."

Mu Yiqing's eyes fell on the two shallow vortices on Mu Serene's face, seeming to ask casually, "I don't know where Miss Mu is?"

Mu Serenity doesn't really like people asking where she is. Before her mother married Lv Zhiwen, she and her mother were always ridiculed in their hometown, but when asked, she was not good at not answering, "Hucheng."

Mu Yiqing's eyes moved slightly, and he couldn't help but ask, "What is your father's name?"

Mu Serenity's face was completely white, as if someone had opened a scar and **** tingling. She didn't even know who her father was. How could she know what his father's name was?

On the other hand, Yu Anna was overjoyed, and she smelled of gloating. Mu tranquil was an illegitimate daughter. My dad asked such a question. It's really awesome! Worthy of her dear father.

Shu Xin didn't expect Mu Yiqing to ask this question, which might be a very common question for others, but for Mu Ting, it was her pain. Shu Xin laughed and laughed, "I didn't expect the mayor to ask me Subordinates are so interested?"

With a bit of a frivolous tone, such jokes are also common at the dinner table, and naturally everyone will not be true.

Mu Yiqing sensed his gaffe, got up, and touched the cup with Mu Tranquility. The tone was much softer than before, and there was a thin smile in the corner of his mouth. "My hometown is also Lake City. I thought I might know your father, So I asked one more question, and I hope Miss Mu doesn’t mind."

Mu Tranquility shook his head and drank the wine in the glass. The spiciness of the wine seemed to relieve the tingling in his heart.

"It turns out that the mayor and Ning Ning are fellows, so you can help her more in the future." Shu Xin saw the pole and climbed up, and he didn't just talk about the project. He only closed this relationship first.

Mu Yiqing nodded, "Sure."

Because of this episode, the atmosphere behind the dinner was much better, especially the mayor's attitude. When he first entered the door, he was indifferent and serious. Later, he and Yan Yuese seemed to have changed their personalities.

After eating, when several people walked to the door and were about to leave, Mu Yiqing suddenly turned to look at Shuxin, "Mrs. Huo, I want to talk to Miss Mu alone. I wonder if it is convenient?"

Shuxin is naturally willing, if Mu Serenity is familiar with this fellow, it will be much easier for her to win projects in the city, but she is not the kind of person who does not care about her feelings for business, especially Mu Serenity, dealing with interpersonal The relationship is different from others.

Shu Xin turned his head and asked Mu Tranquility with his eyes: Is it okay?

Mu tranquil nodded slightly, no matter what Mu Yiqing wanted to say to her, as long as she could help Shuxin, she would spare no effort.

Seeing that Mu Tranquility was no problem, Shu Xin smiled and said to Mu Yiqing: "You talk, the fountain in Yuhe Tower is notoriously magnificent, let me take a look."

Mu Yiqing turned to look at Yu Anna, "Nana, you and Mrs. Huo go to see it together."

Yu Anna did not like Shu Xin. When Shen Tingxi was hospitalized, she went to the hospital to give Shen Tingxi a meal. Shu Xin had a very bad attitude towards her. At first, she also regarded Shu Xin as a rival. Later, she learned that Shu Xin helped Mu Tranquil to her in the past. Demonstration, how could she like friends of rivals? "Dad, I won't go, I'll wait for you here."

"Go, I'll go find you after a few words with Miss Mu." Mu Yiqing said.

Yu Anna poked her lips not very happy, really couldn't figure out what he had to talk about with Mu Tranquility, isn't it the fellow? Fancheng here is more of a fellow of Lake City, and there is no lack of mu tranquility, "I will wait for you in the car."

After speaking, Yu Anna turned out of the box.

Mu Yiqing looked at Shu Xin slightly embarrassedly, "My daughter is so arrogant that Mrs. Huo smiled."

Shu Xin smiled and shook his head, "It's okay, you chat, I will go out first."

In the box, only Mu Tranquility and Mu Yiqing remained.

Mu Tranquility doesn't get along very well with people, especially with men alone, and this man is still Yu Anna's father. He is nervous and unconscious.

But Mu Yiqing is very easy-going, "Miss Mu please sit down."

Mu Tranquility sat down next to Mu Yiqing's two seats, thinking that the other party was the mayor. Now that she is asking for him, she should take the initiative to activate the atmosphere, thinking about what to say in her heart, and the other party opened her mouth first.

"Although there are many surnamed Mu in Hucheng, they are not everywhere. It is a great fate that we can meet in Fancheng and still have the same surname."

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