Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

Chapter 1591: , Sign a contract

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Slowly, relatives and friends began to look down on them, seeing them as if they saw the plague, hiding far away, and the neighbors were pointing at them from behind.

Grandma quarreled with her neighbor several times because of this, and then hid in the room and cried after returning home.

Grandpa occasionally reprimanded her mother when she saw this situation, probably asking her who the irresponsible man was? Or rebuke his mother for not fighting, and humiliating him, why did he give birth to such a useless thing... Then he sat in a chair and smoked with a sigh.

Every time my grandfather asked, my mother just cried and never hummed.

When she was nine years old, her mother took her away from Lake City.

She thought with full expectation that her mother would take her to find her father, but no, she cried and asked her mother why not take her to find her father? Mother said nothing, just holding her tears in tears.

Since then, Mu Tranquility was afraid of causing Zhao Xiangping to be sad, and never asked about Dad again.

Why did Mu Tranquility never hear anything related to her mother's feelings today, and can't wait to ask: "Uncle Mu, have you been in contact with my mother? Do you know who my mother will be with later?"

Mu Yiqing blocked his eyes with his palms and rubbed his face vigorously. I don’t know if it was because of drinking. There was a little red blood stained in his eyes. His hand holding the cup tightened tightly because the joint was too hard. White.

After being silent for two seconds, Mu Yiqing drank the wine from the glass. "We lost contact after graduation."

The light that appeared in Mu Tranquility's eyes disappeared instantly, and the small face climbed up to the faint loss.

Mu Yiqing was sad to see Mu Tranquility, uncomfortable like a knife, and some words... he couldn't say.

"Don't talk about this anymore." Mu Yiqing waved his hands to change the topic. "Has the contract brought us? Let's sign the contract."

The topic turned too fast, Mu Mujing could not respond, and Mu Ne passed the contract to Mu Yiqing.

Mu Yiqing didn't read the contents of the contract. He took the pen from his suit pocket, turned directly to the last page, and signed his name.

Mu Serenity only saw the name on the contract, and the project was taken down.

Take it down so easily?

"Don't you look at the contract?"

Mu Yiqing smiled, "Isn't the contract talked about before, right? And I can trust you."

It feels good to be trusted. Mu Qing’s melancholic mood before signing this contract is much better, "Thank you mayor..."

"Huh? Still called the mayor?" Mu Yiqing seemed to displease Mu Tranquilly.

Mu Tranquilly lifted his lips and changed his mouth, "Thank you Uncle Mu for your trust, our company must design this project well so as not to disappoint you."

Mu Yiqing nodded, and the two sat down to talk for a while. Mu Tranquility didn't talk much. Basically, Mu Yiqing said a lot.

Mu Yiqing looked at Wen Wenjing’s quiet Mu Qing, and smiled, "Ning Ning, you are so quiet, running sales is not good."

Mu Serenity blushed embarrassedly. She usually followed Shuxin, otherwise she would face the client alone with her colleagues, especially the opposite sex, that had never happened.

Today, if it is not because Mu Yiqing and her are a fellow, or her mother's first love, and someone who has a relationship with her mother, she feels very cordial, otherwise it will be less and quieter.

Mu Yiqing saw Mu Tranquility blushing and bowing his head, looking like a chill, and said quickly: "Uncle has no other meaning, just hope you are a little more lively, so that you can have a good time."

Mu Serenity saw the worry from Mu Yiqing's eyes, knew he really cared about her, and nodded, "I will work hard."

Mu Yiqing thought about what Yu Anna said to him yesterday. Mu tranquil was bullied by his stepfather at a young age. Mu Yiqing's heart was like being crushed in a meat grinder, so painful that it was difficult to breathe.

Pick up the wine glasses one by one and pour into the mouth one by one.

Mu Serene frowned slightly and looked at Mu Yiqing, and said with a worried tone: "Uncle Mu, you drink slowly. Drinking like this hurts the body."

Mu Yiqing's action of preparing to pour wine into his mouth paused, looking at Mu Serene's concerned eyes, his eyes became muddy for a moment, and for a moment, he lowered his eyes to cover his surging emotions under his eyes, and the wine glass in his hand was also placed on the table .

She cares about him!

Mu Yiqing raised his hand between his eyebrows, squeezed his eyebrows vigorously, wiped away the tears in his eyes with this action, then looked at Mu Tranquility, his eyes smiled, "Ning Ning, let your uncle replace your mother in the future Will you take care of you?"

Mu Tranquility didn't expect Mu Yiqing to say such a thing, it was too sudden, stunned, and I didn't know how to answer for a while.

"I don't mean anything else, just..." Mu Yiqing was a little nervous to see Mu Serenity not talking. "You have anything to ask me at any time. When we have time to eat together and talk, don't think of me as mayor. Don’t be a customer, a relative or friend, or an elder?

Mu Tranquility rolled his heart, lowered his head, and stirred his hands tightly. Except for her mother in the elders, she had never felt this kind of care. This feeling was very strange, making her a little helpless, but also very happy.

Mu Yiqing thought that Mu Tranquility was unwilling, and there was disappointment in his heart, but he smiled and said, "If you don't want to do it, I will not say..."

"I do." Mu Tranquility looked up suddenly.

Mu Yiqing saw tears in Mu tranquil's eyes, and he was shocked, and his heart was sore. "Why did you cry?"

Mu Serenity wiped tears in a hurry, shook his head with a smile, "I'm just... so happy..."

"Stupid boy." Mu Yiqing's heart was sore and sore. How much suffering did this boy have to suffer because he was so happy? My heart grew firmer and I must take good care of her in the future.

After the two had finished their meal, Mu Yiqing wanted to send Mu Tranquility back to the company. Mu Tranquility refused. She didn’t want to delay Mu Yiqing’s work, but Mu Yiqing was very persistent and seemed to be angry. She finally nodded and agreed. .

Back at the company, Mu Serenity gave the contract to Shu Xin. Shu Xin saw the contract frightened and stood up from the seat, looking at Mu Serenity anxiously, "What did you promise Yu Anna?"

Mu tranquil shook his head, "Yu Anna didn't go when signing the contract."

Shu Xin was a little surprised. Did she guess wrong yesterday? Isn’t Yu Anna trying to make peace? Why did the mayor call for Mu Jing to go by name?

Su Xin suddenly thought of something, and his heart hung up, "Yesterday I saw the mayor's eyes floating on you from time to time. Could he have any impure thoughts for you?"

Mu Tranquilly frowned awkwardly, "Shuxin, actually..."

"Now people who are rich and powerful like to raise a little three, four, etc. Ning Ning, you look so beautiful, and you don’t like your character. The official’s favorite is this one. They think you’re bullying you. He will hum." Shu Xin is completely immersed in his brain, and the more he said, the more angry he was. "Yu Muqing also said yesterday that he is a fellow with you. Ask you to use your power to embarrass you and let you fall into his trap, right?"

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