Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the reborn Xueba Xiaoqi wife!

Shu Xin pulled Mu Serenity into the car and did not start the car immediately, but looked at Mu Serenity and said, "We give up this project."

"Why?" Mu Tranquil looked at Shu Xin with a puzzled face. Obviously Shu Xin had always attached great importance to this project, otherwise he would not follow it by himself. Shu Xin said that the government's project was to invisibly advertise the company.

Do you think companies that the government trusts, can the broad masses of people distrust?

So this kind of project is more beneficial.

"I just came down to think about it carefully. The time Shen Tingxi was hospitalized with you, this Yu Anna sent Shen Tingxi a meal. I also ran into her in the past. She was obviously mischievous about Shen Tingxi." Shu Xin gave a slap in his ear. Broken hair continued: "Originally, this project was almost negotiated, and suddenly said that the contract was not signed, and it was still the mayor stuck. At night, I ate the name and let you come together. I still couldn't figure out why before, now I fully understand , This is Yu Anna digging for you, I will not let you jump down, we will not sign this project."

"But didn't you say that the signing of a project in the city is of great help in establishing the company's image?" Mu Tranquility wanted to persuade Shuxin. "And the mayor didn't embarrass me just now, on the contrary, he has been telling me old, right, He and my mother are still classmates, I think we can still fight for it."


Shu Xin paused, then waved his hand, "No, no, who knows what is bad in Yu Anna's heart?"


"That's all for sure." Shu Xin gave a final word.

Mu Serenity knew that Shu Xin was worried about her and was afraid of what she suffered from Yu Anna, so she would rather give up this project. She was warm in her heart, but the better Shu Xin treated her, the less she wanted to drag her down.

Mu Tranquility is silent, but he is thinking about finding Mu Yiqing sometime and fighting for it again. Maybe he will see that she is a fellow, and she agrees to sign a contract with her mother who is a classmate? In any case, as long as there is a chance, she does not want to give up.

Next day

Mu tranquil sitting at his desk thinking about how to find Mu Yiqing, the phone rang at this time, the caller showed a strange local number, and connected, "Hello, I am the designer of Hua Xian Construction Mu Mu."

"Miss Mu, do you remember me?" A male voice came over.

Mu tranquil quiet eyebrows were a little excited, "Remember, is the mayor looking for me?"

"Last night I went home and checked your company's information. I think your ability is still good. In this way, you can see when you have time. We will sign a contract for a meal together."

Happiness came too suddenly, Mu Tranquility was a little helpless, as if afraid of Mu Yiqing's regret, he said, "I have time now..." Then glanced at the time on the computer, ten o'clock, "Eleven o'clock, Yuhe Lou, the same box as yesterday, can you see it?"

"Okay." Over there promised to be neat, as if Mu Tranquil said any time, he would agree.

Hanging up the phone, Mu Tranquility got up and walked to the door, trying to tell Shuxin the good news, but when he walked to the door and stopped, the contract was not signed, and there might be variables in this project.

Mu Yiqing suddenly agreed to the project, whether it was because they were fellow, or she was his classmate's daughter, or as Shu Xin said, in fact, Yu Anna was digging for her, and today she asked her to speak out ?

If it's the former, then it's better. If it's the latter... If it's the latter, Mu Tranquility will also go. She would like to hear what Yu Anna will ask?

If she was asked to leave Shen Tingxi, she would not agree, she was not so stupid enough to betray her feelings for a project, and Shuxin would not allow it.

Mu Tranquil thought for a while and decided not to tell Shu Xin first, lest Shu Xin could not be relieved, or directly opposed to her meeting with Mu Yiqing. If the contract was actually signed, it would not be too late to tell Shu Xin.

Mu Serene came to Yuhe Building with the prepared contract. When she pushed open the door of the box, she did not expect that Mu Yiqing had arrived. She was stunned for a moment. "I'm sorry, I'm late."

Mu Yiqing got up, and the gentleman opened the seat for Mu Tranquility, and said mildly, "No, I'm here early."

Mu Tranquility arrived specifically twenty minutes in advance, shouldn't the mayor be busy? Why is it earlier than she arrived?

And the mayor of the hall unexpectedly pulled her seat away, and Mu tranquility sat down, flattered, "Thank you, mayor."

Mu Yiqing smiled and sat down without opening the wine. He opened the drink and poured a cup to Mu Tranquility. "Girls are better not to drink."

Mu Serenity is particularly embarrassed, these should be done by her, got up and took over, "Thank you mayor."

Mu Yiqing pressed his hands and said, "Sit down, don't be so polite, we are fellows."

Mu Serenity slightly lifted his lips and sat down. She felt that today’s Mu Yiqing was a little different. It was more gentle than yesterday. She talked with a smile, and the smile was very gentle, making people feel like a spring breeze.

Is the role of fellows so great?

Also, Yu Anna did not come. Seeing Mu Yiqing's attitude, do you really want to sign with her?

Mu Tranquility was thinking, and Mu Yiqing spoke again, "Don't be strangers as we are fellows. Don't scream by the mayor, the relationship is far away, isn't it?

Mu Qingran blinked, and he was a bit unbelievable about Mu Yiqing's closeness.

"Reluctant?" Mu Yiqing looked at Mu Tranquilly with some loss.

"No." Mu Tranquility shook his head and shouted softly in Mu Yiqing's looking eyes, "Uncle Mu."

"Yeah." Mu Yiqing smiled and smiled. "Then I can't call you Miss Mu so strangely, I will call you..." Mu Yiqing paused and asked Mu tranquil, "What did your mother call before?" your."

Mu Tranquility whispered, "Ning Ning."

"Yes, I will call you Ning Ning in the future." Mu Yiqing picked up his glass. "Ning Ning, come, let's touch one to celebrate our encounter."

Mu Serenity always thinks something is wrong, shouldn't she be the mayor? How does she feel that the mayor has always been close to her?

The two clink glasses, Mu Yiqing drinks wine, Mu quiet drinks.

Afterwards, Mu Yiqing had been chatting with Mu Tranquility in the lake city, and then somehow he talked to Zhao Xiangping, Mu Yiqing's expression became sad, he poured himself several glasses of wine, and then looked at Mu Tranquility with a bitter smile, "Ning Ning, I'm not afraid to tell you a joke. Your mother is my first love."

Mu Serenity stunned slightly, her mother never told her the previous thing, the most heard since she was sensible was the ridicule of others, saying that she was an illegitimate girl, saying that her mother was unmarried and had no one to know even a man... …

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