Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 340 Weird Beggar

"Yes." The old man nodded, picked up the iron pot, and added fire to the bottom of the pot. "The general must not be able to walk very fast. Master, you can definitely catch up with him by jogging in two steps."

"Thank you!"

Fa Hai nodded and stepped forward with his right foot. His toe touched the bluestone pavement through the sole of the shoe. He gently stretched his body back like a bow, and shot up to the sky with a thud.

The old man rubbed his eyes and looked at the darkness above his head.

"Did you hit a god?"

Fahai listened to the old man's words and rushed to catch up. Not to mention the general in silver armor, not even a single figure could be seen.

"Who is coming? Why are you taking Xu Xian away?"

He captured Xu Xian firstly to save Xu Xian from the danger of the snake demon, and secondly to lure the snake demon to come to the door and throw himself into the trap.

There is nothing magical about Xu Xian himself.

"Qingguo Temple"

Fahai stepped on the clouds and flew high into the sky, chasing in the direction of Qingguo Temple. Since the other party deliberately mentioned the name of Qingguo Temple, he must have deliberately lured him there.

Go to Tiantai County and everything will be answered.


The people of Tiantai County are wealthy, and in these troubled times, there are only a dozen beggars who can be considered worthy of heaven and earth.

Late at night, a beggar with acne on his face crawled out of the trash can in the restaurant and burped.

"I have leftovers to eat every day. I really wouldn't even pay the emperor to exchange them."

He was sighing at the beauty of a beggar's life when he suddenly saw a man in silver armor falling from the sky, carrying a person on his shoulders, and landed not far in front of him.

"God, God, God!"

"It's you!"

The man in silver armor walked up to the beggar, and the man on his shoulders was thrown in front of the beggar like a sack.

The man knelt down, smiled and said to the beggar, "Help me move this young master to Qingguo Temple. I have a piece of silver that will allow you to spend a few months on wine and food. How about that?"

"God, Master Immortal!"

The beggar shook his head: "Can I change my request?"

The beggar swallowed hard when he saw the "god" flipping his hands and getting an extra fist-sized piece of silver.

"Isn't that enough? Send this scholar to the temple quickly. It won't be a problem for me to give you a small mountain of silver." His tone gradually became colder, obviously because he was a little annoyed by the greed of the beggar.

"No, no," the beggar shook his head, "Can you let me eat leftovers every day?"

He stared at the silver-armored man's expression carefully, fearing that he would be angry, and hurriedly changed his words: "...It doesn't matter if I can eat leftovers once in three days, but if it's not possible, I can eat four or five times in a month. As long as I don't starve to death, I'll grab it." But those wild dogs and cats”

"Do you know what I can buy with money as big as my fist? If you don't ask for meat every day, I can guarantee you to buy land and build a new house quickly, live carefree until death, and find a wife."


The beggar scratched the acne on his face and made a hand full of cum.

He didn't find it disgusting. He stuck out his tongue and licked the rice grains still stuck to his fingers. "I'm just a beggar. I'll be satisfied if I can eat leftovers for the rest of my life."

"There are still people like you in the world. Send this scholar to the temple first. I will prepare two big swill buckets of leftovers for you tomorrow."

The beggar was not excited when he saw the fist-sized silver, but his eyes lit up when he heard the two big buckets of leftovers. "Thank you, Master Immortal! Thank you, Master Immortal!"

After kowtowing three times, the beggar used up all his strength to lift the scholar on his back.


The beggar waded through the spilled vegetable soup one foot deep and one foot shallow. Panting like a cow, the beggar carried the scholar out of the alley.

"The world is full of wonders." The man in silver armor shook his head, and his left and right hands turned into crows and scorpions respectively, spreading out in all directions. He himself rushed into the sky, carrying a string of white cloud tails under his feet. When he flew to a height of seventy or eighty feet higher than the clouds, he turned around and headed east, disappearing in an instant.


Qingguo Temple has a main hall, in which are displayed the Eighteen Arhats and the Four Heavenly Kings. In the middle is the Guanyin Master who rescues people in distress, holding a mutton-fat jade purification bottle.

Behind the statue of Bodhisattva, there is a golden skeleton wearing a cassock. The bones are made of pure gold, and the spider webs cannot block the light.

The boss, whose eyebrows reached to his cheeks, recited Amitabha and walked to the temple gate.

Behind him were two young novice monks, both of whom looked at the abbot with puzzled expressions. They didn't understand why they suddenly came to the door, looking like they were greeting someone.

"Master Fa Hai, you are well..."

As soon as the old abbot finished speaking, Fahai, dressed in white, opened the door and walked in. He clasped his hands and said to the old abbot, "Abbot, long time no see."

"Did a scholar come to the temple?" Fahai asked.

“Just arrived”

Fahai frowned, "Did a general in silver armor send it?"

"It was indeed sent by someone, but it was not a general, but a beggar. Why, Master Fahai encountered some troubles?"

"Yes, there are two snake demons trying to seduce the scholar. I want to save the scholar from the sea of ​​misery, but the scholar is trapped in the charm of the demons and cannot extricate himself. Just when I was fighting with the two snake demons, the scholar was smuggled to the Qing Dynasty. Temple.”

"Everything comes and goes by fate"

Fahai twisted the beads and said, "It will be a long night and a lot of dreams. I will first seal off this scholar's five senses, and then shave him into Buddhism. Only in this way can I help him escape from the clutches of the snake demon."

The old host nodded and asked Fa Hai to come in.

The little novice monk asked, "Master, do you understand?"

“Didn’t understand”

The old host shook his head simply, "But, as soon as I saw Master Fahai, I admired him very much, so I will help him in whatever he does."

In the main hall,

In front of the statue of Arhat subduing the dragon, Xu Xian stood motionless like a puppet.

"The mighty Tianlong, disperse!"

Fahai unlocked the spell on Xu Xian.

"You monk, why do you attack me when you see me?" Xu Xian opened his eyes and shouted when he saw Fahai.

Just after shouting a few words, he felt something was wrong. There were Buddha statues all around him. He had never been to this place before.

"The two women around you are both snake demons and have been practicing for thousands of years." Fahai took a step forward, and Xu Xian subconsciously took a step back. "I caught you to help you escape from the sea of ​​suffering!"

"You are so powerful and powerful. Besides, why do you say that my wife and Xiaoqing are snakes? They have names, and their ancestry can be checked...and their distant cousin is the lord of the same city!"

"City Lord?"

"It's a waste of time for the city lord to be imprisoned for the purpose of detaining evil thieves who want to be beheaded. If you don't let me go, don't blame my uncle for bringing his cavalry and destroying this temple!"

Fahai looked strange.

"The City of Wasted Death is a city in the underworld that collects lonely souls and wild ghosts. Those two snake demons actually colluded with the City of Wasted Death!"

"Nonsense!" Xu Xian shut up, turned his head away and ignored him.

"You can listen to the scriptures here with peace of mind." Fa Hai raised his hand and gently touched Xu Xian's eyebrows.

Xu Xian closed his eyes and lost all five senses.

Fahai said to the old host: "I will trouble you again next time."

The old host of "Amitabha" and his disciples sat on the floor, formed a circle and began to chant sutras to Xu Xian.

Surprisingly, Buddhist scriptures could reach Xu Xian's ears without any hindrance.

At this time, a voice suddenly came from the sky: "Fa Hai, let my husband go quickly, or I will flood Tiantai County today!"

"Monsters! I should have subdued you long ago!"

Fahai was so excited that he turned around and rushed into the temple yard. He saw a white shadow under the moon, stepping on a giant blue snake, with rain clouds above his head and waves on his feet.

The surrounding water began to roll, and just waiting for her to give an order, the entire county would be reduced to nothing in an instant.

"How dare you ask me to surrender, even if you're a monster?"

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