Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 341 Li Xiuyuan

"Sister, let's flood this county. I'll get angry just seeing this monk with a cold face all day long. It's better to kill him quickly!"


Bai Suzhen looked at the green snake at her feet, clenched her silver teeth and said, "Let us two sisters fight with this monk today!"


The green snake flicked its tail and stirred up the water waves.


Water fell from the sky, and the one-tile-roofed house was washed away by the water. The couple who were sleeping soundly on the bed opened their eyes and found themselves lying in the water.

He was suddenly frightened and fainted from drowning.

"Monster, don't stop yet!"

Fa Hai flicked the dust in his hand and pulled the two people who had fallen into the water to the roof like a fishhook.

The floods continued to fall as if there was no upper limit, destroying houses and breaking down courtyard walls. In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen houses had disappeared with the flow of water.

"If you don't hand over my husband, we will drown the entire Tiantai County today. Let's see what else you can do!"

"Hmph! The mighty heavenly dragon, Prajna Buddhas, World Honored Ksitigarbha, Prajna Baba!" How could he surrender like two monsters?

Fa Hai raised his hand and waved, and the red cassock was sewn like clouds plucked from the sky at sunset. It spread red for dozens of miles. People who fell into the water saw the cassock hurriedly grabbing it as if they were grasping life-saving straws.

Fahai rescued one person, but there were still some young and weak children who could not hold on to the cassocks and were swept away by the flood and disappeared completely.

In the sky, the Buddha and the demon were fighting fiercely.

And a vermilion beam in the flood on the ground "boomed" and overthrew the earth wall, and happened to float in front of the Qingguo Temple.

It seems that an invisible stone wall has been built around Qingguo Temple to block the flood, so that not a drop of water can enter the temple.


The beggar with sores jumped out of the water and lay on the vermilion-painted beams, breathing heavily.

"Why is there a sudden flood? It's a pity that I haven't finished eating the leftovers yet, so they are ruined!" He stepped on the water with his feet and rushed to the beam. Before he could sit down, he saw a man as big as a fist. The golden-backed black scorpion was looking at him eagerly, its poisonous scorpion tail was swaying, and its poisonous hook was three points brighter than the big master's sword edge!

"I, I, I'm going down right now, right away!"

He turned around and fell into the flood with a "plop". He was swept away by the flood in an instant and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


"What exactly is there in the temple?"

On a hillside forty miles away, He Cheng was sitting cross-legged on a rock with his eyes closed and soaked in the moonlight.

The two green and white snake monsters used magic to flood the Qingguo Temple. Such a large amount of water would be enough to pour into the City of Fusi for a while, but the Qingguo Temple calmly withstood it.

It is true that Fahai didn't use magic to take care of him, but behind him there was an expert who He Cheng couldn't see through who came to help.

He was glad in his heart that he didn't go to Qingguo Temple, otherwise he would have been succumbing to demons.

"I wonder if this flood can release the demon behind Yin Yang Dharma King."

If someone could take his place and go to the fairy world to make a scene, it would be nice to divert his attention so that he could live longer.


The beams of the house could no longer withstand the flood and were swept downstream.

Several houses were destroyed on the road, and finally it stood in front of a large house.

The floodwaters rushed down head-on, and the courtyard wall only swayed slightly as it carried the floodwaters.

There are two words "Li Mansion" written on the door plaque.

"It's such a big water, let's repair our relationship, repair our relationship~"

The lady choked and was hugged by a young man. "Don't worry, Mom, I'm here, it'll be okay!"

"Someone, come here and help Madam up to the roof!"

Immediately a servant came over, grabbed the wife and climbed up to the roof with difficulty. At this time, there were seven or eight people sitting on the roof.

In addition to the maids and maids, there were also the master of the Li family and a middle-aged man wearing a red bellyband.

"Quick, come here!" Li Xiuyuan shouted, pointing at the servants who just wanted to escape: "You three, go and smash the wall in the backyard, hurry up!"

"Smash the wall? Master, we can't even hide from the flood, so how can we smash it ourselves?"

"If I ask you to smash it, just do it! Give it to me quickly! Smash it!!"

After receiving the order, the servant braved the water up to his waist, carried a hammer with a wooden handle and a hoe, and smashed the wall with a round swing.

Hammer dance in water requires greater force but less effect.

The servants suppressed their blushes and tried their best to suck the milk.

Hoes and hammers hit alternately, and floods hit again, and a wall was immediately collapsed.


The water in the yard seemed to have found an outlet and surged up. Then the water level dropped rapidly, and finally it only reached the calf of the person.

"Sir, how did you come up with this idea?"

The servants looked at Li Xiuyuan with admiration.

"Hahaha!" Li Xiuyuan laughed proudly, holding his wet long hair proudly and said, "Our house is built high, and there is an open space behind it. As long as the wall is broken down, the water will find its own drainage outlet, and the water will flow out. If you go out, there will be fewer crises caused by floods.

And it can prevent floods from gathering to the height of the courtyard wall, and the disaster caused by that time will definitely destroy all our houses. "

"Master, you are so awesome!"


There seemed to be a sea covering the top of his head, interrupting Li Xiuyuan, and the entire Li Mansion was submerged in an instant.

Not only Li Mansion, but the entire Tiantai County has been completely turned into a lake.

The battle above the clouds is coming to an end.

"If you can save one person, we will drown a hundred people to see if you can save them!"

White Snake waved his sleeves and blew up a big rain cloud: "Xiao Qing, you go to the temple to rescue our husband, I will stop him here!"

"But sister..."

"Go quickly!"

The green snake turned into a human form, broke through the cloud cave and fell down.

"Don't even think about it, monster!" Fa Hai had already caught up and cast a spell, and behind him appeared a three-foot-tall golden body of the Buddha's Dharma. At first glance, it looked like a golden light, but upon closer inspection, it looked like a Buddha.

"Hmph!" White Snake caught up and fought with Fa Hai, but she was still weak and didn't know how to fight. She couldn't survive more than a dozen moves in a head-to-head encounter. She was hit in the chest and vomited blood and fell back.

Green Snake had already arrived in front of the temple, rushed into the temple, and saw Xu Xian, who had become a monk.

When she came out again, she was holding a bloody sword in her hand.

The white shadow in the sky also fell into the water and disappeared in an instant.

Green Snake stood on the ground and looked at Fahai.



He Cheng stood up suddenly, turned around and looked behind him.

Behind him stood seven divine generals wearing golden armor, holding spears and swords at their waists. Lucky clouds wrapped around their shoulders. His eyes blinked slightly, and divine light shot out from their eyes.

"How can a zombie have Buddha nature?" the leading general asked strangely.

"It must be him!" Another golden armored general pointed at He Cheng and said.

"I asked Yue Lao, and at that time he thought it was fun and tied the snake demon and the scholar together with a red thread. Moreover, Lao Jun also said that Fahai and the snake demon would finally fight in Jinshan. He was originally planning to watch a flood of water over Jinshan. It was a good show, but in the end it ended up in a place like Qingguo Temple, which is despised by gods and ghosts... Now that I look at it, it is indeed this zombie’s fault!"

These immortals are all at level 75, and they come with bad intentions. According to their opinions, everything in the world is just a game.

He Cheng squinted his eyes and listened.

"We must not let the Queen Mother know that we descended to earth privately. We haven't killed any demons in a few days. Let's sharpen our swords by killing this zombie first!"

"Back then, Yue Lao also pulled Green Snake and Fahai over the red line. It must have been a good thing done by this zombie, causing us to miss a good show!"

The seven god generals were like seven aunts rushing to the morning market to buy groceries, chattering non-stop.

"Since we are here to cause trouble, there is nothing more to say."

He Cheng raised his hand and made a move, and a bright golden sword came out of his sleeve.

As soon as Feizheng's palm touched the handle of the knife, it immediately melted away. In less than a blink of an eye, his palm was almost completely destroyed.

However, his body was much stronger, and he could barely keep up with the destruction and recovery.


With a flash of golden light, a round and rolling head fell to the ground!

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