Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

Chapter 1592: , If the heart is out

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"..." Mu Tranquility is speechless, is the pregnant woman's brain hole relatively large?

In fact, I can’t blame Shu Xin for being crooked. All things are too coincidental. With Mu Qing’s quiet and dull personality, how dare Shu Xin let her go to meet a strange man with power?

Shu Xin saw that Mu Serenity was almost anxious to die without talking. She looked at her with her arm in her eyes. "Did he bully you? Don't be afraid, tell me, don't say that he is the mayor, even if he is the emperor, I Will give you justice."

Mu tranquil was warm in her heart, and her eyes were wet all at once. She was so lucky that she not only met such a good sister as Shu Xin, but also met such a good elder as Mu Yiqing and a boyfriend as good as Shen Tingxi.

Is it because she had been too hard before, so God wants to compensate her?

Mu Qing's inner emotions were turbulent, and he couldn't help but gently hug Shuxin, whispering softly, "I'm fine, no one bullies me."

Mu Serenity is an extremely reserved girl. Shu Xin was suddenly hugged by her. She was stunned and surprised. Afterwards, she felt flattered, but Shu Xin still asked in peace, "Is it really okay?"


Shuxin relaxed his mind and gently patted Mu's slender scapula. "It's fine if it's fine."

Mu Qingran's back stiffened, and this reflected what he had done. He quickly let go of his comfort, lowered his head, and his face was flushed. "I...I..."

Shuxin smiled generously, "It doesn't matter, I'm very happy like you, watching you step by step from the past, watching you slowly express your emotions, I'm really happy."

Mu tranquil raised his head and looked at Shuxin with red eyes.

Shuxin spread her arms, "Would you like to hug again?"

Mu Serenity's face was redder, but she didn't look down. She really hugged Shuxin again, hugged tightly, and choked slightly, "Thank you."

"Okay, okay, don't cry, tell me soon, how did you persuade the mayor to agree to sign?"

Mu Tranquility didn't let go of Shuxin until his emotions calmed down, and then told Shuxin about what happened with Mu Yiqing today.

After listening to Shuxin, he said inconceivably: "I depend on it! Is there such a coincidence in the world? Your mother turned out to be the mayor's first love?"

Mu Serenity also feels dreaming.

After a while, Shuxin looked at Mu Tranquility and asked in a low voice: "Did you ask him about your father?"

Mu Tranquility looked a little murky. "I asked. He didn't know. He said he lost contact with my mother after graduating from college."

Shu Xin sighed, ready to comfort Mu Ting's desk phone rang.

Mu Tranquility also looked subconsciously at the table and saw the words Shen Tingxi appearing on the screen of Shuxin's mobile phone. A thought flashed quickly in his mind. Shen Tingxi had been away for two days, and she didn't call her on the phone. What happened to him? I'm afraid she is worried, so call Shuxin?

Shu Xin did not know that Shen Tingxi was on a business trip, looking at the mobile phone on the table and asking Mu Tranquility, "What does Shen Tingxi call me?"

Mu Tranquility shook his head.

Shuxin did not pick up the phone from the desktop, swiped the answer button directly, and then turned on the hands-free.

"Sister-in-law, are you busy?" Shen Tingxi's deep voice came over.

Mu tranquil subconsciously took two steps towards the table.

"Not busy for the time being, are you looking for me?" Shu Xin sat down on the office chair while speaking.

"It's no big deal...I just want to ask Ning Ning how well these two days have been?"

Shu Xin raised his eyes to Mu Tranquility and asked with his eyes: Are you awkward?

Mu tranquil looked down at the desktop.

Shu Xin twisted her eyebrows and took back her eyes. She continued to talk to Shen Tingxi. "She hides everything in her heart and doesn't tell me. I don't know if it's okay. You can just ask her in person?"

"I'm abroad."

Shu Xin looked at Mu Tranquility again. Mu Tranquility still lowered his head. "Will you call her when you go abroad?"

"...I dare not fight."

What else does Shen Tingxi dare not?

Shu Xin asked: "Why don't you dare to fight? What did you do to sorry Ning Ning?"

"No, I had a drink with Yan Qing that night, and Yan Qing sent me to the hotel. At night, I received a call. I was so drunk that I thought Ning Ning. At that time, I hadn't met Ning Ning for several days. Then, I sent her the position and let her come to see me. When I woke up in the morning, I saw Yu Anna. I swear, I and she really did nothing." Shen Tingxi's slightly anxious voice passed.

Shu Xin thought of it instantly. That morning she asked Mu Tranquility to go to the hotel to take care of Shen Tingxi, so Mu Tranquility saw Yu Anna in Shen Tingxi's room? ,

My boyfriend is drunk and there are other women in the room. Who would misunderstand this?

Shu Xin went to see Mu Tranquility again. She had turned her back on her body. "Since you said you didn't do something that was sorry for Ning Ning, why didn't you dare to call her? Or did you do it, guilty?"

"No, I admit that I was not a good man before, but since I met Ning Ning, I have never touched any other woman. I don't believe you can ask Yan Qing."

My family feast is not tied to your trouser belt. Have you found another woman? How could he know?

Because of Mu Jing's presence, Shuxin just talked quietly in his heart and said, "Why don't you dare to call Ning Ning?"

"Ning Ning and I broke up when I was abroad, and I was afraid it would be worse to call her."

Break up?

Shu Xinbo had big eyes and looked at Mu tranquil's back in surprise. Mu tranquil seemed to feel Shuxin's sight, and his body moved uncomfortably.

Shen Tingxi’s words at that end continued, “Sister-in-law, to say something to you, I don’t know how to love Ningning? She is too sensitive, she will close her door because of a small misunderstanding, and then will me Pushing far away, I approached her again and again, she pushed me away again and again..."

That end should be smoking, and Shuxin could hear a slight exhalation. She could feel that Shen Tingxi was holding a lot of words. A man like him generally wouldn’t find someone to talk to. Now looking for her, it should be real in her heart Unable to hold back, it needs to be vented. Secondly, it should be to use her mouth to convey the message to Mu Tranquility.

It is just now that Mu Tranquility is here, and Shu Xin also avoids retelling. She did not speak, and waited for Shen Tingxi to continue speaking.

Sure enough, after a few seconds of silence, Shen Tingxi's low, lonely voice passed again.

"Proposed twice, refused twice, without giving me any reason... I used to take the initiative to send the door, I never knew to chase a woman...It’s so difficult, I chased Ning Ning for more than a year, and I still don’t Dare to approach her... Sometimes I think maybe because I didn’t take feelings seriously before, so God punishes me with Ning Ning..."

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