Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 104: Letter from Maoshan

"Guo Rui, Master called you."

"Come here!"

I went, and finally was able to escape from the sea of ​​suffering. These two sisters are really overwhelmed by the drama.

He entered the master's room again, and the master was still sitting there. On the table, it was the letter from just now.

"Master!" I came in and bowed to Master first.

The master raised his head to look at me, waved his hand to the side, and said, "Guo Rui, sit down, I need to tell you something."

"Hey." I promised, and sat down aside, and asked: "Master, what do you want me to do?"

The master sighed and said: "Letter from the head of Maoshan, there has been a recent change in the lock demon tower. The seal set in that year is no longer strong. The demon inside is very likely to be released and cause great chaos in the world. The Tiger Gang has already cooperated, and evil repairs are everywhere. If the evil spirits who lock the demon tower come out again, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Didn't Maoshan always have a way to consolidate the seal? Since the seal is loose, isn't it okay to consolidate it?" I asked.

"The problem is here. The seal was given by the Three Qings. The heads of Maoshan in the past had no right to learn it by themselves, nor could they learn it by themselves. Therefore, they are generally in charge of all the elders. The presence of the five, plus the power of the head, can consolidate the seal, but I don’t know why. Since last year, two elders have died violently. Six months ago, another elder lost the news after leading his disciples out to practice. There are only four elders in Maoshan, so there is no way to strengthen the seal."

"Two elders died, and one elder disappeared. There is no way to reinforce the seal of the Demon Locking Tower. This is a coincidence, surely it is not man-made?!" I got excited, and stood up all of a sudden, and waited for it. After that, he sat back on the chair again.

The master nodded, picked up the tea cup, took a sip of tea, took the letter from the table, looked at the content on it, and said, "Your thoughts are the same as the master’s thoughts. He also suspects that someone wants to deliberately Release the evil spirits in the lock demon tower, and, because of the successive accidents of several elders, he has suspected that there seems to be an undercover in Maoshan."


"That's right, otherwise it would be impossible to kill the three elders so easily, so he is worried about the external and internal troubles."

As the master said, he put down the letter again and sighed.

I looked at Master’s actions, and then at the letter that couldn’t read the words clearly. I knew that Master asked me to come, so he wanted me to do something. Then the head of Maoshan wrote to Master, he probably wanted Get help from the master instead of simply stating the problem.

"Master, what do I need to do?" I asked quickly.

The master sighed again, and said, "Because it is impossible to reinforce the seal through the secret method, so he plans to use other methods to seal the demon lock tower and ask me to borrow something."


The master reached out and took a small box from behind, about the size of the ring box, handed it over and said, "This is it."

I took the small box and opened it. It contained a small bead the size of a golf ball, but it glowed golden. As soon as the small box was opened, I felt a wave of mana coming. For me, it didn’t hurt, on the contrary. I feel refreshed and uncomfortable.

Master looked at my expression and said with a smile: "You are not an evil cultivator, so you will naturally feel comfortable. If you are an evil cultivator, it will be extremely painful."

I nodded. Although comfortable, I knew that this thing must not be lost, so I reluctantly closed the small box and said, "Master, do you want me to send this thing?"

The master nodded and said, "Yes, it is not the time when I leave here. Therefore, you can only send this thing. Liu Tong and the others are demons. Although Luo Tian is a human, they have extraordinary physique. If they go there , It will cause discomfort to those in Maoshan. Yaqin is a woman. It is not appropriate to go to the Maoshan Taoist Temple. If you want to go, it is best for you."

"Yes, I will not disappoint Master."

"Go ahead."


After I got up and paid respect to Master, I turned around and left. Before I took a few steps, the Master spoke again behind me: "Wait."

I quickly looked back and asked, "Master, is there anything else?"

The master twirled his beard, thought for a while and said: "I said just now that Liu Tong and the others are demons. It is not convenient to go. I just thought of something. That's it, Guo Rui, have you always wanted a corpse with wisdom? ?"


I became excited when I heard that there is a corpse hall in the Tongzhou Club, but it is still empty, and there are no half of the members.

"You know that a corpse is extremely difficult to cultivate, birds and beasts, any kind of thing is much easier to cultivate than him, so there are many corpses that can be cultivated to be strong, but they can be wise. There is no one."

"I know, but as long as there is a little hope, I don't want to give up. A corpse with wisdom is what I always wanted."

The master smiled and said, "I have been here for a long time, so I don't know much about the outside world, but if you talk about a wise corpse, don't say it, I really know one."

"Oh, really?!"

"Of course, moreover, it has something to do with Maoshan."

"Oh? What does it matter?"

"Speaking of this corpse, it's still a few years, let alone, and I have been practicing for seven or eight hundred years. How lucky was it to be discovered by the head of Maoshan at the time, because he thought she had a lot of spiritual roots, so he brought it back to Maoshan. She taught Taoism and became an elder. But later, because a person’s lifespan is very short, no matter how good she is in her practice, she will be no more than two hundred years old at most. When everyone who knows her as a human is dead, she will hate all demons and demons. The people in Maoshan drove her out."

"Then... Then does she harm people?"

"Of course not. Because I have received the Taoist law, I have no intention of killing in my heart. I just let the children around me go to nearby villages and towns to find places where pigs and cattle are killed to ask for pig blood and cattle blood as food."

"So she can't be regarded as a demon, and the people on Maoshan are too much, so they will be driven away?!" I was suddenly upset, because she is not a human, so she should be so hostile?

"Hey, the human monster has a different way. If it weren't for the fact that the corpse had been taught by Taoism, they were not afraid of those Maoshan spells, and because they had practiced for longer than them, they had no choice. It is estimated that she would have been killed by them."

"Then, where does this corpse live now?"

"She built a Taoist temple on a mountain not far from Maoshan, the famous Tsing Yi Temple."

When I heard that I had the address, I was overjoyed and bowed to Master: "Thank you, Master for telling me."

"Don't be happy too early. She is a person who has nothing to do with the world. If you want to invite her, it is impossible."

"Master, I said, I'm willing to give it a try, and, Master, don't worry about this matter..." Then, I shook the small box in my hand.

The master smiled and said, "I know what you want to do. It's human nature. Go. It's impossible for Maoshan to find me alone. They must go to others for help. Don't let them just wait."


I was overjoyed and said goodbye to Master, and then I left the house, but when I came out, I saw Brother Liu Tong standing outside, leaning on a big tree, looking like a dangling look. Seeing me coming out, my body shook and stood straight. .

"Little Junior Brother, just come back and go out again." Liu Tong smiled and walked in front of me, looking unkind.

"Yes, the Tongzhou Club was established. There are a lot of things. I need to run around. I just came back and I'm going out again."

To be honest, I'm quite afraid of this stuff. After all, he filled me with a bottle of wine when I met him, psychological shadow! Even if his teaching did make me take a lot of detours on the road of cultivation, but the hurdle in my heart was really hard to get through.

Liu Tong may also have seen my thoughts, and immediately put on a sad gesture that is too exaggerated. He wiped a face with no nose or tears with his hands, and said in a sobbing voice: "Oh, oh. My fate is hard! I didn’t expect that Junior Brother would actually look at me like this. I am obviously treated like this for such an honest and reliable young man, oh, oh!"

I watched him perform quietly, such a person, don't pay attention to him, he just feels boring.

Sure enough, after acting for a while, Senior Brother Liu Tong saw that I didn't respond, so he withdrew from his pretentious appearance, and said, "Well, I know you don't eat this set. How do you plan to leave this time?"

"How do I go? I'm going to other cities instead of going to the street, so I can still walk on my legs? Of course I'm in a train."

"Don't you want a car?" Liu Tong said, leaning over and pushing me with his shoulder.


"Of course, you are not free to do anything in that crowd of people's trains, and you are always worried that someone will see what you are doing. Don't you feel comfortable?"


He said this to my heart. The train is convenient and fast, but it’s not good. There are too many people and there is no privacy. How can I have my own car and where I want to go? What a pity, I don't even have a car, I don't even have a driver's license!

Liu Tong knew that I was thinking the same as soon as I looked at my expression. He took my arm and directly dragged me out and said, "Come on, little brother, let you see what Brother Brother buys you. Good stuff."

How could I be able to withstand his strength, and he was taken to the gate of the courtyard, without stopping, he kept taking me to the parking lot.

Because there are still many people who come here to burn paper to pay homage to Qingming, and the width of Funeral Street is not enough, it is not easy to park outside, so here is a parking lot for those who come.

Liu Tong took me all the way to the front of a luxury car, then stopped, patted the front of the car with his other hand, and said, "Look!"

When I saw this car, I was dumbfounded. The shiny black body of the car, from the outside, knew that it was extraordinary, not to mention that the front of the car showed its identity.

"Cadillac?! I go, this is a luxury car!"

Liu Tong said disdainfully: "Cut, if you know something, this is Escalade, which costs more than one million."

"More than one million?!"

I swallowed my saliva immediately, my god, what concept is this? Although I have money because of Lin Qiang’s relationship, I actually don’t care about it. Therefore, although the money is compared to the funds I actually control Not much, but I was shocked when I heard it.

Sure enough, there is a fundamental difference between people who suddenly become rich and people who have always been rich.

"How rich are you?!" I looked at Liu Tong and asked.

"Cut, money, not much, just eight figures."

"Cough cough cough cough..." I coughed suddenly, eight figures, tens of millions.

"Come on, Junior Brother." Liu Tong said, reached out his hand and took out the car key from his pocket, took my hand again, patted the key in my hand, and said, "This car is yours."


what can I say? What can i say? Can i still talk? ! More than one million cars, just give it away? !

"This this……"

"Cut, it's only one million, you can keep it."

I looked at the car, then at the key, and said almost instinctively: "But I can't drive it."

Liu Tong curled his mouth in disdain, suddenly raised his hand a little, and hit it directly on my head. All of a sudden, I only felt that something had entered my mind and gradually became integrated in my mind.

Liu Tong put down his hand and breathed into the palm of his palm, and a driver's license was in his hand.

"I can teach you spells, can't I teach you to drive?" Liu Tong finished speaking, put his driver's license on the front of the car, turned and walked towards Zhacaipu.

I stood on the spot and reacted for a long time. I looked at the car, the keys in my hand, and the driver's license on the front of the car. I was convinced that this car already belongs to me.

Picking up the driver's license, resisting the excitement in his heart, and pressing the button, Escalade let out a clear beep.

I was suddenly awakened by the sound, got into the car hurriedly, touched the steering wheel, was agitated again, and almost shouted.

But I know that I can't call it yet. I have to go to a place where no one is in order to vent the excitement in my heart, and then I will do that important event.

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