Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 103: Two sisters in a play

After three and a half hours by car, we arrived at the destination, drove a few cars, and headed directly to the headquarters of Tongzhou Club.

"Baron, my family, you take good care of them. You can arrange the rooms. Since we have many houses, I have to visit my master."



After hitting a car, Lu Qijun and I went to Baishi Street again. There is a Zhacai shop, where my master is.

"Lu Qijun, what you just said, are you sure?!"

"Absolutely, although I haven't seen it before, I have known for a long time that the captain of the Blue Spirit team under the five elders of Christopher Cultivation is called Taoist Feihuo, and he is indeed dressed like a knight."

"His strength is stronger than that of Meng Hong."

"Yes, because Meng Hong is only the captain of the blood puppet team. The blood puppet team is an organization of ghost-raising warlocks, and its own strength is not so strong, while the blue spirit team is a tiger wolf minion, and the attack power is naturally extraordinary. "

"So, among the five teams of the Five Elders, he is the best."

"No, if it's a single attack, he is indeed the strongest, but the level of threat is still the highest in Captain Qingfeng. He is known for his fast speed and sharp iron blade, and he calls himself a sharp blade. It is said that when many people are facing him, The fundamental reaction is not enough, it is already dead."

"If you kill people so quickly, you shouldn't feel pain, but I heard that evil cultivators wish to make the victims more painful."

"No, he was an accident, because what the Qingfeng team wanted was not the soul, nor the blood, but the bones. Only a fast and sharp knife can get a complete skeleton."

I nodded and groaned. Anyway, Gong Mojiao cooperated with the Seven Tigers. This is a certainty. The black fox and the Taoist Feihuo stand together. This shows what is too obvious.

Just thinking, looking up, he has reached the door, beside the bird cage, Jiu Jinwu is purring his hair. Seeing me here, and with a gloomy face, he slapped his lips and said, "Boy, what's the matter? , So worried, every day I know the trouble to the old man."

"Yeah, there's another big deal, so I have to come to Master as soon as possible." I reluctantly smiled and said, and walked in.

At this moment, a sudden gust of wind blew, and on both sides of the door, there were countless paper figures hanging on both sides of the door. When the wind was blown, there was a "sizzle", which made people feel cold behind the back.

I have been here many times before, and I have seen all these paper figures, but I don’t know why, but when I went again today, I suddenly felt cold behind my back, vaguely feeling strange.

But before I could think about it, I saw the face, my sister Mou Siyu, coming from the backyard to this front yard.


When I saw my sister, I immediately became happy and ran over.

My elder sister was cold before, but now, the revenge is avenged, and it may be nothing to others, but to me, she is full of enthusiasm.

"Little brother!"

When my sister saw that it was me, she immediately laughed. Seeing me rushing forward, she opened her arms, ran two steps forward, and hugged me directly.

As for the impact, hehe, my sister's body of a ghost and a demon can't be hit by a truck, let alone my small lattice.

"Brother, I remembered to see my sister today."

"Of course, I want to kill my sister."

"Brother is so good, come, sister will make you some food." My sister touched me with her hand and said with a smile.

My sister was already good at cooking, but now she will get revenge. She is afraid of the underworld and cannot go out. She can only stay in my master’s yard. After she has nothing to do, she starts to improve her cooking skills. It’s a great dish.

"Well, I can **** sister's craftsmanship again."

Our siblings were talking very warmly, and a discordant voice came in from the side: "Ahem, brother, I can cook for you too."

Listening to this female voice, I don't need to look back to know who it is. There are only two girls in Master's courtyard, either the sister or her.

"Senior Sister Yaqin, let me go, okay." I helplessly got out of my sister's arms and looked at the person in front of me.

Senior Sister Yaqin is the only female disciple of the master's apprentices I have ever met, and is also my senior sister. She specializes in pharmacy spells, which really helped me a lot, but...

He Laosan said that this senior sister has a hobby, that is, she likes fat people, rubs her face, and pokes her belly. When I didn’t come, He Laosan was tortured by her. After I came, because I was not as rough as He Laosan and felt more comfortable to the touch, I was the one who suffered...

Fortunately, fortunately, I rented a house outside and established the same boat club. I seldom live here, so I was saved from murder. However, sometimes, some things cannot be avoided, right?

At this time, due to the presence of her sister, Senior Sister Yaqin temporarily restrained the idea of ​​pinching me, and stood not far away, looking at me with her arms around her.

I am quite convinced that if the two of us were here, she would have rushed over by a hungry tiger and ravaged my face for a while.

"Huh, brother loves the food I cook, can't he?"

I don’t know why, since my sister and Yaqin met once, they started to work against each other. According to He Lao San and Yin Si, they would be better when I was away. If I come, the three of them will meet. , That is a war!

I was puzzled, aren't you all my sisters? How come it makes me look like three wives and four concubines? ! You fight for a ball!

"Senior Sister, today, I won't eat what you cooked, next time it's better not, not that. I'll talk about it next time, okay?"

I really don't have the courage to say this, even if I swear to go to the temple, I dare to promise to eat her cooking next time, I really dare not.

My two sisters, cooking is one above the other.

My sister's cooking skills are nothing to say. Although she can't be more delicious than that delicacy, she is still at the level of a restaurant, and eating is smooth. But I, Senior Sister Yaqin, don't know what's going on. Maybe it's because of the refining of medicines. Noisy dishes have a medicinal smell.

No, I can't say that, but the medicine she makes has a vegetable taste...

It smells better than medicine!

I have discussed with He Lao San in private. The question I discussed was, what kind of creatures can eat her food without dying, and finally agreed that, except for the ancient and wild monsters-gluttony, it is estimated that there are no more.

"No, why do you eat her but not mine? I will do it!" Senior Sister Yaqin didn't believe in evil, and regardless of whether I agreed or not, she went straight to the kitchen.

"Hmph, don't try to succeed!" My sister said, she also followed, leaving me alone in the wind.

what's the situation?

I sighed and planned to find Master to do business. At this moment, suddenly the door opened and Master came out smiling.


When I saw that the master was coming, I quickly stood up straight and cried respectfully.

The master waved his hand and said, "Hahahaha, Guo Rui, you have a lot of face. Even me, the little girl Yaqin can't eat the food, I didn't expect you to eat it so easily."

"No, I hope I can't eat it." I honestly said what I was saying.

"Hahahahaha, she only learned to cook for you, she never did it before."

"Well, I can see this." I nodded. If she loved to cook before, He Laosan would never be so relieved of her medicine, but...who taught her to cook, if I let me If you know it, you must catch it and beat it up!

When I entered the house, there was a housekeeper who watched tea. After taking a sip, I told everything about these days, especially the cooperation between Taoist Feihuo and the black fox. I explained my thoughts in detail.

"Yeah..." After hearing what I said, the master bowed his head silently, curled his beard with his hands, and shook his head slightly, as if thinking about something.

I watched the master think about it, and didn't dare to disturb me, so I just sat aside and waited for the master to speak.

After another half day, the master opened his mouth and said: "The demon of Christ is cooperating with the Seven Tigers. I want to get this, but I didn't expect...what are they going to do?"

"Master, what are you talking about?" I watched the master speak, but it seemed to be muttering to myself. The voice was not high, and it was a little fuzzy, so I asked.

The master waved his hand, shook his head again, still looked down at the floor, and said, "It's strange, this little world should be inferior to them. Why... Guo Rui, you must be careful when you act. , You did the right thing. The black fox and those flying fire Taoists should all be focused on the people in Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion, and you should not care at all."


"Well, let's go first." The master said, looking at the expression, still thinking about something, but those things are obviously not something I can intervene. Let's go first.

But I didn't expect that I had just walked to the door of the house, and suddenly, a ghost "puff puff--" came across and ran over quickly and ran into my face.

"Mao Shan's head handwritten letter!"

The ghost almost ran into me and hurried around, holding an envelope in his hand, and ran into the back room.

Because the master was imprisoned here, no matter what the demon or ghost, he couldn't protect himself from the air or hide his body when he entered, so this ghost envoy ran in and almost ran into me. And like the Nine Golden Crows, they are all privileged by the master, and they can still be free in the confinement of the courtyard.

I turned my head and saw that the ghost agent ran to my master and knelt down, and delivered the letter with both hands. The master took the letter and opened it.

"I haven't heard that Master is also related to Maoshan. What's the matter with Maoshan, I actually want the head to write to Master himself."

I was wondering when I suddenly heard Senior Sister Yaqin's voice behind me: "Brother, come and eat."

I go!

This sound is not a big deal, but as soon as I heard it, I got goosebumps and couldn’t stop shaking. I turned my head mechanically. I saw Senior Sister Yaqin wearing an apron on her waist, holding a frying spoon in her hand, standing grey-headed. Look at me in the yard.

Just looking at her black body, I knew that the master’s kitchen was definitely suffering again, and I don’t know what happened to my sister.

As soon as this idea came out, I heard my sister’s voice behind her: "Brother, you should come to eat my meal. I am afraid of her cooking."

At this time, my sister also came out with an apron on her waist and a frying spoon in her hand, but unlike Sister Yaqin, she didn't have so much black on her body.

"Alright, brother, come and eat."

"No, eat mine!"

"Eat mine!"

After arguing for a few sentences, the two sisters suddenly seemed to have reached a consensus. They all turned to look at me and asked in unison: "Brother, who do you say to eat?!"

I go, you two are jealous, ask me what? !

"This... eat all, eat all."

What else can I do? If I don’t take Sister Sister’s medicine, what if there are problems with the medicine she will give me in the future?

Helpless, I could only sit at the table amidst the cold snorts of the two of them, watching the chess-like, half delicious and half nightmare dishes on the table in front of them, and their heads were buzzing. I can only eat vegetables with tears and try not to touch the dishes of Sister Yaqin. Fortunately, I can still use my sister’s dishes as toppings. It is like feeding a child with medicine. A mouthful of medicine and a mouthful of sugar are enough to pass this. Difficulty.

At this moment, He Laosan came suddenly outside the door, and he lay on the door and said to me: "Guo Rui, Master is looking for you."

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