Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 342 Fei Zong is fierce

"Bah, what a brittle head"

He Cheng grinned, opened his mouth and spit out a ball of fire, burning a big hole in the hillside.

The head of the golden-armored god general rolled in front of him and exploded into blood after being stepped on.

The golden divine blood is like melted gold water, splashing all over the ground. The plants and trees that touch the golden blood sway and become stronger.

"The demon dares to kill the general!"

The long-bearded deity on the left has his beard fluttering like a dragon's whiskers, glaring and shouting angrily.

The heel of his heel was lifted on the spear, and the spear trembled, piercing toward He Cheng like a golden dragon.

"If you come to surrender to me, of course I will kill you!"

He Cheng stepped on the ground, twisted his ankle and fell down. He heard a "boom", half of the hillside was stepped on, and it rose into the sky.

He opened his mouth and let out a corpse roar that spread for miles.

The dark corpse energy wrapped him into a ball, and he could faintly see fire coming out of the black ball, and a golden knife dragging Liang Tail straight into the sky.


The long-bearded god will rise up from the clouds and chase after He Cheng.

The remaining five gods looked at each other and listened to the mustached god general saying, "This time we sneaked into the human world to have fun. We must not be known by the spirit officer, otherwise we will definitely not be able to eat the power of the spirit officer's golden whip." Walking around!"

"It's just a flying head. If he is a drought demon, I will turn around and run away. Now, hum..." The handsome god with a tear mole at the corner of his eye pulled out the sword from his waist.

"It just so happened that there was a god watching near Tiantai County, and he even escaped. If he really escaped from Tiantai County, our brothers would be able to show off their talents!"

"It's better to be careful. The golden sword in his hand is very strange. It seems to be a sword specially designed to kill ghosts and gods. Brothers, don't let the blade rub against your neck, otherwise hundreds and thousands of years of Taoism will be turned into smoke."

The remaining five generals will step on the clouds to catch up.


"Only seven heavenly soldiers and generals have this ability? No wonder a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals can wipe out all the demons..."

He Cheng changed the golden knife from his right hand to his left hand. As soon as he let go of the knife with his right hand, it instantly turned into black ash and disappeared.

Liu Tiansheng followed closely behind him.

"I am afraid that I am the only one in the world who can use a sword that can hurt the enemy a thousand times and damage myself a thousand times."

A new one suddenly grew out of his right hand.

After leaving the vicinity of Tiantai County, He Cheng suddenly froze in the air. He emerged from the black smoke and corpse air. He was already wearing a suit of silver armor and had corpse hair all over his body.

He stepped on the air, as if he had hit an invisible stone platform.

Just listen to "boom"!

There was a loud explosion like the detonation of mountain-exploding gunpowder, two times more powerful than thunder, and suddenly there was a gust of wind.

The clouds and mist around him were cut clean by the wind knife. He Cheng opened his mouth and roared. Balls of fire spurted out from his mouth. They were swept by the strong wind and smashed towards the god general behind him. Looking up from the ground, it seemed that the sky was falling sideways. A rain of fire.

The ground was reflected red.

The long-bearded god was the first to bear the brunt, and his handsome face was burned red by the fire.

"Little tricks!"

He moved his spear up and down, as if the tip of the spear was alive, following the trembling of his wrist, he exploded a series of forty or fifty head-sized fireballs.

The blast of fire scattered even thinner, and a few sparks caught his long beard. With a crack, the carefully groomed long beard was burned to ashes.

The long-bearded god became even more angry, his eyes red. He squinted his eyes and rushed forward against the wind, and the clouds he stepped on were almost blown away by the wind.

"What a flying zombie, he actually has this magical power"

Legend has it that the Drought Demon can fly thousands of miles across the ground, and the Flying Zombie in front of us can be swept by the wind for more than ten miles, which is already considered an outlier.

The long-bearded god general let go, and the spear turned into a golden dragon, smashing through the wind, knife, and fire rain, and led him towards Fei Zheng.

The sword was unsheathed, the sound was bright, and the sword's edge reflected the bright moon, emitting a burst of life-threatening light.

The god put his thumb on the hilt of the sword, spread out his four fingers, and the sword was coiled around his elbow like a snake.

The snake sword rushed forward, he pinched the "snake tail", and turned into a sword again.

In an instant, Fei Zhan appeared in front of him.

"Wang Lingguan's divine general Zhao..." The long-bearded divine general paused, as if he had thought of something, and shut his mouth abruptly, "If you dare to do evil in the next term, I will kill you now!"

The flying zombie has a ferocious face, apparently transformed into its original shape, with its corpse hair fluttering like a strange ape in the mountains.

"I'll kill you!"



The golden dragon rushed in front of He Cheng in an instant. The two-foot-long golden dragon swung its tail and hit He Cheng's chest.


The silver armor on his chest looked like porcelain, with a gap and a spider web of cracks.

He Cheng was too lazy to hide, the silver armor shattered, but the golden dragon was blocked by corpse hair.

He raised his hand and pinched it, flicking his wrist up and down three times. The golden dragon turned into a spear. Before the spear stayed in his hand for long, he grabbed it and threw it in a circle like a stick to the long-bearded god general.

His back shrank and opened, and the strong wind pushed He Cheng's back, followed by the spear.

Ding dong!

The long-bearded god blocked the flying spear with the sword in his hand. The sword whined and his hands shook.

"This zombie is so powerful!"

The zombie almost knocked him off his head with a spear that he casually swung at him! If you receive a solid punch or claw, you will definitely be injured.

However, He Cheng had already followed the spear and reached the long-bearded god general.

His shoulders shrunk, and the golden sword in his arms burned his chest to black. The silver armor was destroyed in the blink of an eye, and the brilliance of the golden sword burned all his body hair.

Hidden blade in the arms, the sword comes out to kill the god!

He gritted his teeth and used his own body as a scabbard. He hid the knife in his arms and heard the back of the knife rubbing against his chest.


When he arrived in front of the long-bearded god general, the golden sword suddenly slashed out from his arms!

The long-bearded god general had just stood firm on the head of the cloud. Before he put down the sword in his hand, he saw a dazzling golden light coming towards his face. Knowing that something was wrong, he quickly took out his sword to block it.

The golden light shattered the divine light on his sword and knocked his sword away with a bang.

The knife passed through his neck, leaving a line of blood.

The beautiful long beard has been cut in half, and the head is tilted down.

He Cheng raised his hand to fish it out, grabbed the god general's body, lowered his head and gnawed on it, causing golden blood to splash.

"God damn Fei Zhan!"

The remaining five divine generals have already rushed forward.

Feizheng raised his head when he heard the scolding, his corpse hair was wet with golden blood, and he seemed to have turned into a golden-haired Feizheng.

"Come to die again?"

He let go of his hand, opened his mouth and sucked in, and the headless corpse turned into blood mist and was swallowed by him.

The handsome general with tears in his eyes raised his left hand and put the sword in his right hand, aiming at He Cheng as if he were shooting.

"Huh!" He let out a long breath: "We have left the fairy world surveillance here. Here I can kill you with all my strength. Today, watch me slay demons and avenge the two brothers!"

Thump thump thump! ! !

A starlight suddenly shone around the God of Tears. The starlight became brighter and brighter, and turned out to be tens of thousands of swords.

The swords were like meteors, dense as rain, and instantly hit He Cheng.

The other four generals could only squint.

"The master of swordsmanship is worthy of being the younger brother of Wude Xingjun!"

Just heard a rumble.

"We certainly wouldn't be able to hold up the sky full of stars."

The praises of several god generals were rising. As soon as the starlight stopped, the expression of the tearful mole god general changed drastically.

There was a zombie in front of them, ten feet tall.

An iron tower stood in front of them, and the light from thousands of stars just pierced his calf.

The zombie bent down, raised his hand and gently grasped the tearful mole god general in his hand.

When he spoke, his voice was as dull as thunder.

"Have you left the surveillance range of the fairy world? Then there is no need for me to hide my clumsiness."

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